how offen do you weigh in?



  • randykaustin
    randykaustin Posts: 19 Member
    I weigh in on my Wii every morning before I eat anything. It sets the tone for the rest of the day.
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    I hop on every morning, just out of interest. Log once a week, but I like to see what effects the previous days food/exercise has had.
  • LisaMarieee
    LisaMarieee Posts: 176 Member
    I weigh myself every morning.
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    Every day, before breakfast/water, after dump, no clothes (sorry TMI). If no number 2, then I know I need more fiber in my diet.

    I know the number fluctuates though from day to day so I do not get frustrated if it goes up 1-2 lbs the next day. This is my "keeping myself in check" method. If I do go up 1-2 lbs that morning, that day will be lighter in food, and heavier in activity. If I wait a whole week to weigh myself, I won't be able to "make up" those days I gained by eating lighter.

    I record the weight on MFP if it's down. If it is up, I only record it if it's up by 1 lb or more. A half pound gain doesn't motivate me to kick my own butt, but a 1 or more lb will make me more aware that I am in the wrong direction (looking at the report graph).

    I really only care about the weekly losses though, so you should pick a day of the week and really focus on the total weight loss from week to week. That is what matters. Biggest loser does it this way. Numerous trainers recommend it this way.

    To each their own, so find what works with your "logging on" time and a method to check yourself before you wreck yourself.

    Don't be discouraged by gains. I was and would eat more (I know, where's the logic in that?)...and don't be slacking with losses...I would lose and think, yeah, I can afford to eat a little more. Wrong, that made me gain again.

    Also remember to try on a pair of jeans/pants as another indicator of weight loss. Many people forget about this, and are discouraged without any numeric losses, yet they don't realize they are losing weight and reshaping their bodies and their jeans may start to feel more comfy/loose.
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