what are YOU going to reward yourself with when you reach yo



  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    Being thin is its own reward. But a breast lift and a slutty dress would be kinda fun too.
  • Maya1979
    Maya1979 Posts: 37
    A new wardrobe... and maybe a much needed vacation.
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    A new tatt' & some new clothes....& the ultimate: a two piece suit
  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    Most likely new clothes or more toys.....:laugh:
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    this is kinda hard for me as my goal isnt a huge amount and if i lose it all my clothes i bought last year will fit again instead of just my tracksuit bottoms so clothes i wont need tattoos look fab but i bore easy so im scared to get one incase after 6mnths i hate it

    small things me and hubby are going away no kids in october for 3 nights so i want to have lost my weight by then and reward myself with a chinese meal something longer term no idea unless hubby rewards me with a case for my kindle lol
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I will celebrate by buying a bunch of clothes and being depressed the next few days over how much I spent.
  • Macy_R
    Macy_R Posts: 91
    Clothes clothes and more clothes! at stores like Forever 21 :) I'll finally get to wear things that stand out in the crowd because I won't want to blend in and not be noticed!
  • Cindib13
    Cindib13 Posts: 234 Member
    :smile: New wardrobe for sure!!!! (and not from Walmart)
  • Tjarvi
    Tjarvi Posts: 53
    Beautiful clothes and lots of great photos=)
  • Victoria's Secrect bikini, new clothes and a weekend away, ALONE, with the hubby. :blushing:
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    When my wife and I lost a combined 160 lbs between the 2 of us back in '09, we rewarded ourselves with this:


    But over the last year, we've slacked and gained back about 25lbs each. Which is why we're here on MFP. :laugh:
  • apeydawn
    apeydawn Posts: 52
    If i reach my goal Nothing will fit so clothes is a must. I'd love to take a nice long trip. Also once I get into shape one reward will be two brand new hips lol. I have to have them replaced!
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    When I hit my goal weight I will do something else for myself cosmetically...whichever is most needed:

    -- Have broken veins in my legs (from an old bruise) taken care of so I feel totally comfortable in shorts again.
    -- Take care of any saggy skin that might remain - backs of thighs, under chin.
    -- Have my teeth professionally whitened.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    A tattoo in 8 more lbs(halfway) and then another tattoo when I get to my final goal weight.
    First one will be LOVE on my wrist and final goal weight tattoo will be my daughters name down my left side/ribs
  • melinda6569
    melinda6569 Posts: 124
    I want a new tattoo and to add to an existing one..Also i would love to spend a whole summer in a brand new bikini without hiding uner a towel..
  • trishobr
    trishobr Posts: 120 Member
    New jeans from Buckle!