weight loss and its effect on a relationship



  • My family and friends are my support (seeing as I'm single). My family eats pretty badly, but I have brought alternative foods into the house for me to eat and actually my family followed my lead. I lurk around the kitchen when my father cooks, and he uses a lot less oil and butter when I do and my mom and dad have both started working out as well as my sister has stopped brining junk into her room and eating only chips. I think for a long time they were mad at me though. They silently were worried I wasn't eating enough or I was working out to much, but I just ignored them and now that they see I'm happy they seem to want to make better descisions. I think they are proud of me and I'm proud of them. As for my friends for a while one of them seemed jealous and resentful, because she wanted to loose weight to, but wasn't getting results and now I weigh less than her and fit into her clothes (I used to be 10 sizes bigger than her) but I waited that out and she is my best friend again and she also seems to be trying harder to get in shape. So my advice is do your own thing and maybe others will follow your lead... That's what I did, but I also tend to shy away from confrontation so maybe if your good with confrontation you can have a heart to heart with her.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I guess there is a pattern here:
    1. If wife works out a lot (and husband does not), husbands are more or less supportive - obviously, they could be lured by increasing degree of "hotness" in their counterparts. :smile:
    2. If husband works out a lot (and wife does not), wifes do tend to have a negative approach towards it. I don't know whethere they see anything positive coming out of it or not, but surely see it as a waste of time or "attention to them" compromised.

    I pray and wish I am wrong here and that it is not a general trend. It's just a personal view and no offense meant to either gender...

    My hubby was super duper supportive in the beginning. I was like 70lbs heavier than him and so there was no threat in it. Now that he has "met me in the middle" at about 204 as a night time weight... he is getting a bit more weary. I'm spending too much time on the computer...I don't watch any tv with him... I won't binge on mcdonalds every weekend or more. I know that I spend about the same anyway but he is starting to feel me slip away I think. I love hime with my whole heart. I still think that he is a very sexy hunk of man meat, but as more men seem to notice me, he seems to think that I will take my pick or something and leave him in the dust. So it isn't just us women-folk who get this way, it's hard for men too.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    I'm really having a tough time just recently too....the insecurity is driving me INSANE, constant texting, wondering where I am, if I go shopping without my daughter with me it's a huge deal and why didn't i wait until he was off to go?? I literally can do nothing alone.

    Men can be insecure and unreasonable just like women, very true.

    We are, however, fairly simple minded and very easy to reassure....just, uh, well...more sex takes care of it.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I'm really having a tough time just recently too....the insecurity is driving me INSANE, constant texting, wondering where I am, if I go shopping without my daughter with me it's a huge deal and why didn't i wait until he was off to go?? I literally can do nothing alone.

    Men can be insecure and unreasonable just like women, very true.

    We are, however, fairly simple minded and very easy to reassure....just, uh, well...more sex takes care of it.

    LOL! Man, how I wish this worked with all men! My bf and I are kind of opposite. Sex doesn't mean much to him but for me, well, I'm like a typical guy - I get really really b!t(hy if I have to wait too long and then it turns into all kinds of crazy thoughts. Get laid and all better. Magic pill! heheheheheheh. He's the one that needs the other kinds of reassurances. I'm very driven in career/education goals, accomplishing the big projects and getting my name out there in a professional/community kind of capacity. It makes him feel very neglected if he's at home cleaning/cooking and I'm the one out at the gym or doing stuff with the kids or at meetings or doing whatever to better myself TOO much. But therein lies the key...defining that boundary of too much. He's very supportive until we hit that point and that line isn't really explicitely defined yet. It wouldnt' surprise me if this were the case for most people.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    LOL! Man, how I wish this worked with all men! My bf and I are kind of opposite. Sex doesn't mean much to him but for me, well, I'm like a typical guy - I get really really b!t(hy if I have to wait too long and then it turns into all kinds of crazy thoughts. Get laid and all better. Magic pill! heheheheheheh. He's the one that needs the other kinds of reassurances.

    He may have a lack of testosterone production or something, that's not right =/.

    OKAY so, it works for 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of us, anyway.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    She's afraid she's losing you and that you are not finding her attractive and might start looking elsewhere...she is blaming herself and taking it out on you as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    She needs some serious reassurance.....

  • swenard
    swenard Posts: 101
    For the males:

    Women are, for all kinds of reasons that I could list off from parental examples to media to social compartamentalizing, insecure and emotionally needy. Not all women but I'd say 95% of us. Including me. I just can step back and look at myself and other women and see what's common.

    Your wife is being completely irrational in her fears about where you are at night. But, like another poster, I too would wonder about what's going on. Which also tells me that communication and trust are faltering and if you're not careful, this little slippery slope of yours is going to turn into a landslide of resentment. She's scared. Very scared. I don't know what you're doing or not doing - but she's got something going on upstairs that's piling on and eventually, you're going to get blindsided with a massive melt-down... all because you're not talking about it.

