


  • BProudOfU
    BProudOfU Posts: 83 Member
    What I like about this plan is that I can have anything I want. If you want cheese, then have it. Make sure you deduct the calories and if you decide that the cheese is more calories than you want to eat, then don't eat it. It's your choice. Make sure you log your exercise too. That earns you more calories. I know it is depressing...I only lost 2 lbs so far and was a little upset at first, but then realize...I didn't gain weight or even stay at the same weight so I am ahead. It is also better to lose 1-2 lbs a much as I would like to lose 20lbs in a week. Just keep it up and know that you are making the right decisions. You will see results!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I think everyone else has said some really good stuff. The only thing I would add is that I found a non-scale goal to work toward at the same time (I started running, and so my ongoing goal is to beat my last or best 5K time), and for some reason that motivates me more to exercise and eat right than the numbers on the scale (but they compliment each other well). So usually I see some sort of progress toward one goal or another (and the running progress is more consistent :-) ). Try finding some sort of fitness goal that works for you, especially something that is progressive, where you can see improvement quicker than you will on the scale. Even something like the 30 day shred, and take measurements before and after (plus you'll achieve little victories when you move up each level). Or if you run, sign up for a race, or if you bike, try a bike race, or a duathalon or triathalon. Find something to train for, whatever your favorite form of exercise is.
  • pierogiprincess
    pierogiprincess Posts: 24 Member
    Everyone feels like that sometimes. For me, I need to focus on the fact that I am taking care of my body- which is the total opposite of what I do when I overeat-I'm abusing it. I am trying to focus on success in the small things like logging my food everyday. When you do that, you are being honest with yourself and dealing with reality. That is success! Because I am so much more aware of what I eat, I am much more careful. Today was fun- I was actually UNDER my calories today that I had to find something else to eat! iMAGINE THAT! Be tender with yourself and realize that your worth does not come from your weight! You are wonderful as you are! By making the necessary changes to lose weight, we are taking care of the wonderful person you are!!
  • Don't look at weight loss, look at how your clothes are fitting. Clothes will fit differently when you change fat to muscle.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    I know weight loss is not magic, but it's so discouraging when your so fat and after you exercise you are still the same...even the first few times... I know it takes time and effort...but that feeling after you have worked so hard and tryed your best but you won't see results for a long time (and just how long will that be!? you just have to wait and see...) ...It is so depressing... So that being said, what helps lift your mood and helps you look forward and have confidence?

    And also...if you are exercising and eating healthy..but have some guilty pleasures you don't think are that bad...such as with me maragrine and cheese... will it stop me from losing weight? i know margarine and cheese are fattening but what if I had cheese 3 times a week and how much is too much...or should I just leave it alone....what about margarine...should I quit it too? will it stop me from losing weight? All help is appreciated..thanks! :)

    What gets me through the "oh, no, I'm never going to be NOT fat!" feelings is the way in which my body tells me that I'm making a difference, regardless of what the scale might say. Even if I never lose another ounce, I can now walk around the local pond (around a half mile) without being winded or my back screaming. I spend 45 minutes on my feet, shopping, without feeling my back is going to break. My A1c has dropped from 6.9% to 5.7% in less than three months. I feel better, I move better, and even if I don't look better yet, those things are so worth it.

    Another thing that really helps me? Asking myself if I want to look back a year from now and wonder where I could have gotten, weight and health-wise, if I had stuck with it? No way--I've been doing that for years. This time, I'm going to look back a year from now and KNOW.

    On the butter and cheese front? Moderation. I have cheese a few times a week, and I have butter maybe once or twice a week. I watch my portions, I measure carefully, and I always record my foods. I don't see any reason to cut either thing out, so long as you're being sensible about them!

    Cheer up! You're here, and you're going to make a difference!

  • Thanks Thanks Thanks everyone!! I made my mini goals in my signature and also added my weight countdown :)
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    Something I've noticed is when I don't drink enough water to flush my system out from day to day, I will gain some here and there or not loose at all. So make sure you're drinking plenty of water. As everyone else has said, cheese and margarine from time to time isn't bad, so long as it's in moderation. I usually eat a 2% sharp cheddar string cheese at least once every day or two with some fruit as a snack.
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