21 CONSECUTIVE days of exercise Challenge



  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    I am out -- I missed Thursday :(

    All you rock! I will sign up for the next one!
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    congrats to everyone who is still going. i went out of town and got off track.
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    Guys I'm out...now I'm back. I had family in town. I'll see you next month! Hopefully, I'll get further than 14 days!
  • BeCali
    BeCali Posts: 69 Member
    Sorry. I was out of town so couldn't log in, but did keep the exercise up.

    Day 12 - Monday
    30 mins rowing (amazing) + 10 mins climbing on treadwall - 395 cal.

    Day 13 - Tuesday
    90 mins sailing (was relatively active on boat) - 283 cal

    Day 14 - Wednesday
    25 mins run - 236 cal

    Day 15 - Thursday
    35 mins running + 55 mins walk - 557 cal

    Day 16 - Friday
    35 mins running - 367 cal

    Day 17 - Saturday
    60 mins surfing - 189 cal

    Day 18 - Sunday
    120 min slow walking - 315 cal

    Can't believe I am still going considering I was out on a conference this week. I forced myself to get up and do a morning run. Felt great though. I really feel my body has changed slightly since I started this working out every day although the scales don't really show it.

    I do feel much healthier and more positive.
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    I missed Saturday :( total bummer man
  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    wow you are all doing brilliantly, I haven't posted for a while but I have been exercising so here goes. To make this a bit shorter, I always do a mixture of walking, wii fit exercises, free step and free run, I also do zumba and ride my bike when I can. I always feel really positive after I have exercised

    DAY 8 (01/06)

    2) Duration: 45mins
    3) Calories burned: 412

    DAY 9 (02/06)

    2) Duration: 59mins
    3) Calories burned: 655

    DAY 10 (03/06)

    2) Duration:505mins
    3) Calories burned: 442

    DAY 11 (04/06)

    2) Duration: 94mins
    3) Calories burned: 547

    DAY 12 (05/06)

    2) Duration: 110mins
    3) Calories burned: 721

    DAY 13 (06/06)

    2) Duration: 140mins
    3) Calories burned: 1153
    This was a really bad food day so I exercised loads to compensate

    DAY 14 (07/06)

    2) Duration: 75mins
    3) Calories burned: 478

    DAY 15 (08/06)

    2) Duration: 75mins
    3) Calories burned: 584

    DAY 16 (09/06)

    2) Duration: 15mins
    3) Calories burned: 91

    DAY 17 (10/06)

    2) Duration: 40mins
    3) Calories burned: 244

    DAY 18 (11/06)

    2) Duration: 80mins
    3) Calories burned: 488

    DAY 19 (12/06)

    2) Duration: 10mins
    3) Calories burned: 61

    DAY 20 (13/06)

    2) Duration: 30mins
    3) Calories burned: 230

    Wow didn't realise tomorrow is the last day
  • BeCali
    BeCali Posts: 69 Member
    Day 19 - Monday
    25 mins rowing + 10 mins climbing on treadwall + 23 min 10lb slimdown upper body workout- 527 cal.

    I did a great workout at lunchtime, but as my husband was out, I decided to do a workout video in the evening too. Love the 10lb slimdown workouts. My body feels great after them. I also wanted to push my body a bit after being away for a week even though I did exercise.

    It paid off. I saw 138 on the scales today. I did not log it as an official weigh in, but it is a step in the right direction. I'm loving this working out every day. My body shape has definitely changes in the past 3 weeks. I just wish I had taken good before pictures and measurements.
  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    Day 21 14/06 Tuesday

    1) Only managed a 15min walk during my lunchbreak
    2) 15 mins
    3) 91 calories burned
    4) glad I did it but annoyed I didn't do any exercise in the evening

    I have really enjoyed this challenge, thanks for inviting us and well done all :drinker:
  • BeCali
    BeCali Posts: 69 Member
    Day 20 - Tuesday
    35 mins rollerblading + 20 min 10lb slimdown upper body workout- 500 cal.

    Think I must have miscounted somewhere. Others seem to be on 21 already. I actually started on the saturday before, so am on 25 days. I am trying to keep this up as I am loving the exercise and the results.