Dont tell me your dieting while eating a snickers.....



  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I can't think of any good reason to eat one snickers bar, let alone 3. Or coke, for that matter. They aren't food. That's just mindless, tasteless junk.

    I think they're tastey :) Or maybe that's just me being a fat chick?
    I have been having so much extra calories lately that i have been thinking of eating a peanuty chocolate bar once in a while. I am not on a diet just living healthier. Making better food choices.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    id probably feel as irritated in the same way that if i was sitting outside of a rehab clinic and a guy started chopping up a line for himself after telling me how well his detox was going. Sure, itd be none of my business and it might be a lot less than he was doing before, but id still be thinking "well youre not really helping yourself very much are you"

    seriously, I really couldnt care less if someone is not interested in their health. Thats their prerogative, but its just the saying one thing and doing the other. I find that irritating. One snickers bar and id probably think "not the best way to lose weight". 3 snickers bars and a coke. Absolute gluttony.

    I do have a friend who would hink nothing of doing that either. I dont say anything, but hes so big, hes a heart attack waiting to happen. At least he doesnt sit there and whinge about his weight whilst doing it though
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    I can't think of any good reason to eat one snickers bar, let alone 3. Or coke, for that matter. They aren't food. That's just mindless, tasteless junk.

    lol so if you are what you eat, i'm mindless and tasteless at the end of every other day?

    i get your point, i really do. i just happen to disagree. i think cokes are delicious. and snickers aren't tasteless, either - they taste gross. and ALL food is mindless. otherwise, eating it would be creepy

    here's a good reason to drink a Coke: caffeine addiction. have you ever seen the mother of a toddler go into caffeine withdrawal? NOT pretty.

    i'm not trying to bash you specifically. i'm just responding to your particular post because it struck me funny, where most of the others are just kind of annoying and judgmental, in one direction or another. i really wish the original poster had elaborated a bit on the subject or had at least tried to help the poor snickers lady or find out what was what. cuz without that, this whole thread is kind of pointless.

    <sigh> i'm responding to another pointless thread. . .maybe I'M the mindless one here. . . .
  • I can't think of any good reason to eat one snickers bar, let alone 3. Or coke, for that matter. They aren't food. That's just mindless, tasteless junk.

    lol so if you are what you eat, i'm mindless and tasteless at the end of every other day?

    i get your point, i really do. i just happen to disagree. i think cokes are delicious. and snickers aren't tasteless, either - they taste gross. and ALL food is mindless. otherwise, eating it would be creepy

    here's a good reason to drink a Coke: caffeine addiction. have you ever seen the mother of a toddler go into caffeine withdrawal? NOT pretty.

    i'm not trying to bash you specifically. i'm just responding to your particular post because it struck me funny, where most of the others are just kind of annoying and judgmental, in one direction or another. i really wish the original poster had elaborated a bit on the subject or had at least tried to help the poor snickers lady or find out what was what. cuz without that, this whole thread is kind of pointless.

    <sigh> i'm responding to another pointless thread. . .maybe I'M the mindless one here. . . .

    I agree which means that I used to be mindless and tasteless 5 times a day at least and now I am only mindless and tasteless occasionally lol

    If the woman wanted a million snickers then nobody here has the right to judge cus its her body and her choice!!!
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member

    I agree which means that I used to be mindless and tasteless 5 times a day at least and now I am only mindless and tasteless occasionally lol

    If the woman wanted a million snickers then nobody here has the right to judge cus its her body and her choice!!!

    You look yummy not tasteless to me. :tongue:
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    wow 3?! geeeez... i woulda probably slapped her upside her head.. "What da hell is wrong with you?!"
  • witchyboots
    witchyboots Posts: 154 Member
    So what? I'm dieting yet I've had 2 packets of crisps with my dinner today. Not the healthiest choice ever but I've budgeted for them, exercised and I am still well under my calorie goal for the day. Not that I should have to explain myself to anyone and neither should she. Maybe that's what this lady did? Maybe she worked out all morning before you saw her?

