Milk question



  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    I like the taste of 1% now but it took me a week or so to get use to it from 2%.
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    Sigh.....I miss milk. I am now lactose intorant and drinking milk makes me hurl.....Nothing like a tall cold glass of milk with fresh chocolte chip cookies.....(both of which would now make me deathly ill...) Oh well.....:grumble:
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Whole milk. Contrary to popular belief eating fat doesn’t make you fat. The protein, fat and carb ratios in whole milk are a very balanced combination that is very hard to find in other foods. If you are strength training, those extra fats are essential in helping you grow new muscle. As stated, lower fat milks will be higher in sugar and in some people this will have worse effects for fat loss than a higher fat intake. The higher fat content of whole milk will also slow digestion which will keep you full longer.

    My general rule of thumb is to identify what the majority of people do or are told and then do the opposite; and in this case, most people that try to lose fat drink skim or low fat milk. While many have had success with this approach, many also have not, I recognize that there are other factors but I find it amusing when the only people in the super market buying the low “_______________” products are the fat ones. While I eat only full fat dairy products, real butter and real sugar, and I am losing fat while gaining muscle. It seems to work for me, but you are best to experiment for yourself.
  • EmilyQC
    EmilyQC Posts: 69 Member
    By elminating any dairy products you'll have an easier time losing weight.
    Says who? Many people eat plenty of dairy and lose weight just as easily and healthily.

    To the OP, I buy either 1% or 2% milk. :) HATE skim milk because it's too watery, and whole milk has too many calories for me (something like 150 cals per cup I think), so 1% and 2% are happy mediums.

    I think 2% has something like 120 cals per cup and 1% is 100 cals per cup. Personally, I can tell NO difference in taste between 1% and 2%. :)
    I have actually read that getting dairy- milk especially- contributes to weight LOSS!

    I have heard that from a few sources.

    Its just from personal experience and watching friends and family cut all dairy out of their diets, I've cut out dairy (butter, milk and yogurt) and have lost over 10 lbs (In 3 weeks) since doing so. Just an opinion, you don't have to be so rude about it, I was trying to help.

    Many people do still lose weight but some don't.... it was just a healthy suggestion.
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    I go for Fat Free Lactaid or Almond Milk (the unsweetened sort). Honestly, though, I basically use it to splash in a cuppa tea or coffee, but I rarely drink it otherwise. I think milk tastes nasty and smells worse.
  • Zyriel
    Zyriel Posts: 2 Member
    Love skim! Homogenized milk is like cream to me - yuck!

    Skim milk is homogenized. Most milk purchased at a store is both pasteurized and homogenized.

    Skim milk, additionally, has powdered milk added to it to help turn it white and add mouth-feel. Powdered Milk has oxidized cholesterol in it, which contributes to the damaging (aging and cancer) of cells.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    almond milk is the way to go....simply delicious and no chemicals....

    How do you milk an almond?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    almond milk is the way to go....simply delicious and no chemicals....

    How do you milk an almond?


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