Labor day losers July 11th - September 5th (closed group)



  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    ok ladies.. Good morning to you!! I'm gonna get this in early cause I have a busy day today and wont be at work... I think my eating has been doing all the work.. or my lack of eating I should say, cause I havent been exercising much and I've still lost. I am thankful and definitely not complaining!! Hope we see some great numbers today! Have a wonderful day Mommies!!

    Here are my stats:
    Anyways, here are my stats thus far:
    Week 7/11/11-- 140 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 139 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 137.5
    Week 8/01/11-- 136
    Week 8/08/11-- 135
    Week 8/15/11-- 135
    Week 8/22/11-- 131.5 (3.2 llbs) Yay!
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ______lbs

    Good loss! & I know what you mean about your food doing the losing for ya. I have not got in and exercise in over a week! Its terrible! Great loss this past week though!!!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Good Morning ladies! I weighed in at 166 this morning; I can't believe I'm only 6lbs away from my mini-goal. I probably won't reach it by Labor Day but I think this is awesome anyway. I want to reach it by my birthday in mid-September.

    Nicole - Great loss!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Even if you dont hit it by Labor Day that is so great that you are so close to you next mini goal! I think youll definitly hit it by your birthday! Keep it up!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Good Morning Fellow Mommies!

    Week 7/11/11-- 149.0 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 151.2 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 148.2 lbs
    Week 8/01/11-- 145.0 lbs
    Week 8/08/11-- 144.0 lbs
    Week 8/15/11-- 145.2 lbs
    Week 8/22/11-- 144.1 lbs
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: 4.9 lbs

    Everybody so far is posting really awesome progress this week. That's amazing! You guys are really keeping me motivated by your success. I am currently fighting shin splints(from running) as well as a twisted ankle from Friday's Navy workout. It seems like my body is not happy with me trying to force it to lose weight:tongue: I am trying my best to eat healthy & "take it easy" while by body is healing. It is very difficult b/c I use my exercise calories in order to eat more food:wink: And.... I LOVE to eat!:blushing:

    Have a wonderful week ladies!!! We've got two more weeks to finish this challenge strong! We CAN do this!!!!

    Cola- Poor thing hope your body gets its act together, doesnt it know we only have 2 weeks left in our challenge!! :wink:

    LisaFred & Angela- Great Losses this week, you guys are doing amazing!!!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Oh what a Morning! I have been sick since thursday, woke up yesterday to my 6 month old sick now! His fever keeps hovering around 102!! So he was up crying till 2am, we both finally started to get some sleep, then come 5am in walks my crying 4 year old that he cant stop sneezing and his throat hurts! Oh boy, this is my first time having 2 sick kids! And to make it worse Im not any better! Not sure how all you amazing Mommies handle times like this! Right now they are both resting so I wanted to jump on and weigh in. To my surprise it looks like everyone is down! And down some good numbers!!! Excellent work ladies! We have 2 weeks left, we need to push harder then we have pushed this whole time!!! Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!! :flowerforyou:

    Week 7/11/11-- 153.7
    Week 7/18/11-- 153.7
    Week 7/25/11-- 153.1
    Week 8/01/11-- 152.5
    Week 8/08/11-- 151.6
    Week 8/15/11-- 152.3
    Week 8/22/11-- 149.5 (bye 150s!!!!!)
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss= 4.2
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 325 Member
    Hello dear mommies! I have been in the DL for the past week or so, I was on vacation since last Friday 8/12 and have been enjoying the time off with some out of town guests and my precious 5 year old. Today was a very emotional day, I dropped my son off at his first day of Kindergarten. He of course did great and I was a mess in the car thinking how much I dislike my job as I miss so much of whats going on with him... then after that emotional morning, I headed over to the school office to discuss after school services... GOOD LORD it's expensive and I guess I make "too" much money to qualify for reduced fees.. what a freaking mess!!!! anyways, I just need you ladies to continue to provide me with such great support! in the midst of this madness, I stopped at McDonald's for breakfast, yet even more crying when I realized the junk I was putting in my body.... tomorrow I will post my weigh-in and I will be hoping on my treadmill tonight to vent these frustrations out!!! tomorrow, back to grind at work and wishing every minute that I could pick my son up, do homework together, do some extra curricular activities instead of paying some after school to provide him with that support.... :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart:

