30 Day Shred - Starting Around June 13th



  • MegRuthie
    MegRuthie Posts: 139 Member
    Where has my motivation gone?? Oh my goodness I was not up for this today. I missed my workout on Sunday (I didn't even log calories). I did extra cardio on Monday to see if I could handle it. Nope.

    After walking for 25 minutes at about 3.5 mph, It took everything I had to do the 30DS. There was no way I was up for extra cardio today either. Maybe I need the switch to level 2 to keep my interest up. I can't tell if I am getting bored or what. The exercises are getting easier but still a good workout. Even though I missed a day, I think I will switch to Level 2 as originally planned. I need to never skip a day again! Its when I skip a day that it gets difficult to start again. I'm kind of nervous for Level 2. I feel like I've come a long way since the start and I don't want to get that feeling of "THERE'S NO WAY I CAN DO THIS" again. We'll see! One more day of Level 1 (guess I better enjoy it!)
  • MrsMills712
    MrsMills712 Posts: 350
    LEVEL ONE DONE!!! :) I think I probably had a smile on my face all the way through the cool down today. Time for new moves and new dialogue. Hooray!
  • Lynn1315
    Lynn1315 Posts: 26 Member
    Completed Level 1 day 1 today... I'm feeling pretty good. It was challenging, but the only part of me that felt like it was going to die was my arms (my biggest area of improvement). I'm curious if any of the runners out there are also runnning while doing 30DS?

    I completed a 1/2 marathon back on 5/1, have been continuing to run since then, but not as much, as I really want to focus on doing some toning and switching things up a bit.. but I don't want lose my base mileage I have set up (which has already gone down a little).

    I'm going out of town this weekend.. I wasn't thinking I would have access to a DVD player, but forgot, i can use the portable DVD player we have for my kids in the car... not sure about weights.. maybe I'll just go without for days 3, 4 and 5.. thoughts?

    Thanks! Sounds like everyone is doing really well! Keep up the great work!

  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    Finished day 9 this morning, along with C25K W2D3. The shred is definitely getting easier, but I'm mostly following Natalie instead of Anita, so now my quads are in flames (deep static lunges kill me). Like several others, I am also planning to do 10 days at each level, so looking forward to changing it up Thursday for level 2! I plan to take measurements and pics at each level...I'll probably post measurements (hopefully with some changes from day 1) right away, but I'll wait to post pics until later.
  • bergebl03
    bergebl03 Posts: 89 Member
    Finished day 8 today. Just 2 days left and then I'm done! It is definitely a lot easier then when I first started, hard to believe that was only 8 days ago. Seems like a long time doesn't it? Anyway, good luck to all you shredders!!!
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    So annoyed! Started 30 day shred on Saturday and also been running since last week too. Weighed myself this morning and put on over 2 lbs! Only had 3.5lbs to lose in less than 6 weeks and now have almost 6lbs to lose! Eating the same calories. What's the point. This was meant to help me get rid of the last few pounds and instead it's made me put on! :explode:
  • ShannonBas
    ShannonBas Posts: 101 Member

    I do like to shout back at Jillian, especially when she says "why do we exercise both arms and legs at the same time" I shout "cos you are an evil woman who wants to see us in pain"

    ROFLMBO!!! I would so think the same thing... couldn't yell at her though cause I don't want to wake my kiddo. But I sure THOUGHT it!! :devil:
  • kateminx
    kateminx Posts: 62 Member
    L1D5 completed. Really not in the mood to do this today - had a really bad eating day yesterday and have been feeling rotten this morning but powered through it and now just want to go back to bed. No chance with a three and 1 year old :ohwell:
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    So annoyed! Started 30 day shred on Saturday and also been running since last week too. Weighed myself this morning and put on over 2 lbs! Only had 3.5lbs to lose in less than 6 weeks and now have almost 6lbs to lose! Eating the same calories. What's the point. This was meant to help me get rid of the last few pounds and instead it's made me put on! :explode:

    Hang in there! This same exact thing happened to me. I was 2lbs heavier for over a week, but im pegging It as water retention in the muscles. Don't be discouraged because the pounds will drop soon as long as you're following your net calorie allowance! Give it time. A lot of shredders gain weight the first couple weeks and then lose it later, myself included. I lost the 2lbs I gained!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    My neighbor thinks of me as an inspiration. I have lost a total of 80 pounds over the last year and a half. I asked her last week if she wanted to join me in the mornings to do the shred. She wants to but has a hard time committing. I completed L1D6 yesterday morning and last night after work we were suppose to do a Zumba class together but that was cancelled. So we went back to my gym (hubby's garage that I have taken over) and she wanted to try shred. So, we did (counted it at L1D7 since I was behind anyways). Now she wants to go for it. She actually got up this morning and did it with him. So this morning I complete L1D8 (she would be D2). I technically move on the Level 2 in two days, but she would not be ready for that. I don't want to leave her hanging and I honestly think she would not do it without me. So, I figure I can follow her days and move with her in the morning but, move onto Level 2 as I should be doing and do that in the evening. What would you do?
  • Bee_B
    Bee_B Posts: 89 Member
    Hey everybody! I finished L1D8 yesterday and D9 today. Almost done!! I'm taking a rest day tomorrow so I will finish my last day of L1 on Friday and start L2 on Saturday. It's a tough level but I'm looking forward to the challenge.

