Do you think about food 24/7/365?



  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Wolfena, I'm the exact same way! I could easily eat 3,500 a day if I didn't restrain myself :(
    I've never lost weight in my life so I'm trying to start out by losing 10 pounds, but the food thoughts never end!

    Really? I think I could eat more like 10,000 a day if I allowed myself!
    I used to think about food all the time. At work, during class, while taking a test, while eating food, etc. However, I have some friends who really like working out. Now, all I ever think about is working out.

    I'm the same. I used to think about none of it, now I think about the gym all the time! For me it's good, keeps the goals in mind.

    As far as the food thing goes, while eating breakfast I plan my meals out on my phone. After that, it's all done and there's nothing left to think about. I've already told myself what I can eat today.

    I have slacked off somewhat in the working out department, probably because working full time plus overtime and also going to school half time (and having kids at home still, and a new husband) - I seem to be very limited in time... but honestly, when I was putting full force effort into this and actively exercising 1-2 hours 5-7 days a week, I just thought about food while I was doing it. It meant I could eat more. Becoming thinner and healthier really just seems to be a side effect of exercise for me, the main purpose is for food!
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