    Im sorry for such a post, I just needed someone to listen........ sigh
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Oh Mimi I feel for you!!! My son starts preK on the 7th, and we get to pay thru the nose for it because we "make too much" Im going to have one heck of a time on his first day. How do our babies grow so fast :cry: Feel better Mama!!!
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    Hi ladies!! Looks like some great losses this last week! Sorry I have been MIA. I will check back in this evening after work but wanted to get my weightloss in. I don't know how I did it, but I lost 2 + lbs.!! I too have not been exercising, but I guess it's the food?!

    7/11 159.6
    7/18 156
    7/25 155.4
    8/1 154.3
    8/8 155.9
    8/15 155.9 (NOTHING!)
    8/22 153.2 (NO IDEA HOW THIS HAPPENED!)

  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 290 Member
    long hard week! my weigh in is 191 :( i am not doing good! my baby girl started kindergarten yesterday and is doing great! i dropped my little man off at the day care and he screamed cried and clung to me. that was harder than the whole off to kindergarten thing:( i go back to work friday and hope to get back on schedule. congrats to those of you that lost! way to go:)
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    You ladies rock!!! Great weigh ins!! Kristyn i am so happy you broke the 150's :happy: i now know it is possible!!! Mimi, it has to be rough sending your little one into the world :sad: stay strong! I am still teter totering at 154-155 no change...but ladies i really think its me...i am happy until i remember my weight loss goals, lol! i eat at a maintainence level, if i want to break this plateau i have to eat less, point workout is not strong enough to eat 1800 calories and lose..i can maintain, but not lose..sighhhhh...ugh; harsh reality! either workout more or eat less..ill let you know what i decide...and by the way...the weekly challenge wasnt mentioned, so i will make one food after 9pm monday that to harsh?:devil: lets do it mommies!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Nope not harsh at all! That is a good one! Cuz i find myself wanting to munch around then, maybe this way Ill think of you guys and pass on snacks!!
  • zsesteacher
    zsesteacher Posts: 106 Member
    Sorry ladies I haven't logged in for 2 weeks but I was in Vegas for a week and then I went out of town with some relatives...I'm back and the good thing is that I will be able to start exercising with my trainer...Can't wait...I did gain some weight but oh well the good thing is that I'm coming back with alot more will power...Also, I started working again after an awesome summer....Good luck to everyone...
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 290 Member
    You ladies rock!!! Great weigh ins!! Kristyn i am so happy you broke the 150's :happy: i now know it is possible!!! Mimi, it has to be rough sending your little one into the world :sad: stay strong! I am still teter totering at 154-155 no change...but ladies i really think its me...i am happy until i remember my weight loss goals, lol! i eat at a maintainence level, if i want to break this plateau i have to eat less, point workout is not strong enough to eat 1800 calories and lose..i can maintain, but not lose..sighhhhh...ugh; harsh reality! either workout more or eat less..ill let you know what i decide...and by the way...the weekly challenge wasnt mentioned, so i will make one food after 9pm monday that to harsh?:devil: lets do it mommies!

    Im down with the no food after 9!! It will be hard since the kids are sleep and thats my munch time BUT I gotta do something different! This whole going to kindergarten thing has taken a toll on throwing me into a depression and eating mode! I will rise above!! So no food for me after 9:)
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    scale said 153 this morning...could i have broken this plateau?!?!?! freaking excited...have not seen that number in foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!! high school size!!!!
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 290 Member
    scale said 153 this morning...could i have broken this plateau?!?!?! freaking excited...have not seen that number in foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!! high school size!!!!