    I don't mean to sound argumentative but this is not the type of post I like to see here on MFP. It basically read to me as "I saw this disgusting woman eating fatty foods. Eeeeeew. Lets all point and shake our heads at her" - I'm sure a LOT of us have been there at least once in our lives. I know I sure have. You could have extended some support to her and told her about the site :)

    Anyway, I took the long way in saying that it's really nobodys business but her own. At least she was doing SOME exercise! You say she was being helped to walk? You didn't say it was because she was old or extremely overweight or something?
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    So what? I'm dieting yet I've had 2 packets of crisps with my dinner today. Not the healthiest choice ever but I've budgeted for them, exercised and I am still well under my calorie goal for the day. Not that I should have to explain myself to anyone and neither should she. Maybe that's what this lady did? Maybe she worked out all morning before you saw her?

    I don't mean to sound argumentative but this is not the type of post I like to see here on MFP. It basically read to me as "I saw this disgusting woman eating fatty foods. Eeeeeew. Lets all point and shake our heads at her" - I'm sure a LOT of us have been there at least once in our lives. I know I sure have. You could have extended some support to her and told her about the site :)

    Anyway, I took the long way in saying that it's really nobodys business but her own. At least she was doing SOME exercise! You say she was being helped to walk? You didn't say it was because she was old or extremely overweight or something?
    I bust my butt 2x a day... I deserve to have a "treat" every now and again!! Maybe her treat for hitting her goal was snickers?? We shouldn't be judging people by what they are eating... we are supposed to support people! Yes I eat junk sometimes... but dang it I deserve to treat myself for working so hard!! If I didn't have a friend tell me about MFP I would still be drinking 64 ounces of dr.pepper a day and having fast food 3x a day!! Thank God for her!!
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    Could be worse... she could be sitting at home eating them. Lifestyle changes take time, she'll come to realize that she is only sabotaging her workouts. But try to be me supportive of others. As long as she isn't running to you crying that she isn't losing weight, I say just let her be, she isn't hurting your progress or waisting your time by doing those things to herself. I know when I first began my journey, exercise came first and eventually my diet followed. Now her trainer on the other hand could be upset, in his/her case she could be waisting his time or ruining his reputation as a trainer when she doesn't produce results and reflects on him.
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    My argument to all the people who say "oh, well posting a thread here about it is no big deal, at least she didn't say something nasty to the woman" is, what if the 'snickers lady' (for lack of a better title) is a member of MFP. What if she was feeling good about her progress for the day, came to log her stuff and noticed the topic on the side of her screen? What if she did read this?

    I'll admit that sometimes I see someone doing something 'unhealthy' or even sometimes when I see the really fit girls at the gym, I think something nasty (out of jealousy when it comes to the fit girls). Everyone does. The difference? I give myself a mental slap, remind myself to stay in my own backyard and keep my nose out of my neighbor's business. I know what my daily cal limit is, and I know how much I burn on a good walk that takes a moderate effort. If just a good hour walk is all I did (at least according to the cardio database), I'd burn enough calories to push my limit to over 2k. So, blowing 1k on junk, would still leave me 1k cals to work with for 'normal food'. Those of you who are at like a 1200 - 1300 cal limit would be in the same spot from having a small treat.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    ahh i completely agree. theres no point in doing a workout if your just going to wash it out by eating something bad. I feel horrible if i eat something naughty after doing a workout. best feeling comes after a day where you have done a hard workout and kept up the healthy eating. :)

    I would disagree. If you really can't stop with the bad food, then it's even more important to workout for both your weight and your health. I fully believe that exercise is the single best thing anyone can do for themselves. It's not a cure all, but it does more for weight loss and overall health than any other thing you can do. And perhaps it was a just a bad day or her TOM. Hopefully she doesn't eat like that everyday, but I applaud her for at least taking the step of working out.
  • RDH0513
    RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
    If she was eating the full sized ones, which you didn't specify, she is likely sabotaging her new way of life but we don't know. If they were bite sized, who cares.,..she worked out and we're not sure if she counted the calories or, it's not clean eating but she may be weaning herself off the sweets which may be like an addiction that many of us are working on. I burn about 600-1200 calories a day in exercise per day to allow myself 3-4 alcoholic drinks every few days which used to be DAILY, so in my opinion and the opinion of my FRIENDS here on MFP, I'm doing great...weaning myself...don't judge until you know this lady's story. My guess is she needs to loose a bunch and if 3 snickers & a coke is less than she's used too...she's making good progress & weaning don't know, so you have no authority to judge her. Shame on you. You don't know her story. What's yours? It's probably not hers.

