Twenty Pound Somethings Week 11



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay...I gave in and ate my darn granola bar!:grumble: Now I have to wait until I get home at 6:30 for dinner.:grumble: Wish I could dig that bad pear out of the garbage for a snack in a while...
  • Hey girls.

    I've been doing a lot of reading online about the bailout and trying to figure out what it all means...soooo...I have been quiet. I'm kinda stressing, but I'm proud of myself that I haven't eaten out of stress...yeah!

    Kristin, I feel your pain, I ate my granola bar early and now I have at least 4 hours before dinner...GRRRR
  • oh poop...I just remembered weigh hit me light a bolt of lightening...haha...I need to drink lots and lots of water....I want to be down to 188. That would be 1.9 pounds. Lets make this weigh in a GREAT ONE!!!

    I've only had 953 calories so far...dinner is chicken with brown rice and broccilli and then I'll do a raspberry banana protein shake for thats only another 600 1553....and I'm doing Shred lvl one at the very least...maybe I'll do turbo jam after baby girl goes to bed to get it in, but not take time away from her. :)

    this is just me talking out loud :)
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, I'm glad I'm not the only one who stays a mile away from salt the day before weigh-in!!

    Oh ladies, I'm sooooooo worried about tomorrow. The last couple of days I feel so HEAVY! You know the feeling? I can always tell when I'll weigh less. And if tomorrow feels anything like today I'll be weighing in at a higher number! I guess if that does happen I at least know this has NOT been a typical week. Poor eating and almost no working out. Not exactly our m.o.!

    Well, off the computer to read my little girl a book :heart:
  • Good evening ladies,

    My day didnt go as planned. I have felt like poop since about 12:00. Not sure why. It is in the 90's here today and I am not a heat person so I am blaming it on that for lack of another excuse. So I didnt eat lunch at all. I have a snack here and there. I know I didnt have enough water. Yikes. I dont think that I am going to weight watchers until Thursday. Some things came up. So I will weigh in tomorrow with all of you at home and then again Thursday for weight watchers. It wont be a no scale week for me, that is all.

    I am still going to fix the dinner I had planned. It is all being made out on the BBQ as it is HOT in the house and we do not have air conditioning! I am looking forward to things cooling down. I am a Fall and Winter lover! Once it is out of the 70's I am miserable!

    Oh and very little exercise today, I am afraid. Not feeling up to it at all!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Pedal- Ditto on the weigh in! It seems I can feel my weight loss as well. Last week I was feeling real good and like I had lost a decent amount and turned out to be down 5lbs! This week I feel awful and bloated and just yuck! I can say I wont be surprised if I have actually GAINED 1 or 2lbs!

    chipper- Im glad that someone else has their ups/downs as well but still keeps going! Im kinda on a down right now but I try to keep pushing bc I will just beat myself up even more if I quit!

    Deb- Im still here at the very least lol Just kinda layin low :wink:
    I havent even ate over 800 cals today (havent been hungry really..mostly just stressed!) but I FEEL like I have consumed 5,000 calories! Just that stuffed, nasty feeling! Im sure it is from the sodium - but I have been downing water today like CRAZY! Hopefully tomorrow morning the scale will not be so horrid to me! Didnt get any exercise in until just this past hour- 50 min of going up and down stairs (5 floors in my apt bldg) and walking in the parking lot- burned 468cals.

    Foodwise today:
    bfast- protein shake
    snack- baby carrots and fiber water mix
    lunch- cinnamon raisin cereal bar
    snack- 1c fresh grapefruit
    dinner- 1/2 sandwich 1c steamed broccoli
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey girlies! Home after a FABULOUS workout...burned 310 calories during my run and another 426 calories during BodyPump! Then I came home and made my black bean soup with some flour tortilla chips and a green salad...YUM! I feel great! I'm getting ready to cook an apple with some cinnamon as my dessert!:tongue: *drool*:tongue: So been craving that fruit since I didn't get any earlier!

    So...weigh in tomorrow...yes, I am scared...almost sounds like a lot of us are. But we will get through it tomorrow! And then I have more obstacles coming up. Tomorrow is my farewell lunch at work...I don't know where we are going, but they tend to take us somewhere nice. I will just try and make some good choices. Then tomorrow night is Step so I can try and burn it off!:laugh: THEN...Wednesday is my hubbys birthday, so may end up going out to dinner if he wants. AND next Sunday is Michael's birthday "feast" at his parents...all kinds of BAD food. But I'll make it through! Just thought I'd give you a heads up so when I'm venting later in the week, it's not too unexpected!:wink: But...Wednesday is day 1 in my new position, so like I've mentioned, I won't be on here as often...probably evenings. But I will make sure to check in Tuesday mornings! *Can't miss weigh-ins!*:laugh:

    Well...I'm gonna get going, but I will start a new post early tomorrow! So...keep your eyes peeled and have a WONDERFUL night! Hope to see "less" of you tomorrow!:wink::laugh:

    Nighty night!
  • Hello Ladies!! :flowerforyou:

    Amy and Katy, I'm sorry you guys aren't feeling all that well!! :frown: I hate feeling icky!! I hope you guys get a great night sleep and wake up feeling 10 times better!!

    Cathy and Rhiannon...I'm sooo there with the sodium thing!! Nothing makes me feel bloated like packaged, processed food.

    Sounds like everyone is a little nervous about weigh in. I don't even know if anyone will get this, but I want to remind everyone that this is a lifestyle change and we will have our ups and is not where you stand in times of triumph; but times of challenge that defines you. (yes I stole that, and I know it!! :laugh: )

    I did Shred tonight and burned 346 calories in 27 mins...kicked my booty again...

    Smootches ladies!
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