Over 200 New Year New Me Part 49



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies. Happy Tuesday!! Hope everyones Tuesday started off better then mine. I woke up with no electricity...went back to bed for 15 minutes, woke up and it was back on...got my shower and everything and then lost power again. No blowdryer nothing! I'm improvising today! I was craving some ramen noodles so I caved and had some, without the seasoning of course. Gotta cave everyone once n awhile right?
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Jess, it is just one meal.... You will be fine.

    Check in for yesterday

    Calories: Honestly did not track yesterday

    Water Good

    Exercise: No

    Proud: This one is hard to do everyday. I am proud that I am going to lose 8 pounds by July 22nd:wink:

    Julie, you could say that you are going to lose 8 pounds by July 22nd and it would be guaranteed.... Ha the baby the blood placenta and water would weight at least 8 pounds. I lost 13 pounds in one day when I gave birth to my son. He was over 9 then all the other junk....:flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: We lost power sometime over night/early morning, too, but it was back on by the time I had to get up. We've had crazy amounts of rain the past few days. Ick!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over...I need to learn to stay away from all of the sides (fries, cheese curds) and stop with a sandwich. Darn you, delicious BBQ restaurant and your temptations!
    Water: 6 glasses
    Exercise: None
    Proud: I had a small sundae at McDonald's instead of the McFlurry. Why, oh why, can't I stay away from ice cream? I think I might start having that for dinner rather than having dinner AND the ice cream!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I was thinking that I was being aggressive by saying I was going to lose 2 pounds a week over the next 4 weeks. Then I read this girls post and realized in order to get where she has gone she needed to lose at minimum 4 pounds per week. How oh how did she do that? Any how here is a link I found her very inspirational

  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I am going outside to mow lawns before we hit the century mark here in CA. Besides my 17 yo child is sitting here verbally abusing me while I am trying to make my mfp rounds. She got on Google translate and is having it say..."My mom is crazy", "My mom lives in a fantasy world" and such comments in Spanish.. What a brat she is:tongue::tongue: I will probably be crying in August when she moves away so remind me of today so that I can feel better:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Heather - try fat free or low-fat froyo instead! Ben and Jerry's makes a bunch of flavors in froyo that taste exactly like to originals with a lot less of the fat, calories, etc. There's a new yogurt place in town with a toppings bar and I've been going to that when the ice cream mood hits instead of ice cream - it's a fairly good substitute.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    You guys are making me laugh today with your 'DANG YOU COOKIE CAKE' and 'DARN YOU DELICIOUS BBQ RESTAURANT'.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good - but over on carbs
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    water: under ... need to work harder on that goal of 90oz!
    proud: I am working on eating more veggies today

    confession: I went back to the casino last Friday night by myself and I'm not ready to do that yet ... still felt out of control and spent more money than I had planned to. I told myself I deserved it ... but I didn't deserve to spend more than I had set aside, and I felt bad all weekend and probably a bit more out of control with food too - it just isn't good for my soul.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    lstpaul, I am sorry that you felt bad all weekend. The fact that you realize that it wasn't the right thing to do means that you can fix it. Just keep up the good work and keep us posted because we are here for you.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I had an OB appointment this afternoon. I'm going every week now. :noway:
    I'm 75% effaced & 1cm dilated already. :drinker: Now, I know that doesn't really mean anything since I could sit there for weeks but whatever, I like progress!
    My OB said we're golden at this point -- baby can come out whenever she's good and ready! :happy:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hey girls.

    Momma i am in for it to, i havfe to think about it for a minute. I am going on vacation over the 4th so may be alittle tough.

    Julie - Wtg on progress...i never had any, after 10 hrs of labor i only go to 3 cm dialited

    This work is freaking stressful, if it could all calm down soon i would be very happy.

    This weekend didn't do too hot, but trying again to get it all done.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Despite my best efforts, I caved and had some lemon cream cookies today... I'll still be under on calories, which is great, but definitely not on the paleo diet list of approved foods haha.

    We're getting ready to train our new location at work, so I've been crazy busy! I'm looking forward to starting the week-to-week goals this Friday!

