HCG diet - 500 calories?



  • dansofia
    dansofia Posts: 7 Member
    I am a healthy 38 year old woman that takes care of two children, two dogs, a household and a business. I tried the Hcg diet last month because I want to lose fast, I dont have time to wait. I did lose, about 11 lbs. in 10 days. Guess what I gained....heart palpitations!!! I cant work out today because my cardiologist (at 38!) put a holtor monitor on me to see how my heart reacts over the next 24 hours. I have anodes all over my chest and a device hanging around my waist and Im miserable. thats just my two cents....
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    NO to the HCG diet!!!

    Yes to using HGC while on a calorie deficit diet plan.
  • mamacita99
    mamacita99 Posts: 66 Member
    My cousin went on it about 4 months ago - she lost about 28 lbs in 30 days. Which is the very low calorie diet. Once she was there, she started going to the gym - she works out 3x a week 2 hours each day - she has found a new lease on life at 45! Although she did lose alot initially, on HCG the other 20 lbs she lost through hard work and eating right. She a size 8 now from a size 16 in 4 months - something she's been trying to do for years.

    I started the drops a week ago - I lost 8 lbs so far, and I'm not hungry. I am learning about portion control and when to say when. I maintain a moderate level of activity because I have 2 large dogs and have to walk them twice a day for about a mile each time. I'm not sitting around for lack of energy, I actually have found I am more energized when I'm not bogged down in a big heavy meal.

    I love to exercise, but right now with this extra weight I'm carrying it is difficult. I am hoping to lose about 30 lbs on the drops, and get back in the gym hardcore and get the body I want.

    I know the risks, I did the research, I know someone personally who it worked for, I have the support of friends and family, and I'm not expecting a magic pill and that once I'm done I can eat unhealthy and too much and not exercise, and not regain the weight. This is a lifestyle change and yes it's fast-tracked, but for me, that's okay.

    To be honest you have done a great job so far without the drops, so why ruin a good thing...keep up the exercise, and eating right.
  • Volforlife83
    Volforlife83 Posts: 22 Member
    My cousin went on it about 4 months ago - she lost about 28 lbs in 30 days. Which is the very low calorie diet. Once she was there, she started going to the gym - she works out 3x a week 2 hours each day - she has found a new lease on life at 45! Although she did lose alot initially, on HCG the other 20 lbs she lost through hard work and eating right. She a size 8 now from a size 16 in 4 months - something she's been trying to do for years.

    I started the drops a week ago - I lost 8 lbs so far, and I'm not hungry. I am learning about portion control and when to say when. I maintain a moderate level of activity because I have 2 large dogs and have to walk them twice a day for about a mile each time. I'm not sitting around for lack of energy, I actually have found I am more energized when I'm not bogged down in a big heavy meal.

    I love to exercise, but right now with this extra weight I'm carrying it is difficult. I am hoping to lose about 30 lbs on the drops, and get back in the gym hardcore and get the body I want.

    I know the risks, I did the research, I know someone personally who it worked for, I have the support of friends and family, and I'm not expecting a magic pill and that once I'm done I can eat unhealthy and too much and not exercise, and not regain the weight. This is a lifestyle change and yes it's fast-tracked, but for me, that's okay.

    To be honest you have done a great job so far without the drops, so why ruin a good thing...keep up the exercise, and eating right.

    Agreed. I've been on the drops 5 days and have lost about 6 pounds so far. I feel great and am eating just like I always have except in smaller portions. I understand that to keep the wait off I can't go out and eat a bunch of junk after the diet is over (They also give you a maintenance diet reccomendation and tell you not to eat refined sugars and starches for 4 weeks after getting off the diet). I am willing to bet the people who gained the weight back did not excersize and went right back to eating fatty sugary foods. My mom did the diet and lost 17 pounds in 3 weeks and has kept it off. I know that I can do it too. It may not be tolerable for everyone or doable for everyone in the long run, but it can and does work if you stick to a healthy lifestyle after completing.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I really don't get this diet, it just doesn't seem healthy. Your body needs more than 500 calories just to function, just to roll out of bed and that doesn't inlude your job activity.

    If we take an 150lb woman at 25% body fat her resting metabolic rate should be:

    150lbs / 2.2 = 68.18kg's
    68.18kg's * 75% fat free mass = 51.136
    51.136 x 22 + 500 = 1,625 calories just to function

    How does 500 calories help that person? That can't possibly be good long term or even mid-term.
  • Well I lost 2 stone in about 6 weeks last time I used HCG and I didn`t feel hungry. I actually had a lot of energy and a very clear head. I got up every morning to find the weight slid off. Then Christmas came and I binged like crazy and put on 2 stone again with cheese and crackers, wine and chocolate. So I have brought another lot and again its unfailing. It costs a lot of money but if you add it up compare to all the crap I would buy before like coke, crisps and chocolate, biscuits and cake and the od chinese and pizza takeaways, it probably ends up cheaper. Now I kept the 500 a day calorie, but didn't include the veg and fruit, I ate as much as that as I wanted. Grapes were my thing and I ate a pack a day, it really helped and nibbling through work and watching TV in the evening I was happy,I didnt feel deprived. The best thing I did was cut out most dairy and all bread except Pitta which I stuffed full of low cal mayonnaise and cherry tomatoes and cucumber. with this I had home made onion soup. Alcohol I gave up except vodka and orange on weekends. Do not drink beer! I say fill up on veggies if you are working because there is no point starving yourself and fainting. You can eat a lot on 500 cals if you don`t count fruit and veg. I probably could have lost more quicker counting the veg and fruit in the 500 but I would probably be tempted to snack. Also you need your vitamins if on a low cal diet. I cut out meat as well and stuck to tuna.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator

    I'm writing to let you know that our Community Guidelines (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/welcome/guidelines ) prohibit the creation of any forum posts, groups, or posts in groups that encourage the use of Very Low Calorie diets (including, but not limited to, VLCDs that use the HCG protocol). 

    MyFitnessPal has always promoted a healthy, sustainable, and gradual path to weight loss. But HCG products are typically promoted in connection with a very low calorie diet, usually one that limits calories to 500 per day. Research has demonstrated that calorie intake at these levels can lead to increased risk of gallstones, hair loss, constipation, an irregular heartbeat, and many other dangerous side-effects. 

    Moreover, numerous medical studies have shown that the results of HCG-use in combination with a very low calorie diet are indistinguishable from the results of the low calorie diet alone. In light of this research, the FDA has required the labeling and advertising of HCG products to state: 

    “HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or “normal” distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets.” 

    Our guidelines prohibit any use of Groups or the Public Forums to support the use of HCG. 


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