Water consumption



  • casseh
    casseh Posts: 58
    I'm not a big water drinker... in fact I hate it unless its bottled, straight out of the fridge and a really hot day. I've set myself a goal this week of drinking only water and Pepsi max (1 serve a day only) which I hope then to be able to extend indefinitely. The one thing I've found in the past that really works for me is to always have a bottle of water on me. There's always bottled water in my fridge, several bottles in my car (in case I forget to take some from home or run out) and a full bottle in my hand bag. I find that because its there I tend to drink it, and I'm a lot less likely to buy something unhealthy and sugary while out and about.
  • EmmaR31
    EmmaR31 Posts: 184
    This is something I struggle with a lot! It's winter here and most times it just feels too cold to drink water! But I am going to try better than the average 2 - 3 glasses I tend to be doing now.

    Lots of people suggested drinking it at room temp with a bit of lemon juice so going to try that this week!
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