    I have read posts from people wondering whether or not they should take rest days. I also have Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 DVD and at the beginning she says that she always recommends working out 5-6 days a week and taking at least one rest day. Your body needs that rest day to heal the muscles you have been working. Personally I always take one day a week off and workout for the other 6. Hope this helps!

    Have a great day everyone!! :smile:
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    Ok so I fell off the wagon and have not done my workout for like 5 days!! Ugh, Father's Day stuff through me off, maybe I will start over tonight... I don't know, I do go on vacation starting Friday so maybe start over then?? Not sure yet but level one was getting a lot easier for me, hope I havn't messed all that work up!
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    So annoyed! Started 30 day shred on Saturday and also been running since last week too. Weighed myself this morning and put on over 2 lbs! Only had 3.5lbs to lose in less than 6 weeks and now have almost 6lbs to lose! Eating the same calories. What's the point. This was meant to help me get rid of the last few pounds and instead it's made me put on! :explode:

    Hang in there! This same exact thing happened to me. I was 2lbs heavier for over a week, but im pegging It as water retention in the muscles. Don't be discouraged because the pounds will drop soon as long as you're following your net calorie allowance! Give it time. A lot of shredders gain weight the first couple weeks and then lose it later, myself included. I lost the 2lbs I gained!

    Thank you. That's really good to know.
  • MrsMills712
    MrsMills712 Posts: 350
    L2D1 complete. I don't remember the last time I sweat this much. Haha
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member

    I finished all 10 days of level 1! DONEZO! COMPLETE! EL FIN! Hahaha, Can you tell I'm happy about that? However, I'm even more happy about my results. I've lost 6.5 inches in 10 days! :0. I still haven't dropped any weight, but that's okay.. I can work on that later and I hear a lot of people start dropping weight in the later rounds. Proof of my miracle :

    Day 1: 6/13/11

    Weight: 152.3
    Natural Waist (above Belly Button) – 31
    Inch below Belly Button – 39
    Hips – 42
    R Thigh – 25
    L Thigh – 25
    Bust – 35.5
    L Arm – 12
    R Arm – 11
    Neck - 12.5

    Day 10: 6/22/11
    Weight: 152.3 [SAME]
    Natural Waist (above Belly Button) – 30 [-1 in. loss]
    Inch below Belly Button – 37.5 [-1.5 in. loss]
    Hips – 41 [-1 in. loss]
    R Thigh – 24 [-1 in. loss]
    L Thigh – 24 [-1 in. loss]
    Bust – 35 [-0.5 in loss]
    L Arm – 11.5 [-0.5 in loss]
    R Arm – 11 [SAME]
    Neck - 12.5 [SAME]

    Loss of 6.5 Inches!!!!

    Now, my mom helped me measure on day one and her measurements could have been a little off.. but I can really see a difference in my body... It's tighter and clothes are easier to fit into! Also, my hips, I have been measuring a little lower than like where the pelvic bone is.. too accommodate the butt area too... That's where I'd like to see the weight loss the most! Also, I think the reason my arms started at different inches might have something to do with the fact that one of them is my throwing arm for softball so its more muscle and less flab then the other..

    Moving on to level 2 tomorrow! Can't wait to see what more progress it will bring to me!
  • liza8888
    liza8888 Posts: 24 Member
    Finished Day 10 of Level 1 this morning!!! Looking forward to different moves and dialogue too!

    I didn't take measurements before I started (just weight) but may take them today before I start the next Level.

    Congrats BeautyFromWithin - awesome results so far! Thanks so much for starting this blog - definitely keeping me motivated.
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    Hooray, level one completed. Bring on level two.

    I took starting measurements also, but am not measuring again until day 30.

    I had to weigh in weekly for another challenge I'm completing, and between day 1 - 7 I lost 3lb. I have been doing some additional Cardio every day and burning roughly an additional 400 calaories ( I'm counting the 30ds as 200Kcal burnt a session)

    Keep up the good workeveryone
  • jdub2131
    jdub2131 Posts: 20
    Day 7 complete (day 6 L2 - decided to push myself to the max and L1 didn't seem to be doing it)! My goal is to progress to L3 by day 10.

    I will share my measurements at the end of 30 days since I don't want to be disappointed and lose motivation!

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • jdub2131
    jdub2131 Posts: 20
    Now that I'm reading multiple posts...Just out of curiosity - is the point to stick with each level for a certain amount of time, or is it alright to move onto next level whenever you feel ready as JM states in video? Which is best? Each level has different workouts that may target different muscles??? Any suggestions since I moved onto L2 on day 2??
  • d0ni
    d0ni Posts: 3 Member
    @BeautyFromWithin : Congrats! -- I just started the shred on Monday this week and it's inspirational to see someone with good results so far & a positive attitude :)