Has anyone given up chips for good?



  • suniskys
    suniskys Posts: 23
    I have. I was really into chips, but once I started eating healthier I stopped craving them. I haven't had any in ages. It's not something I set off to do, but I'm glad I don't eat chips anymore.
  • BarnDogBob
    BarnDogBob Posts: 104 Member
    This is a tough one for me. I love chips and when I think of meals it is often, "so what am I going to have with that".

    I switched to baked chips and like them a lot but when I looked at the calories from lunch, the chips made up almost 2/3 of the total calories from the meal. I really like to have some kind of crunchy food or compliment to foods like a sandwich.
  • KaylaKilgore
    KaylaKilgore Posts: 160 Member
    I haven't. I will only eat a handful IF that with a sandwhich or whatever it is that I wanted it with but normally a sandwich.
    I don't grab a whole bag, take them to my room and watch TV with my hand in the bag anymore. I pretty much have control over them. But I gave up everything except the handful of chips from time to time.
  • I don't keep them in the house. If I do I will sit down and consume the bag.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Not exactly for good, but I don't really eat them. I am an everything in moderation person, to me that means maybe once every 2 or 3 months.
  • nate1198
    nate1198 Posts: 14
    no way! I love chips I just measure them out and put them in baggies...and I don't even start eating out of the bag girlfriend BIG mistake lol!!!
  • AlexandraR2011
    AlexandraR2011 Posts: 114 Member
    I gave those up for Chip'ins. Theyre by indiana popcorn from sams. I prefer them more than chips. It's like a popcorn version of a chip. Super good that I can eat 18 for only 130 cals.
  • regions02
    regions02 Posts: 154 Member
    I only buy them if we're having company. Then I measure 1 oz out if I have to have them. Sun Chips - Harvest Cheddar is about 170 cal/oz.
  • I used to be the same way, couldn't stop was I started, but I hated the way I felt later, all the salt made me retain water...I haven't eaten them in years...really don't miss them much, occasionally my kids will have a bag open, and I will have one or two, but that's it. I wish I could control my sugar craving. I've gone off of sugar several times, for a few months, and feel amazing! I lose weight, I sleep well, and have way more energy...but, I love sweets, and always go back to them. I'm a baker, and get asked to make treats a lot for events...so it makes it hard!
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