Poll: How many calories do you eat?



  • wlddove
    wlddove Posts: 85 Member
    Have you tried zig-zagging your calories yet? I ate 1200 calories for two weeks and lost 10 lbs, but then I started gaining again. I checked out this topic: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/253912-does-the-zig-zag-7-day-calorie-cycle-really-work and checked the link that they mention (http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm). This site told me that I should be eating way more calories than I have been. I checked some other sites, and while they all differed, basically they all said I should be eating more than I am. So, I've started zig-zagging. Some days I eat 1400, 1500, 1200, 1700... kind of whatever... but not the same calories for more than 2 days in a row. It seems to be working. My weight loss is still slower than it was the first two weeks, but it's still going down, and I'm still losing a couple pounds a week. I think these numbers would be higher if I'd stop eating some of the high calorie processed foods I sneak into my meals and just stick with fruits, veggies, and healthy proteins. :o)
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    I eat between 800 and 1200 calories a day. I get about 30-60 minutes of exercise most days.

    Thats way to low! 1200 is the minimum for a small sedentry woman..
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I am wondering if you are doing too much cardio exercise and not enough strength training or vice versa. If you are doing weight lifting, you may not see much decrease on the scale but you will have lost inches. Also, are you eating at least 6 times a day? That may also contribute to slower weight loss. I see that you wrote your future mother-in-law, so I am assuming that you are in the process of getting married. Are you planning a wedding? If so, that can cause stress, which stress may prevent you from losing weight as quickly if you weren't stressed out.

    Gender: Female
    Age: 34
    Activity Level: Moderate
    Calories eaten per day: 1200 - 1400
    What type of diet you follow: Low calorie
    Average weekly weight loss: 1-2 pounds
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    How slow? The reason I ask is because 'The Biggest Loser' had me fooled about what was a practical amount of Weightless.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    Hi there! What I've found really helps speed it up and keep it the weight loss more consistent is:

    1. Watching sodium intake paired with tons of water
    2. Some sort of exercise almost every day
    3. Watching packaged foods
    4. Plenty of fiber

    Gender: Female
    Age: 30
    Activity Level: Moderately Active, some sort of exercise 30-60 min 5-7 days a week.
    Calories eaten per Day: 1,200 - 1,500
    What type of diet you follow: High fiber, low packaged foods and sodium, balanced dinner, fiber cereal breakfast, a about 4-5 meals a day.
    Average weekly weight loss: .5-1 lb a week. I kinda fell off the horse so to speak, so I have some lost time to make up for. That's why I know the above comments work for me, because when I stopped doing these things, I maintained my weight and then after 2 months it crept back up and I gained a couple pounds. As soon as I went back to these guidelines (the last week and a half) for myself, I've noticed I feel much better and the pounds are slowly coming back off.

    Great thread to start! Thanks!
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Gender: female
    Age: 40
    Activity Level: sedentary except when I work out :)
    Calories eaten per Day: depends on workout 1200-1500
    What type of diet you follow: high protein; low carb; no added sugar
    Average weekly weight loss: 2 lbs a week
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I just recently changed up my macros and consumption because I plateaued...

    Gender: Female
    Age: 27, Height: 5'0"
    Activity Level: Light-moderate activity
    Calories eaten per Day: 1500 (now, will re-evaluate at next weigh-in June 27th)
    What type of diet you follow: Was low carb, now just trying to stay within moderate macronutrients and keeping in line with my caloric intake goals.
    Average weekly weight loss: Previous to the stall, about .5/week. My losses tend to come in weird bursts. I'll stall for a month then boom! 2 pound loss. I'm odd like that. I'm also within 10 pounds of goal. Losses are slow.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Gender: F
    Age: 34
    Activity Level: Moderately active / workout 5x a week
    Calories eaten per Day: 1600-1800
    What type of diet you follow: As healthy as possible, 90% unprocessed and home cooked meals
    Average weekly weight loss: Maintaining and recomping (losing body fat while gaining muscle simultaneously)
  • KimberSt
    KimberSt Posts: 62 Member
    Gender: F
    Age: 48
    Activity Level: Pretty sedentary. Desk job
    Calories eaten per Day: between 600 and 900
    What type of diet you follow: Cut out all processed foods. Only eat fruits, veggies and home-grown/ harvested meats.
    Average weekly weight loss: Now that I've broken through my plateau, about 1lb. per week.

