MFP Dating Thread



  • Stacey765
    Stacey765 Posts: 86 Member
    Legally I am still married, but that's paperwork. Paperwork or not, when emotionally I am ready to date (will be awhile!!) this is what my list will be.

    1. Must not only have the same faith, must be ACTIVE in our faith
    2. Must love kids, I have a son
    3. Must be spontaneous, I like to just get out and explore!!
    4. Must be honest & faithful, he needs to be trustworthy!
    5. Has to be a country boy at heart - - really enjoy the outdoors
    6. Has to have a silly side, someone who can make me laugh,
    7. Must be able to hold a real conversation, I like someone who brings their own opinion to the table, not just always agreeing with me
    8. Must respect and understand that the kids always come first, may that means only mine, or his.
    9. Must understand that we will not be having sex until we are in a very serious, committed relationship
  • Stacey765
    Stacey765 Posts: 86 Member
    Must be a woman. Other than that, I'm flexible.

    I love that you set the bar so high! Good luck finding someone to fit all your requirements:wink: !
  • AllyV0621
    AllyV0621 Posts: 81
    Eh, why not. I'll jump on the bandwagon.

    Must be a Jesus Freak, just like me. I will ALWAYS love my Lord more than any man and he has to not only accept that, but love me for it, and be the same.
    I am not having sex until my wedding night. No exceptions.
    Want 3-5 kids.
    Love dogs. Cats are okay, but dogs are a must.
    Be open about his past. My relationship with my ex fell apart partially due to what I found out from other sources. I don't know the what-ifs, but we would have had a better shot if he had sucked it up and told me.
    Not be freaked out by my (borderline unhealthy) obsessions with weddings and babies. I want to be a NICU nurse. And the wedding thing, yeah, no idea why that happened. I had WAY too much fun planning my cousins' weddings.
    I belch. Loudly. Better than many men. Please be amused and not disgusted by this extremely unladylike habit.
    Be sweet and funny and caring, the usual stuff. I'm too pessimistic and need to be given a reality check sometimes.
    Gotta love hiking. If he likes hiking, backpacking is just a small step up.
    Job. Or school. Just as long as he's not a lazy *kitten*.
    No smoking. Anything. Makes your breath stink. Can't kiss a smoker without feeling sick.
    Be financially intelligent. And have the same spending rules as me. I don't want to get in fights over the bills.

    I think that's the major ones.
  • DCskat3r4lfe
    DCskat3r4lfe Posts: 152 Member
    singleee. :) message me ;)
  • zippy483
    zippy483 Posts: 16 Member
    Pulse Check
    Female Check

    Nope thats it I'm done :)
  • -Must be taller than me (5 ft 9)
    -Have a job
    -Be able to cook and appreciate good food.
    -Love my kids, dog and horse
    -Not mind tattoo's
    -Like to dance
    -Non smoker
    -Make me laugh
    -Not spend longer in the bathroom than me!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    1. Have a CAREER (not just a job, and this is not about about money; I'm a successful woman, and I don't need or want a man for his paycheck; I just want to know that if we get married and have kids, you'll be able to do your part in providing for us)

    2. Have your own place to live (at my age, 28, I'm not really looking for men who are still living with their college buddies or, worse, their parents)

    3. Non-smoker

    4. Christian

    5. Wants children (I don't have any, but I want them someday)

    6. Polite (I'm a southern girl, and my daddy would disown me if I brought home a man who didn't think it was his job to open the door for me)

    7. Wants to wear the pants in the relationship (I want a man who values and respects my opinions but who can be trusted with the power to make the important decisions ... and is strong enough to say no when he fundamentally disagrees with me)

    8. Makes an effort to get along with my family (you don't have to become BFFs with anyone; just be nice to them, and they will like you)

    9. Can use a power tool (my mom told me to never marry a man who can't use a power tool)

    10. Only has to be told no once with regard to being intimate before I'm ready

    1. Puts some effort into being physically fit

    2. Romantic (not necessarily flowers-and-candles-and-chocolate romantic but "tonight, I just want to hold you and kiss you and stare at you" romantic)

    3. Cooks well or is willing to try

    4. Is into sports (I love football and pretty much all college sports; this is almost a non-negotiable for me because I watch a LOT of sports)

    5. Likes dogs

    6. Is willing to dance with me

    7. Is a bit of a homebody (I like to go out and do fun things, but I also enjoy a relaxing night at home)

    8. Enjoys turning off the TV and having a real conversation from time to time

    9. Enjoys flirting with me and making out in the back seat like horny teenagers, even after we've been together for a long time

    10. Is willing to drive because I am not a great driver (I'm a chick) and I just think the man should drive

    I guess that's about it.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    9. Can use a power tool (my mom told me to never marry a man who can't use a power tool)

    That's a euphemism. Big ups to your Dad.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Probably not as much fun to read what a married woman thinks but here you go:

    I like confidence that is nowhere remotely close to narcissism
    I like compassionate people and deep thinkers
    I desire in a man:
    Strength of character
    A personal code of honor
    A bit of a contrarian
    Able to handle that I'm capable of making as much or more money than him
    Able to handle that I'm outgoing, have seven brothers, and befriend men easily without it leading to romance
    Able to handle my appetite for intimacy and have an interest in mutual pleasure
    A joy of adventure, so camping canoeing hiking, road trips, bbq's with friends, experimenting with cooking, etc.
    Able to handle the quiet moments like independently reading books or quietly enjoying the sky together
    I like a man who enjoys hearing what I think of him but doesn't require it for his sense of well being
    I like a man who knows when he needs his own space and is respectful about how he gets it and uses it
    I like a man who realizes women definitely are different than men, respects that and enjoys the role he gets to play in my life as the stronger of the two sexes
    I like a man who takes care to be healthy both physically and mentally (but isn't over the top about every inch of his body because if it borders on insecurity or defining himself by his appearance then it's a turnoff)
    I like a man who takes his responsibility as a citizen seriously and votes and keeps up with what is going on in the world as it affects himself, his family, his career, and his pursuit of happiness
    I like a man who can accept that my interests are varied
    I like a man willing to expose himself to my world even though our worlds may be very different, and then get out of mine again when I want it for myself
    Above all I want someone who doesn't think he has to lead me through life, who doesn't plan to follow my lead, and who when the moments are ripe for it, is at my side enjoying and dealing with the various experiences life presents and who is capable of the introspection and awareness required to know when you are truly loved by another person.

    Okay I'm all serious and boring....

    Very specific. Awesome to see someone that has thought it out.
  • Are ya'll here to get a date or lose weight? or both:flowerforyou:
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    - Lack of religiosity
    - Has goals or at least sorting them out
    - Some college education
    - Non-smoker/drug-user
    - Isn't looking to have kids any time soon
    - I'd actually like someone who gets weight loss since it's become a big part of my life, but at the very least someone who works out a bit would be nice
    - The usual caring, good sense of humor, etc.

    Oh yeah, and not one of the women who would break a guy's console/computer that I've seen on Youtube. I'd **** a brick.....
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