GIRLS UNDER 5' 4" with less than 30 lbs to loose!



  • I would love to join. I'm 5,3 and weight 170 and wanna get down to 130 that's 40 lb.
  • I would love to join also. I am 5'3 and looking to lose 30 lbs. I just started 30 day shred yesterday and plan to finish that along with watching my calorie intake and walking at least 2-3 miles 3 times a week.
  • I seem to be sitting tight at 115, and it's bugging me. I Imagine a small part of it is muscle gain, but I really need work in my abdominals and my bumm. I know most of it is diet and cardio but I'm a bit at a loss. I guess I'm going to really have to bust my butt to get there.
  • nancee50150
    nancee50150 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in. I am 5'4 and weight 157 lbs. I need to lose an additional 30 lbs.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Where is everyone from? Anyone from the west coast? I'm in Oregon :] Gotta love the rain =/

    I'm in West Michigan... near the shore of Lake Michigan!!! I've lived here forever, and even though I wonder why sometimes, it's amazing!!! Summer's finally here and I'm taking advantage!!!
    I'm in Oregon... Just spent the weekend at the beach and it was gorgeous! No, rain and I was able to wear a tank top on the beach and got a sunburn.... absolutely amazing!
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    Where is everyone from? Anyone from the west coast? I'm in Oregon :] Gotta love the rain =/

    I'm in West Michigan... near the shore of Lake Michigan!!! I've lived here forever, and even though I wonder why sometimes, it's amazing!!! Summer's finally here and I'm taking advantage!!!
    I'm in Oregon... Just spent the weekend at the beach and it was gorgeous! No, rain and I was able to wear a tank top on the beach and got a sunburn.... absolutely amazing!
    Which beach were you at? I wanna go to seaside or lincoln city soon!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Where is everyone from? Anyone from the west coast? I'm in Oregon :] Gotta love the rain =/

    I'm in West Michigan... near the shore of Lake Michigan!!! I've lived here forever, and even though I wonder why sometimes, it's amazing!!! Summer's finally here and I'm taking advantage!!!
    I'm in Oregon... Just spent the weekend at the beach and it was gorgeous! No, rain and I was able to wear a tank top on the beach and got a sunburn.... absolutely amazing!
    Which beach were you at? I wanna go to seaside or lincoln city soon!
    We started out in Lincoln City then ended up in Newport. I've never been to Seaside. We tried once spur of the moment and got there and couldn't find a single motel to stay in so we drove back home:grumble: Where do you live in Oregon?
  • Hey girls I'm gonna jump in here too :) I'm 24, 5'3 and about 126lbs. I'd like to be 120 again but I'm not concerned with my weight so much as the shape I'm in. I want to get stronger, healthier, toned, and lose the butt and belly flab. I'm currently on level 2 of the 30 day shred. Feel free to add me!
  • eduhon
    eduhon Posts: 2
    I'm in this also!! I am 5'1 college athlete I don't have a problem with being in shape that comes with the everyday tough workouts I do. The problem I have is switching my eating habits from in-season to off-season I would like to drop about 15 more pounds but having more weight on me is a plus with the sport, but is not a plus when season ends and come home and realize I am stuck in a rut at a weight I cant seem to get rid of. I have gone through crash diets before and never was happy with myself, but now i have gotten over the fact of needing to be exactly at a certain "average" weight for my size, i am striving just to be more healthy and be happy at what i reach. also my birthday is in a few weeks and would love to be happy and on my way to where i want to be not stuck in this rut of being hungry all the time and cant get away from a fact that i keep telling myself "your a college athlete your allowed to eat what you want and it doesnt matter how much you weigh"
  • 4' 11" and was way to comfortable with metabolism and the deep fryer. Being so small gaining twenty pounds made me super uncomfortable in my skin. Trying to lose about twenty pounds and relearn good eating habits.
  • Bella0608
    Bella0608 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi everyone
    Im 5ft4 and currently 145lbs I want to lose 15lbs get down to 130
  • OElleBelleO
    OElleBelleO Posts: 54 Member
    I'm 5"2 and need to loose about 15 lbs. :)
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I'll be in this group too. Just joined MFP not long ago.
    I'm 5'2" and wanted to lose another 10-15 lbs. But seems like i'm not making much progress at this moment :(

    What process have you done so far? Have you working out a lot? Let us know if you need any help.

    Call me newbie. I just learn that under taking calories daily (ie 1200 calories for me) will put my body to starvation mode and slow down the metabolism, which leads to harder to loss weight :embarassed:

    Now i'm trying to get back on track with the calories, and continue my hot yoga and walking :smile:
    I think I just totally screwed myself with that yesterday. I'm in a competition on MFP and my weigh-ins are Wed. so yesterday I ate really light and did more exercise than normal coming in at about 800 calories too few for my daily intake. My weight is down a little but I think it might have been better if I ate a little more:frown: It's a learning experience I guess:wink:
  • morgan511
    morgan511 Posts: 17 Member
    I would love to join :happy: I am 5'3.5" and I have 24 more pounds to lose. I am fairly new to MFP but so far so good, I am down 4 pounds!
    EMSNJOEY Posts: 20
    I am 4'11 with 19 ish pounds to lose. I am at 124 now and hope to reach 105. Although I will be ecstatic if I reach 110 and can maintain it. I am already noticing so much of a difference in the way things fit. I only wish I had started this WHILE I was nursing so I would have had that extra boost to help burn the calories and shed the pounds. Alas ,my baby will be one next week and decided the bottle was more fun than the boob about a month ago. :)
  • ar1356
    ar1356 Posts: 32 Member
    That is so me! It is so hard to be short because every pound makes a difference!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    That is so me! It is so hard to be short because every pound makes a difference!
    I have a really hard time with this too. I never really thought I looked fat but when you take into consideration the weight ranges and BMI's when I started this I was obese. Looking through the profiles on this thread it seams like a lot of girls are in the same boat. I just want to be in the healthy weight range!
  • I am with you here also....I am about 5'0 and I am looking to lose about another 20ish lbs. :)
  • aarn6911
    aarn6911 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm joining! 5'3" and want to lose 7-10lbs. It's not so much about poundage for myself, I just want to look lean and have awesome toned muscles haha! I am all about pushing myself, I love running, hoping to run a full marathon within the next year. Just did my second half marathon and felt good! However, once it started warming up I have been in a rut! The hot weather does not agree with my body, it makes me want to take naps and just sit around. Don't get me wrong I love sun bathing and swimming in the pool but when it comes to working out outside, I have no motivation. I over heat really easily no matter how much water I drink. I usually can run 5 miles no problem but during summer I struggle not to pass out just hitting the 3 mile mark. And I have never been able to stick with the whole gym thing. I need motivation!! Help!!
  • Me too! That is where I am at.....I just want to be in the healthy weight range....I am getting there but as the numbers get smaller it gets harder.