Way over on sugar but under on calories?



  • ylenija
    ylenija Posts: 2 Member
    I think that if you are willing to lose body fat, you should definitely limit the amount of carbohydrate in general. The sugars (inside the carbs) increase your insulin production and makes the muscle burn them instead of burning the fat. Insulin also inhibits the activity of your HDL that breaks down the triglycerides into fatty acids that would go in your bloodstream to be burned. Furthermore the LDL activity of storing fat in the fat cells is increased when insulin is present.
    That said, I think that to burn your fat, you should definitely limit the amount of sugars...and that probably keeping it as low as suggested might not even be enough for some insulin resistant people...of course do not forget that fruit contains a lot of fiber that can be subtracted from the total amount of carbs and that the sugar contained in fruit is partially fructose whose release is slower and doesn't cause the insulin spike.

    This might sound kind of controversial, but I am personally trying this approach and a lot of people I know are as well, with very good results. I try to eat as low carbs as possible, eating everything else without limits (I get full very easily with this approach and never starve), I am losing fat, my blood is completely healthy, I exercise and I have a lot of energies and I sleep like I never did. Of course my suggestion is a lifetime change in the eating habit and it seems to work...

    I hope I did not bored you. Have a good day!
  • MayhemModels
    MayhemModels Posts: 367 Member
    high-fibrous fruit/ Apples, Berries, Pears, Any kind of fresh or frozen berries, Grapefruit, Strawberries, Kiwis, Oranges, Cherries, Apricots, papaya, prunes,
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    I think that if you are willing to lose body fat, you should definitely limit the amount of carbohydrate in general. The sugars (inside the carbs) increase your insulin production and makes the muscle burn them instead of burning the fat. Insulin also inhibits the activity of your HDL that breaks down the triglycerides into fatty acids that would go in your bloodstream to be burned. Furthermore the LDL activity of storing fat in the fat cells is increased when insulin is present.
    That said, I think that to burn your fat, you should definitely limit the amount of sugars...and that probably keeping it as low as suggested might not even be enough for some insulin resistant people...of course do not forget that fruit contains a lot of fiber that can be subtracted from the total amount of carbs and that the sugar contained in fruit is partially fructose whose release is slower and doesn't cause the insulin spike.

    This might sound kind of controversial, but I am personally trying this approach and a lot of people I know are as well, with very good results. I try to eat as low carbs as possible, eating everything else without limits (I get full very easily with this approach and never starve), I am losing fat, my blood is completely healthy, I exercise and I have a lot of energies and I sleep like I never did. Of course my suggestion is a lifetime change in the eating habit and it seems to work...

    I hope I did not bored you. Have a good day!

    I'm going to start this keeping my carbs to around 100g/day tomorrow. My hope is that I end up with better HDL numbers and better fasting glucose numbers. giving up my bread & fruit will be hard...*sigh*
  • ylenija
    ylenija Posts: 2 Member
    I know...it has been kind of hard for me at the beginning (consider that I am Italian and for us flour is everywhere!), but after a few days without carbs (and insulin), the cells in your body actually learn that they won't be able to be fed by sugars any more, so they will start burning fat instead and you won't have the usual cravings for sweets and breads. Furthermore by eating fibers, protein and fats mostly, you won't feel hungry that much...you can only get benefits by shifting to this eating approach.
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