Pin-up Girls! - Week 1



  • rachelc96
    rachelc96 Posts: 34
    Aw, is it too late to join? If not, my current weight is 112...lost 1 pound last week!
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    152.2 lbs. I'm considering this my starting point because I feel my motivation coming back. :-)
  • pinup_mama
    pinup_mama Posts: 33 Member
    174.5 today! That's 2.5 lbs down from last week. :drinker:
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    I am so close to being in the hundreds!

    I weighed in this morning at 200.4

    So close. I want to jump into the hundreds next week.
  • Nemlein
    Nemlein Posts: 168 Member
    163.6.... Today was finally a good loss after fluctuating for a few weeks and even gaining a bit when I started P90X a few weeks ago. My measurements seem to be down though. I really look forward to getting into the 150s maybe in the next two weeks! Everyone looks like they are off to a real strong start! Hope you all have a lovely holiday! Xoxo!
  • trishah03
    trishah03 Posts: 4
    166 today!
  • krostron
    krostron Posts: 16 Member
    I would love to join if it is not to late! My SW is 170 and CW is 168.
  • trixie101
    trixie101 Posts: 3
    I'd love to join! SW: 190
  • mixmastermel_b
    mixmastermel_b Posts: 40 Member
    ack i'm up a bit... started 135, at 135.7

    damn holiday weekend!
  • Glow87
    Glow87 Posts: 52 Member
    Hey All,

    Mondays weigh in 174lbs, so down 1lb

    Today is a Bank Holiday in the UK and thus no-one has had to go to work, so we had a Family BBQ yesterday!!!! I ate alot and I'm a little scared for what this week holds for me!!!

    See you all next week
  • Wahoo. 169. I am super excited I survived the long weekend without being too bad. Good luck this week!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    3 pounds lost this week! Yahoo! 170
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Weigh-in - 197.6 Not great but TOM came for a visit so I'm not expecting much over the next week...
  • hammie75
    hammie75 Posts: 5

    Today's weigh in is 237.0. Down .2. Not great but something. I didn't see my name on the chart. :( Do you have me? Thanks!
  • Weigh in---
    SW: 160.5
    CW: 160.5

    Guess it's better than gaining.
  • HungryTuna
    HungryTuna Posts: 141
    Hey girl! I'd love to join this round and actually follow through!
    My current weight is 176 as of this morning.

    Thanks love.

    Weighed in at 175.6 this morning. I was at 172 on Friday! I'm a bit disappointed in my choices on Sunday, however I'm glad I'm still down 1 pound from last Monday. :)

    Thank you for the reminder Rach. *big hugs*
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Hey girlies! I'm down to 189 this week. That's a 2.5 loss and I met my goal of getting out of the 190s! Yay! Good work this week, ladies!

    Sorry for the late posting, but I just got back from 2 days out in the suburbs.
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    I just noticed that I transposed some of my starting numbers... oops! My SW was 196.8 (NOT 198.6... that was the week before). I am down to 195.2 this week for a loss of 1.6 lbs. :bigsmile:

    I also didn't see my name on the chart even though Rach confirmed I was added.
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    184lbs, 1lb down :) Wonder when the weekends riding will show up!