    Or more likely, SHE's not talking about it and YOU aren't asking the right questions to pull it out of her. I know, that's alot of responsibility to put on another human being but I never said we were rational. We can be, but typically not when we're feeling so ... vulnerable. Think back to the last time you looked at her like THAT.. you know... the one that says that she's the only woman in the world? When was the last time you made love - passionately, with the lights on and told her how much you adore her? (okay, don't answer that... just reflect on it! LOL) Took a walk, holding hands and just ... talked? About your dreams, fears, hopes and desires? When was the last time you were an in-love couple? I'm not saying you haven't done these things.. I'm saying think about it and if you haven't done any of them or better yet, all of them, in teh last month - you're slipping. You're missing her cues and hints. And for god's sake, if you have any female friends, DO NOT MENTION THEM FOR A MONTH!!! LOL

    Now.. if only we really could regulate ourselves in such a way as to make you guys' jobs in dealing with us a bit more easy.... heh.

    lol at " And for god's sake, if you have any female friends, DO NOT MENTION THEM FOR A MONTH!!! LOL"

    because i do have two friends at work that I hang out with and both are ladies. I work closely with both and also socialize with at lunch, so their names come up often and when they do, my wife shuts right down; conversation is over. I tell my wife everything though, as I would never wish for her to think I am hiding something.

    I get along great with both girls(they're close friends), and would love to involve them in socializing with my wife but my wife wants no part of it.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I WAS that wife.

    And I feel horrible about it. When my husband started to lose weight, get healthy, and exercise nightly I started to feel incredibly insecure and alone. I no longer had a partner in crime. I was ashamed that I was eating cookies/chips/whatever when he was busting his *kitten* in our living room doing P90x. I was afraid I was losing him to exercise and fitness and that he's leave me for someone who was hot and not put up with his fat, whining wife.

    I wasn't ready to get on the fitness train so I did everything to sabotage his. I'd complain that he spent all his time exercising. I'd complain that we weren't eating at our favourite restaurants anymore. I would insist that he would share garbage food with me, in a distorted effort to get him away from the exercise regimen.

    I was jealous. Really jealous. Watching him exercise meant that I would have to face what I had done to MYSELF over the years. We both packed on a rediculous amount of weight. He was doing something about it. And I wasn't. And that was hard.

    Stick through it and be continue to be positive. Don't take it personally. She just feels left out as I did. Insist that she work out with you. She'll probably say no, she's too tired, doesn't feel like it, but ask her anyway. I know my husband did. He never uttered a negative comment back even when I was being a complete *****, and I love him for it.

    Just keep pressing on. She'll come around. I know I sure did. :D

    I think this totally explains where she is at. Not everyone jumps on the "I'm ready to lose weight and get healthy" train at the same time. You have to be mentally ready. Be patient with her and kind. Do not criticize her. Try to understand her seemingly rotten attitude. Eventually, she will get there mentally and then she will apologize :)
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    I have that very problem. It sucks and is/has ruined my marriage.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    For the males:

    Women are, for all kinds of reasons that I could list off from parental examples to media to social compartamentalizing, insecure and emotionally needy. Not all women but I'd say 95% of us. Including me. I just can step back and look at myself and other women and see what's common.

    Your wife is being completely irrational in her fears about where you are at night. But, like another poster, I too would wonder about what's going on. Which also tells me that communication and trust are faltering and if you're not careful, this little slippery slope of yours is going to turn into a landslide of resentment. She's scared. Very scared. I don't know what you're doing or not doing - but she's got something going on upstairs that's piling on and eventually, you're going to get blindsided with a massive melt-down... all because you're not talking about it.

    Or more likely, SHE's not talking about it and YOU aren't asking the right questions to pull it out of her. I know, that's alot of responsibility to put on another human being but I never said we were rational. We can be, but typically not when we're feeling so ... vulnerable. Think back to the last time you looked at her like THAT.. you know... the one that says that she's the only woman in the world? When was the last time you made love - passionately, with the lights on and told her how much you adore her? (okay, don't answer that... just reflect on it! LOL) Took a walk, holding hands and just ... talked? About your dreams, fears, hopes and desires? When was the last time you were an in-love couple? I'm not saying you haven't done these things.. I'm saying think about it and if you haven't done any of them or better yet, all of them, in teh last month - you're slipping. You're missing her cues and hints. And for god's sake, if you have any female friends, DO NOT MENTION THEM FOR A MONTH!!! LOL

    Now.. if only we really could regulate ourselves in such a way as to make you guys' jobs in dealing with us a bit more easy.... heh.

    lol at " And for god's sake, if you have any female friends, DO NOT MENTION THEM FOR A MONTH!!! LOL"

    because i do have two friends at work that I hang out with and both are ladies. I work closely with both and also socialize with at lunch, so their names come up often and when they do, my wife shuts right down; conversation is over. I tell my wife everything though, as I would never wish for her to think I am hiding something.

