That empty feeling...



  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    an apple usually helps!

    for some odd reason, an apple makes me hungrier. If I eat it with peanutbutter, it is better.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Some days are harder than others. (like today, right now in fact. :ohwell: ) I drink water or chew gum first to see if I am truly hungry. And if that doesn't work, I may have a small snack. I used to feel ravenous and almost panicy if I didn't have a lot of calories left for the day, but it has gotten better.

    I think thats what it is for me now.

    Hang in there, it does get better. Hot tea helps too!
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    yes, some days are harder than others and unfortunately it doesn't get any easier! Do the best you can to stay on track but some your body might be needing a few extra calories, truly listen to your body. I vary my calories day to day and it seems to work because on some days I feel like i am just staving which ,y mother believes is a sign that you are losing weight, must be true because i have been losing 2lbs every week and I'm always! hang in there and try to spread out your calories the best you can and don't fret about it if you need a few extra on some days it shouldn't hurt your progress, just make sure to exercise everyday if possible!
  • wifeandmotherof2
    wifeandmotherof2 Posts: 15 Member
    an apple usually helps!

    for some odd reason, an apple makes me hungrier. If I eat it with peanutbutter, it is better.

    I love apples with peanut butter.:love:
  • helenr32
    helenr32 Posts: 15
    A warm cup of redbush tea or a decaf black coffee always seems to temporarily sort me out. I've been on this site for 2 weeks now and today is the first day I haven't felt absolutely starving when I came home from work!!
  • TessaL221
    TessaL221 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm pretty sure my stomach shrank when I first started as I find I can't eat a really big meal anymore.

    Yes, it happens. The first day or 2 was VERY hard because of that. Once you shrink your stomach though you don't need to eat as much to feel full. Think of it as gastric bypass or the lap band without surgery!
  • Drink water and milk. Milk has just over 100 calories which you can burn most of it off through excersize and it fills your belly.
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