    Lose not loose. Just saying.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Come on...tell me every one of us hasn't had a "cheat day" or three or more...goodness...give her a break. Even if they were full sized bars, maybe she could afford it calorie wise. I'm embarassed to say I'm associated with such critical people. This is why I choose only encouraging friends on here. I had a few days not long ago when we were in the process of moving where I was over calories by 1000 ore more calories...not much more but still VERY much over...but, I got back to it and since LATE February, I've managed to loose 15 lbs. Like I said earlier...shame on you. I would delete you as a friend in no time flat if I saw you talking about anyone in such a judgmental way.

    I bet the originator of this thread will abandon it and not ever reply. She should be ashamed. I'm sorry for being so pissy but this really rubs me wrong. It's NOT what this site is all about. I'm so used to encouragement and support here that this really strikes a chord with me.

    Its all good- I just came home from treating my son to dinner at Friendlys where I had an order of fries, a patty melt and a double scoop of vienna mocha chunk ice delicious. Nothing wrong with treating yourself occasionally

    And you are right, the OP should be ashamed to be bashing someone, especially someone who isn't here to defend herself.
  • texakin20
    texakin20 Posts: 98 Member
    I am on the fence with this one. I see eating sweets does not look good at all, especially if she is needing the help. Yes she could have made changes and use to eat 4 snickers a day, and making improvements in her life.

    However, my mom comes to mind whom is overweight and not getting better. She uses little excuses (her diabetes, she needs to eat, etc) and I honestly do not think she even realizes she eats as much as she does. She is constantly snacking. May not be snickers, but she does eat lots of calories. I was mentally there too, I have not been REALLY caring for 4 years and now. Since getting on MFP just under 20 days ago, I am obsessed with what I am doing. I may not be making the perfect choices, and still eat some not so good things, but I am getting there. My point is maybe she has not hit that wall like many of us on here have and are READY to commit. I personally wish my Mom would see what is happening and make a change. My dad and I cannot make her, she needs to do it. If this lady needs to cut back on her sweets, SHE needs to figure that out. I am glad personally I think I am on the right road. And I came to MFP for positive and good motivation. So, with that being said, I know negative words would hurt this lady deeply.

    Hope some of this makes sense. I wanted to respond but think I am rambling. lol
  • texakin20
    texakin20 Posts: 98 Member
    Oh and my guilty pleasure is my mixed drinks... I can have many of those and others are probably looking at my like.. oh my lord". LOL
  • Jenny56dreams
    Jenny56dreams Posts: 147 Member
    wow :sick:
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    Let's try not to judge others. We don't know her whole story. And I'm sure many of us were once right where she is.


    I don't even want to discuss the food I ate while I was on attempted diets before.

    this falls under the "mind my business" category. I try not to worry too much about what others are doing. I can only change myself. :)
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I am on the fence with this one. I see eating sweets does not look good at all, especially if she is needing the help. Yes she could have made changes and use to eat 4 snickers a day, and making improvements in her life.

    However, my mom comes to mind whom is overweight and not getting better. She uses little excuses (her diabetes, she needs to eat, etc) and I honestly do not think she even realizes she eats as much as she does. She is constantly snacking. May not be snickers, but she does eat lots of calories. I was mentally there too, I have not been REALLY caring for 4 years and now. Since getting on MFP just under 20 days ago, I am obsessed with what I am doing. I may not be making the perfect choices, and still eat some not so good things, but I am getting there. My point is maybe she has not hit that wall like many of us on here have and are READY to commit. I personally wish my Mom would see what is happening and make a change. My dad and I cannot make her, she needs to do it. If this lady needs to cut back on her sweets, SHE needs to figure that out. I am glad personally I think I am on the right road. And I came to MFP for positive and good motivation. So, with that being said, I know negative words would hurt this lady deeply.

    Hope some of this makes sense. I wanted to respond but think I am rambling. lol
    I just wanted to note that Diabetics have to actually have snacks between meals. We normally eat 5 times a day. Mind you NOT candy bars! But apples, or some crackers. If you have a tight control on your sugars like I do, I will become ill when I don't snack. And I have been known to shove a half can of coke down my throat in the panic of a low sugar episode..which is the CORRECT thing to consume, believe it or not. Candy works too slow!
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