    Before everybody shoots me for my calorie intake, I am eating perfectly healthy for me. I am NOT in starvation mode as some would like to believe.
  • Oh I'm intrigued! Maybe I'll try zig-zagging... do you work your exercise calories into that, or leave them out?!
    I love this idea!
  • I'm tall... 5'10" :)

    Thank you all for your comments! They helped! I'm feeling very motivated today!! My neighbor lady just told me she can't believe how much weight I've lost! YAY!

    Kelly ♥
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 306 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 44
    Activity Level: Low active at work (office job), work with a trainer 45-60 minutes 3x per week
    Calories eaten per Day: 1200 (started at 1480 but has decreased as I lose weight)
    What type of diet you follow: Not really any diet per se...little to no processed foods. Fruit, veggies, lean meats.
    Average weekly weight loss: about 3 lbs. per week...
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    Activity Level: Sedentary desk job, but I walk for 30 minutes each day on my lunch break.
    Calories eaten per Day: 2,030
    What type of diet you follow: No specific diet, but lower fat, higher fiber. I find that eating fiber rich foods fills me up with less calories, and staves off the cravings longer. Whole grains, fruit, veggies, a litte meat. I can't eat red meat, so chickens of the world, beware! That, and I drink lots of water between meals.
    Average weekly weight loss: About 2 pounds. Been tracking since May 1st, lost 10 pounds so far. 30 to go!

    Exercise: walking, and I've joined a fitness club, which opens across the street frommy office one month from today. Can't wait!
  • CherrySunday
    CherrySunday Posts: 301
    Gender: Female
    Age: 35
    Activity Level: Active
    Calories eaten per Day: 1400
    What type of diet you follow: Organic-Natural Foods, limited processed foods.
    Average weekly weight loss: depends, I'm about a 1lb a week, but I've lost as much as 3lbs a week too.
  • I'm 24, sedentary, eat 1200 calories, and I have lost 38 lbs in 66 days. Feel free to check my diary :)
  • AlexandraR2011
    AlexandraR2011 Posts: 114 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Activity Level: Moderately Active
    Calories eaten per Day: 1000-12000
    What type of diet you follow: I try not to eat anything like 100 calorie packs or protein shakes like special K- I watch my fat/carbs/sodium/calories/sugar. Check your sugar intake! I watched that my calories would be on target but my sugar intake would be over 100 grams.
    Average weekly weight loss: 1-2 pounds.. If I'm good all week :)
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    Gender: FEMALE
    Age: 23
    Activity Level: Moderately Active (4-5 Days working out) I do about 45 Mins of Cardio and then strength training
    Calories eaten per Day: 1100-1400
    What type of diet you follow: Lean Meat, Lots of Veggies, High Protein
    Average weekly weight loss:2-4pounds

    What types of food are you eating? Also, what kinds of exercise are you doing?
  • wlddove
    wlddove Posts: 85 Member
    Oh I'm intrigued! Maybe I'll try zig-zagging... do you work your exercise calories into that, or leave them out?!
    I love this idea!

    Ummm.... I need to start working out, so I haven't quite figured that out yet. But, on the site I mentioned, you enter your level of activity in the calculation, so I assume you eat the calories back if you work out. You could put your level of activity as sedentary, and then you would prob definitely eat them back.
  • miss_ally08
    miss_ally08 Posts: 167 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Activity Level: Active
    Calories eaten per Day: 1200-1400
    What type of diet you follow: I just try to watch what I eat and eat things in moderation, no real special diet. I try to drink at least 8 cups of water a day though =)
    Average weekly weight loss: Between 1-1.5 pounds a week
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