The teeth bashed in diet!



  • laurie49120
    laurie49120 Posts: 21 Member

    I don't want to drum up fear of these children. But it is reality that it is a physically dangerous job with some individuals on the autism spectrum.. I don't think people are making judgements about all autistic children based on my comments. Believe it or not, I do care and do know about life with an autistic child, both the joys and sorrows.

    Tired of being the "bad guy" in this conversation, so I am signing off too.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    ya know what I appreciate what you do and sorry that has happened to you.....

    Do you have a child w/ autism? Do you know what it is like to have people fear your you know what it is like to have everyone think that they are all alike and look at your child differently. Do you know what it feels like to be afraid to die or get sick or old so that you can't take care of your child that someone else may have to and think of him as a dangerous job.....

    that's all.....I know extremely well what it takes....I live it everyday....I work w/in the schools and volunteer and run support groups as well dealing w/ all ranges of the spectrum....and added disorders as well.

    I'm not trying to downplay what you said.....I just do not like hearing its a dangerous job....I know you are w/in the field and yes things can happen......but when people make comments and others read them there are a lot of misconceptions that can be believed. I just don't think it should have been said like that or commented on like that and I know I must sound over the top.....but I know I'm not....

    I do know that I'm out of here though.....

    wish you all the best!
    Ali! Honey!! :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :cry: :cry:

    I'm sorry! I can't even imagine how difficult it is to deal with the misconceptions you do! And as a mother, you have every right to defend your son and what he has to deal with on a daily basis.

    Please don't go hun!!
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I just need a dose of sympathy:blushing: . On Sept. 2, the first day of school, I was working at a special education school. An autistic boy headbutted me in the mouth. After filling out a pile of paperwork, I was able to go to the dentist on workman's comp. I have 5 loose teeth, and the nerve root in two is lacerated and those might need root canals if they don't heal in the next month.

    I have been on a pureed diet since then, and only in the last two days can eat soft foods such as chicken salad sandwiches. I'll be on soft foods for another month. Pureed hamburger is gross! Anyway, I have lost 10 lbs. in the last 10 days on the "teeth bashed in diet". I would not recommend this diet though!

    Much Sympathy, My wife teaches in a Special Ed. class and there are frequently close calls. Fortunately she's only been scratched and kicked. No serious injuries. She's grateful that she doesn't have any chair throwers this year.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    A few weeks ago my son was sitting on my lap and flung a toy he was holding backwards into my mouth and busted my lip open! It STILL has a knot! LOL! I think kids in general can be hazardous! I work for an optometrist on Saturdays and he says there is many a mom that comes in with scratched corneas from their precious bundles! LOL And the broken noses in the ER!! WOW!

    My point is that there are hazards with ALL children. :wink: :wink: Just keep that in mind all. :happy:

    I am sorry you got hurt though! WOW!! Take care of yourself! And avoid the pureed beef! :sick: :sick: :laugh:

  • calatibo
    calatibo Posts: 289 Member

    i will admit that, between my brother and i my mum had a number of visits to the accident and emergency rooms, broken noses were a popular one, though trying to explain how she got a dart in her hand must have been particularly difficult.

    i have no where near the expereinces as others here, i only managed 3 summers and some uni projects working with kids. I did developmental psychology at uni as it was my profession of choice (but it turned out i'm too dumb). there were 2 kids on the autistic spectrum in the creche we used for a "subject pool" and they were the most excellent kids. But then the creche was very exclusive and all the kids were very well looked after and had plenty of opportunities to be entertained, nothing like the examples above (which i can imagine as used to work in our Government team that developed policy on class sizes in Scotland).
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