Bullies on MFP



  • CrysButcher3
    CrysButcher3 Posts: 322
    I have just dealt with "bullying" with my daughter and some girl at school that threatened to kill her. What a SHAME that people resort to these tactics. If you don't like what someone said, DON'T READ IT. If you don't like the way someone looks...DON'T LOOK AT THEM. If you don't like the way someone discusses some of the topics they want to discuss...DON'T READ THEM. How childish, and how mean-spirited people are. (*(*(*( HUGS )*)*)*) To you.
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    bump. awesome post.
  • fifibox
    fifibox Posts: 69
    OMG, thats awful!!! So sorry u had to deal with that! Someone who hides behind a fake profile is the epitome of coward!

    Yeah I totally agree! If I were you I'd pray God show you who is being a toothfaced friend/acquaintance in your life right now so you can cut yourself off from that nonsense.

    *HUGZ!!!* xo
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    It's a fake account that someone is creating just to mess with people. You can report them but it's easy to just create another account. This is the first time I've heard about this on this site. They're sad, sad people.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I find it rather odd that I'm posting this topic, as just a couple of days ago I mentioned to a friend on here that I've never really had many problems with hateful PMs and whatnot here on the site. Last night changed that for me. I logged off quite early and when I logged back on I had EIGHT PMs from a female, no location, no photo, no description, no other friends. They said horrible things about my looks, my personality, and my character.

    With this said, I am strong enough to have an idea who may have done this, and not let it upset me one bit. However, I do have friends this has happened to and it does upset them. I urge us to report these people and turn them in. Sadly, my bully deactivated by the time I received my messages. A classic, coward-like bully tactic to avoid getting into trouble.

    I invite these individuals to read this. Something I wrote, just for you bullies. I implore you to be an adult and either say what you wish without hiding behind a fake profile, or, as pre-school taught us, not to say anything at all if it isn't nice. With that, I leave you with this:

    What if you judge a person, unaware of the lives the lead?
    What if they are tormented and sad and your hate is the last thing they need?
    What if they are lonley and simply looking to be a friend?
    What if they despise their life and often wish it would come to an end?

    What if they are insecure and self conscious, yet you continue to poke and pick?
    What if your meanness and sarcasm upsets them until they are literally sick?
    What if they are so close, and it is your negativity that could push them over the edge?
    What if all they need in life is to not be bullied and discouraged?

    What if you stopped harassing them, they might turn out alright?
    What if you got to know them, instead of choosing to bully and fight?
    What if you put yourself in their shoes, then maybe you will see...
    How much pain and agony you cause and just how damaging you can be!

    What if you just left them alone, knowing it is the right thing to do...
    You know that is what you'd wish for....if it were happening to you.

    I hope you immediately reported this to Mike or Al. These are things they need to know. As a moderator I can tell you there is O tolerence for this type of behaviour.