    I get along great with both girls(they're close friends), and would love to involve them in socializing with my wife but my wife wants no part of it.

    Oh my..
    it sounds like your wife has some very serious security/confidence issues and that her reaction to you getting healthy/in shape/fit is just another symptom of that. I've been that woman and IF (going on some self-reflective generalizations here that may not apply so BIG IF) she's anything like I was, there's not much you can do to help her. She's going to have to find that security within herself. Does she have anything she does to boost her own sense of confidence? School? Professional goals? Girls nights out? The only thing I can think of that you might be able to do is try couples counseling. More to get her to open up and talk than because there's anything truly wrong with your marriage... but there easily could be if she doesn't find herself and she's leaning too much on you for her identity.

    IF this is what's going on, you have a tough road ahead of you. Not impossible.. but definitely hard. Learning these things while ina relationship is difficult. We often get our greatest insights from hardship, unfortunately. But it sounds like she's got a great support system in you and that could be what makes all the difference.

    If you'd like to talk more in depth, feel free to PM me... that is, if I'm anywhere near the mark. I so get her, if I'm right.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    For the males:

    Women are, for all kinds of reasons that I could list off from parental examples to media to social compartamentalizing, insecure and emotionally needy. Not all women but I'd say 95% of us. Including me. I just can step back and look at myself and other women and see what's common.

    Your wife is being completely irrational in her fears about where you are at night. But, like another poster, I too would wonder about what's going on. Which also tells me that communication and trust are faltering and if you're not careful, this little slippery slope of yours is going to turn into a landslide of resentment. She's scared. Very scared. I don't know what you're doing or not doing - but she's got something going on upstairs that's piling on and eventually, you're going to get blindsided with a massive melt-down... all because you're not talking about it.

    Or more likely, SHE's not talking about it and YOU aren't asking the right questions to pull it out of her. I know, that's alot of responsibility to put on another human being but I never said we were rational. We can be, but typically not when we're feeling so ... vulnerable. Think back to the last time you looked at her like THAT.. you know... the one that says that she's the only woman in the world? When was the last time you made love - passionately, with the lights on and told her how much you adore her? (okay, don't answer that... just reflect on it! LOL) Took a walk, holding hands and just ... talked? About your dreams, fears, hopes and desires? When was the last time you were an in-love couple? I'm not saying you haven't done these things.. I'm saying think about it and if you haven't done any of them or better yet, all of them, in teh last month - you're slipping. You're missing her cues and hints. And for god's sake, if you have any female friends, DO NOT MENTION THEM FOR A MONTH!!! LOL

    Now.. if only we really could regulate ourselves in such a way as to make you guys' jobs in dealing with us a bit more easy.... heh.

    lol at " And for god's sake, if you have any female friends, DO NOT MENTION THEM FOR A MONTH!!! LOL"

    because i do have two friends at work that I hang out with and both are ladies. I work closely with both and also socialize with at lunch, so their names come up often and when they do, my wife shuts right down; conversation is over. I tell my wife everything though, as I would never wish for her to think I am hiding something.

    I get along great with both girls(they're close friends), and would love to involve them in socializing with my wife but my wife wants no part of it.

    So let me get this straight...

    you are going to work out for a couple hours a night, AFTER your wife goes to bed....and on top of that, you 'socialize' with women you work with? Dude...are you seriously this clueless? Really? Do you pay any attention at all?

    Yeah, call me when you get served, I can help you find a good divorce lawyer. No, I'm not kidding...this is the road you are heading down. And yes, I'm being completely serious here. I'm not offering a moral opinion this, it is just where you are headed. If that's what you want, awesome. If not, I'd encourage you to be more proactive about nurturing your relationship with your wife....because what you are doing now is going to **** your marriage up beyond recognition.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    oh my, swenard....

    I just looked at your profile pics... I can see why she's worried. Not to suggest you're engaging in any truly harmful behaviors, but I can completely see why she has the worst possible scenerios going through her head.

    I try to stay off the pessimistic road, but I gotta' say that I don't totally disagree with the person above that puts your marriage seriously on the rocks, just based on that third photo. Yeah, I'm sure it was done all in innocent fun - but to anyone else - it looks pretty condemning. You gotta' step back and see things through her eyes; not yours. And, BEFORE you do something, not after.
  • lilac01
    lilac01 Posts: 180 Member
    My bf really doesn't care because he's in great shape but he's told me not to lose anymore weight.
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