Been made to feel like pig twice in 2 days at work



  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    And if it was an office party, why in the hell didn't anyone else tell cake-boy to shove it?

    Yeah, you're right. I guess he thought he was being sooooo clever and witty but in reality he sounds about as funny as chlamydia.

    The second lady just sounds like you average, clueless person on the street with very little knowledge of biochemistry, nutrition or exercise. The flawed idea that you need to starve yourself to lose weight successfully is so common that it is now accepted as a fact sadly. In fact, to lose weight and more importantly KEEP it off you need to eat more than starvation levels. Crazy idea huh?
  • Sophiepoo
    Sophiepoo Posts: 264 Member
    Bah! That woman sounds like she has nothing better to do then make others feel bad. It's none of her business. You should have said' yeah, I DO eat more when I get home, and then I eat 5 cakes, a whole tub of ice cream and a full english' really sarcasticaly, then maybe she'll back off.
    Just pay no attention to this sort of attention. You sound like you're doing an amazing job!
  • skbruewer
    skbruewer Posts: 144 Member
    I understand how you feel. I hate eating in front of people. When I eat lunch at the office, I have to close my door, and if people stop in, I damn near hide my salad! Some people say things just to be rude to make themselves feel better, and others just have no idea that what they're saying is hurtful. My mother-in-law, who I love dearly said, "Well, I guess you won't take any cake home, since you're always on a diet.". It hurt my feelings, but I know she wasn't actually trying to be rude. I've had others say really hurtful things if I have a piece of chocolate at work, so I just try to avoid doing it around them. I know I should stand up for myself, but it can be very difficult.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I am so sorry this has happened to you, but your coworkers are a bunch of a-holes. You handled yourself very well, because I would have told them to mind their own effing business. Obviously if you have lost 39 pounds, you are doing something right. The woman is probably just jealous at your success and is trying to play mind games with you and the guy is just a jerk. Don't let it get in your head.

    Totally agree with this post.

    Sounds like some real jerks! you have done a great job, and you should feel awesome. Don't let them take your light away. I bet they have some work to do on themselves as well. (like manners. :grumble: )
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    First of all, I just wanted to say sorry for all the uncomfortable comments. =( I totally hate that. I would recommend starting to eat around them more. I know that would be really hard, especially at first. I had somewhat of the same experience earlier this year. I was doing a particular rotation at work (in the particular area of medicine that I was trying to get into at the time) which has a very small and tight-knit community. They always have conference from 12:15-1:15 every day, during which most everyone eats their lunch. I had a pretty free schedule so would just go eat my lunch before conference and then sit through conference with everyone else. I was really nervous about eating around everyone else (or just nervous all together!!). Anyway, several times people commented "Do you EVER eat??". I got tired of hearing that and didn't want them to think I was weird so I just started holding out and eating with them every day. I didn't get another comment after that. Good luck and keep up the healthy choices! ;)
  • GraceEMyers
    GraceEMyers Posts: 12 Member
    I'm so sorry you have been made to feel this way! Sometimes it can be best to take those people to one side if you feel confident enough to do so and let them know how you feel, Some people just don't think before they talk.

    If it has really upset you it may be worth having a quiet chat with your manager and he will be able to raise it with them, you can ask for it to be kep totoally confidential and just have him be generic about the feedback he gives to them.

    Don't let this get you down, you have done amazing to get where you are!! Keep going :) xx
  • I agree with some of the others here.....I think there's a bit of jealousy on your co-workers side, of your progress and the fact that you are succeeding!!! Don't ever let anyone stop you from succeeding!! You have done fantastic!!! And it probably the ones that are feeling insecure will try to make you fail!! If nothing else....make that your power!!! My husband went thru a period, about 14 years ago, of depression, anxiety and OCD too. He got help...and with time has made a fantastic turnaround. He's on meds, which help him a lot!!! Good for you and your success!!! HANG IN THERE!!! We're all cheering you on.....and when you're at the office, hear our voices encouraging you and patting your back for a job well done!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sd892310
    sd892310 Posts: 151
    thanks for all the support guys :smile: it really does help
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    WHAT?!? Oh this just upset me! How DARE someone comment on what youre putting in YOUR mouth??!! You have done what most of the population cant, and thats lose weight, so ignore their rudeness. and ignorance. That is some serious bounds overstepping!! This is just a personal test for you to see if you REALLY feel like that same girl or if you can accept your GREAT STRIDES as proof of change! Good luck, dont let the haters get you down.
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