Second day and I'm not doing so well.... :(



  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    It's the numbers and the reality of things in front of my face that helps keep me on the right path. Like others's too late to fix the past but a great time to fix the future. Just keep up with things and as much as you hate the reality checks they are what's going to help give you the extra kick in the right direction. You can do it!!
  • ldezara
    ldezara Posts: 4
    It's my second day too! I know it's so hard at first but I'm sure we'll both get the hang of it real quick. I keep telling myself that if I cheat I'm only cheating myself. I've already realized one of the reasons I have trouble losing weight isn't the amount I eat, but when I eat. Just keep at it and don't give up, after all it is only your second day. It will get easier, don't worry.
  • oracle4one
    oracle4one Posts: 3
    WOW! I had no idea that there was so much support out there! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You're comments and encouragement have really helped!!
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    This is only your second day and the fact that you can write about what is bothering you is a huge step.. Congrats on holding yourself accountable for everything after all this is all about you in the end.

    MFP does hold you accountable for everything but it's funny because the more you use it the easier it gets and you can look back and see the progress =)

    I found with MFP that I started to actually see and realize what my patterns were and are, sometimes I cave into the cravings but I know tomorrow is another day, if I have something that's loaded with sodium and I feel bloated the next day I can go back and see what i've eaten and say OH RIGHT!!! and drink more water.

    I commend you for being honest and letting everyone on here know. Taking one day at a time is sometimes the only way to do it at the beging, the only difference between now with MFP and before is that we are here to support and help you. If you have to vent we are hear to listen and give you insight if needed.

    Welcome and enjoy!!
  • lecia125
    lecia125 Posts: 126 Member
    I have been on here for 30 days and I am loving it! I love the accountability and I can NOT stand to see my food diary in the red! I have made a "game" of it of sorts. If I get into the red it is time to work it out! There is a lot of great people on this site and if you have any problems or questions just put them out there, someone will have an answer for you. Best of Luck and add me if you like!
  • Hey C. It is hard when you see reality in black and white. I started out because I also wanted to be, not only physically healthy, but emotionally healthy as well. I have struggled with this aspect of my emotional health for a long time. You are off to a great start. Honesty is key to the process and coming out of denial is a good thing, albeit painfull. So happy your here and can't wait to see how God uses this to bring change and healing for you. It's nice that we don't have to be on this journey alone.
    Hugs, L.
  • oracle4one
    oracle4one Posts: 3
    Thanks Lisa! I hadn't done it in a couple days because I was afraid to see what I HADN'T done :( but today I'm starting again and I even went running this, here we go! :) Thanks again for everything yesterday and these last few months. The impact its had on my life is UNBELIEVABLE!!! :)
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