For those who like to drink on the weekends...



  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I don't drink on the weekends any more, but when I did, I never worried about it, unless I'd had a crappy workout week. If I had a great week with awesome workouts, I just did my thing and didn't bother with obsessing over calories. I was never one for complete drunkeness, though, so I was always pretty good about moderation, anyway.

    But don't do low-calorie beers.. Those are seriously an insult to the world of alcohol. If you're going to drink, at least go for something palatable. Quality is something that should never be sacrificed., especially when it comes to alcohol. ;-)
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 277 Member
    my cousin drinks pbr and lots of it she walks a lot cuz she dosnt drive and goes on the elliptical like an hour a day and watches her carb intake shes lots 25 lbs since starting her diet in February ish. I drink wine every night and like to party ive lost 13 lbs since February ish I plan drinking into my daily calories like I do food my weight loss may be slower because of it. But i am looking at this a life style change and in my life I like wine.
  • If I am out drinking on the weekends I am usually dancing too... A few hours in a nightclub shaking my ever decreasing booty makes up for the calories I drink....

    Not that I do this very often.

    I give myself 1 day a week to eat and drink what I want... I'm finding that I'm less and less likely to make unhealthy food choices but do enjoy the odd glass of wine which takes me over my calories for the day, but.... It's only 1 day, not every day of the week and so far so good...
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    schnapps and diet lemonade :D

    but i prefer things in bottles so i dance my feet off and have cider ^^'
  • kettlenic
    kettlenic Posts: 148 Member
    a good trick while still fairly sober is to drink vodka lime and soda and then alternate it with a lime and soda - if you continue to have it in a long glass noone will know the difference.....

    obviously once you get tipsy it is harder to manage but a good way to control excess calories int he begining of the night

    eat low cal on the days you go out as well as up the activity!
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Exercise more in the daytime at the weekend, moderate your drinking (IE if you are drinking something pretty high in calories like wine have one glass on and then a soft drink, then a wine etc...- so you only drink half the amount), eat before you go out

    My problem was always overeating when I drank {I would pick at leftovers, open crisps, order bar snacks etc} and the hangover munchies. If I drank too much I would binge the next day...

    I still drink but in moderation and I have managed to pretty much avoid picking whilst I drink (or if I do pick I make sure it's raw peppers and humous not crisps) and I also make sure I hydrate myself, don't get too wasted so I can exercise the next day and I avoid the dreaded hangover munchies!!!
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