    Happy Tuesday :)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I had an OB appointment this afternoon. I'm going every week now. :noway:
    I'm 75% effaced & 1cm dilated already. :drinker: Now, I know that doesn't really mean anything since I could sit there for weeks but whatever, I like progress!
    My OB said we're golden at this point -- baby can come out whenever she's good and ready! :happy:

    YAY!!! Can't wait to meet her...or I mean see pictures of her!! Meet her via internet! :flowerforyou: Glad everything is going smoothly for you Julie!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Yay for progress Julie.. I too am looking forward to seeing her. I was dilated to 1 for a couple of weeks on 1 or 2 of my babes. Ryan who came early he was due July 16th and I was dilated to 2 Friday which was July 8th and I had him July 11th. It was funny because I realized that I had him on a Monday and his 6th bday is going to be on a Monday this year. I guess that makes sense.
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Yay Julie!!! Can't wait to meet the little one! :heart:

    I just got back from my first yoga class in ages and feel really awesome, despite being really sore from last night's personal training. I also managed to pass up the froyo on the way home (I really really wanted some), so that's a nice little victory.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    okay ladies I am on the west coast I know I have made this comment before but honestly if I am the first person posting somethings wrong... Where are the girls????????????????? I have to take one of my kids to th dr for a physical in a couple of hours and when I check back in someone better have posted after me
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    lstpaul - Glad we could make you laugh and good for you for being honest with yourself!
    purple - Yeah for yoga! I went for the first time in at least a month (maybe 2??) last night and it felt awesome - HARD, but awesome. There's a new froyo place about 4 blocks away from me. A round trip walk is 1/2 mile...I'll have to try it out soon.
    Julie - WOW! Such exciting progress!!
    Teresa - How are you liking the Paleo thing? My sister has celiacs (can't eat gluten) and has found that going Paleo has really helped. Last night I called and she was making Paleo cookies! Let me know if you want the recipe! Good luck with the training this week.
    Momma - Thanks as always for sparking us!


    Tuesday check-in:
    Cals - Under w/exercise. 1750
    Water - 102 oz
    Exercise - 1 hour of hot yoga (felt so good!) and 25 min walking
    Proud - Went back to hot yoga!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    We had a department field trip this morning, so am just getting back to my desk now.

    Here's yesterday's check-in -

    Calories: 85 under
    Water: 72 ounces
    Sodium: 80 under
    Exercise: 1 hour of yoga
    Proud: I passed up the froyo. Not so much that I indulged in more of Trader Joe's corn puffs than I had intended (but I logged all the darn stuff anyway).
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I will check in for yesterday while I have a minute

    Calories: On Target
    Water: Yes
    Exercise: I counted mowing the lawn and I also did some squats and some other strength exercises

    Proud: That I remembered to check in for yesterday

    Thanks for popping in ladies now if we can rally some more of the troops. We really need to push each other to meet the goals we are setting on Friday.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I'm here, I'm here! Sometimes it's hard to get on first thing in the morning here at work, so my check in time varies, but know that I'll never be gone for too long!

    Allison: Thanks for the tip on Ben & Jerry's fro-yo. I've always known they've had it, but was worried it would be nasty tasting and disappointing. Now that you've said it tastes the same, I'll give it a whirl. There aren't many fro-yo bars around Minnesota with the exception of malls. We're a bit behind the times, I'm thinking.

    lstpaul: It takes courage to admit your weaknesses but I'm so glad that you recognize the problem and talk about it here. We're here for you!

    Julie: I'm so excited that baby can come when she's ready now. I was so happy reading that, I got a little teary-eyed. Can't wait to see pics when she arrives!

    Teresa: How's the Paleo thing going, other than the cookies?

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under!
    Water: 9 glasses
    Exercise: 30 minutes of catching my horse in the pasture (slow walk) and 90 minutes trailer training. I was wet from it and it wasn't from rain! I thought my arms would be sore today from trying to muscle a 1200 lb. horse for that long, but surprisingly they're not. She got in the trailer twice (tiny two-horse trailer. She's used to bigger, more open trailers!) but didn't stay in long enough to shut the door. We need her to get in and stay in Saturday for a trail ride fundraiser!
    Proud: That my horse got into the tiny, dark box at all AND took less than an hour to catch in the pasture. Gotta celebrate the small steps.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I had an OB appointment this afternoon. I'm going every week now. :noway:
    I'm 75% effaced & 1cm dilated already. :drinker: Now, I know that doesn't really mean anything since I could sit there for weeks but whatever, I like progress!
    My OB said we're golden at this point -- baby can come out whenever she's good and ready! :happy:

    EXCITING! Keep us posted!