Has anyone else fell off the wagon recently too?



  • emmacummin
    emmacummin Posts: 23
    I almost fall off the wagon fairly frequently, but my secret is having fairly close goals to aim for so there's still a "point" to your weight loss :-) Just things like birthdays, weddings, etc. Usually things with cameras!! You want photos to reflect your hard work :-) best of luck!xx
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Some of this is me .... I gained about 8 pounds and decided this is it. I don't like what I see in the mirror however I HATE dieting especially when its so much easier to grab a burger and fries instead of this tuna salad I'm currently eating. However I digress. I know without me changing then the pounds will continue to add up. I get bored easily with food, exercise, men ..haha ... you name it. So what is helping to motivate me at the moment is a challange. Some family and I have started a biggest loser challenge and recording what each person eats and exercise. The challenge will last for 3 months because lets face it, someone will fall off and get back on the wagon but we are there to encourage each other. We also plan on working out together 3x a week aside from woeking out on our own. So maybe you want to find a challenge, make your weight loss rewardable and not boring. Good luck hun, you can do it ... TRUST ME!
    ME! I fell off the wagon about a month ago. Have gained 8 pounds. Started back on plan yesterday and am HATING EVERY MINUTE OF IT! :explode: I wish I was motivated, but I am not. I am just so sick of having to watch every single bite! :sad: