TWEENERS 10/19 - 30 to 100 to go



  • lcmartin
    lcmartin Posts: 163 Member
    I haven't tried them yet, but I think I just may have to after hearing so much about them!
  • hey today so far ive had spinach, pumpkin, light philli with 2 boiled eggs for brecky
    Im having a cup of strawberrys for lunch
    and im going to have grilled fish with asparagus for dinner
    If i get hungry ill make a salad at work and have some almonds!
    I,ve had about a ltre of water already and its only 10am

    so water - check - dairy check and greens LOADS!
  • GOOD Morning ALL!

    I didn't check in yesterday, had yogurt for breakfast, salad for lunch and 64 oz of water

    Today, so far, yogurt for breakfast. It's too early in my day for lunch.

    I hope you all are having a great week!!

    C-ya'll later
  • I did so bad today
    First half of the day was great - had cereal for brecky with low fat milk
    a banana for afternoon tea
    MASSIVE salad for lunch with grilled fish
    but then when i was at work [work in a kitchen around food 24/7 I ate loads of fatty crap :(
    I feel so bad that i couldnt help myself
    new day tomorrow :cry:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    disobedientmeek - that's the way to jump right back on!

    Have a great weekend.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    disobedientmeek - that's the way to jump right back on!

    Have a great weekend.
  • hey everyone, just realized that this is where the tweeners post their challenges. I'm assuming from the feed that we are trying to make sure we are getting our water servings in for the day, as well as our veggie servings?

    I'm currently on a unique deployment of sorts with the Army, so maintaining fresh produce is hard, but i could use a kick in the butt to get my water intake back up to where is should be. Use to be so good about this, but i let the habit slip. But i'm joining up to get back on track. GO tweeners!
    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    hey everyone, just realized that this is where the tweeners post their challenges. I'm assuming from the feed that we are trying to make sure we are getting our water servings in for the day, as well as our veggie servings?

    I'm currently on a unique deployment of sorts with the Army, so maintaining fresh produce is hard, but i could use a kick in the butt to get my water intake back up to where is should be. Use to be so good about this, but i let the habit slip. But i'm joining up to get back on track. GO tweeners!
    Created by - Online Calorie Counter

    First let me say - thank you for serving and we are so honored to have you with us!

    Our challenge this week was to get in a serving of dairy each day (or dairy substitute) last week was a serving of something green daily and the week before was 64 oz of water each day - we all seem to be keeping going with the current and past challenge. On sunday there will be a new conversation thread with a new challenge that singcoz will assign since she did so great this week. I think she's going to throw some exercise challenge our way! BRING IT ON!!!!

    Happy Friday - I'll check back in when I can tomorrow.

    I had yogurt for breakfast , more than 64 oz of water and spinach at lunch and salad for supper so I covered all the bases!
  • Hello Everyone. I know, I haven't checked in for a couple of days, but I've done good.

    I have yogurt for brekky (actually my standard for the past year, love my yogurt)
    I've been trying to get in my greens every day, but it hasn't happened. I had a little lettuce on my subway sandwich today, but not much. And I missed my greens all together on Wed. I think.
    As for my water, It's been unseasonably hot here in my neck of the woods (California) and I've been easily drinking 64-99 oz p/day.

    Singcoz is my partner, I see that she's picking the challenge next week? Yay, she did awsome this week, AND had to deal with midterms. GO SINGCOZ!!
  • Okay, thanks Chrissy! i'm on board then... WHEW?? 64oz?! of plain 'ol water, huh? LOL! ok, ok, I gotcha, I gotcha, I can dig!
    The one serving of green, i can make happen even on tour...and the dairy...well, refridgeration is a problem for me, but i think i can try to get this in too...Are we including eggs in this this category?

    Do we have a weigh in day?
    Mine is usually! 171.
    And i guess i'll start with all the challenges tomorrow since singcoz is posting week 4 challenge then.
    Totally psyched for this....!
    Let's start this next week with a bang and lots of strength.:bigsmile:
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