    THATS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! GO GIRL :flowerforyou: :drinker: (cheers to you with water!!)
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 290 Member
    i am back up on the scale but i think that i am ready to get back on the wagon....................again!!! i am determined to beat this!!! i MUST do it!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    You ladies rock!!! Great weigh ins!! Kristyn i am so happy you broke the 150's :happy: i now know it is possible!!! Mimi, it has to be rough sending your little one into the world :sad: stay strong! I am still teter totering at 154-155 no change...but ladies i really think its me...i am happy until i remember my weight loss goals, lol! i eat at a maintainence level, if i want to break this plateau i have to eat less, point workout is not strong enough to eat 1800 calories and lose..i can maintain, but not lose..sighhhhh...ugh; harsh reality! either workout more or eat less..ill let you know what i decide...and by the way...the weekly challenge wasnt mentioned, so i will make one food after 9pm monday that to harsh?:devil: lets do it mommies!

    Hmm - no food after 9pm. I already broke that one. I usually don't exercise until about 8pm or after and then have a snack so it's usually after 9pm. I'll give it a shot though --- :happy:
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 128 Member
    HEy everyone!

    Sounds like everyone had a great lose! I didnt have a lose at all! actaully up 3 pounds on the day of weigh in cause of the wonderful TOM!!! But anyways it will head back down this week! I am pretty stoked monday I started biggest loser bootcamp dvd. It's 6 weeks. Im hoping for some big results but will be happy with any results. I feel like i will be able to stick with this better than i have at other things. i have no clue what level 2 and level 3 are like but right now im loving level 1.

    this will be a good challange this week, becuase for the rest of the week I work both jobs so I eat dinner at 4:30 then when i get off at 10:30-11 I am usually hungry but this will be a good challenge of my determination of stickign with the challenge!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    You ladies rock!!! Great weigh ins!! Kristyn i am so happy you broke the 150's :happy: i now know it is possible!!! Mimi, it has to be rough sending your little one into the world :sad: stay strong! I am still teter totering at 154-155 no change...but ladies i really think its me...i am happy until i remember my weight loss goals, lol! i eat at a maintainence level, if i want to break this plateau i have to eat less, point workout is not strong enough to eat 1800 calories and lose..i can maintain, but not lose..sighhhhh...ugh; harsh reality! either workout more or eat less..ill let you know what i decide...and by the way...the weekly challenge wasnt mentioned, so i will make one food after 9pm monday that to harsh?:devil: lets do it mommies!

    Hmm - no food after 9pm. I already broke that one. I usually don't exercise until about 8pm or after and then have a snack so it's usually after 9pm. I'll give it a shot though --- :happy:

    HUrley- You might be an exception to this rule since you do your work outs so late at night.

    Latoya!!! 153!!! So happy for you!! My scale said 148 yesterday but i figured it was a fluke, jumped on this morning, 148 again!! This week have proven to be good in the weight loss department for all of us!

    I broke our new mini challenge last night! HUbby has wednesdays off since he works 4 10s so we were up watching movies till 1am! He had a huge bowl of ice cream, I opted for an apple with peanut butter.... kept me under cals still and hey got in one more fruit serving!

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I am really starting to get sad that this group will be over in a week and a half... any of you plan to start up another Mommy challenge??? I love our group!
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    Happy Hump Day Mommies!!

    YAY!!!! Congrats to everyone for all the progress this week. A huge congrats to Kristyn & Latoya on breaking your plateaus! Congrats Becca on your unexpected loss as well. I am super happy for you guys because you both have been working super hard. I agree that there is not really much rhyme or reason to the whole breaking a plateau thing. I am happy that you guys seem to have broke the code lol.:tongue:

    I never eat after 7:30pm, so this will be an easy challenge for me. Of course, we are totally lame-O and go up to bed at 8pm b/c of the kiddos :wink:

    Have a wonderful rest of the week all!!
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    hey ladybugs. sorry i have been mia the past 2 weeks. i have been in a funk. whoa gotta be careful with that spelling on funk. anyway. i feel it gently lifting. so i am going to try and get back into the swings of things. looks like u all have been steadily trudging along. u all are going to be some beautys on labor day! best wishes to all mommies whos little ones went off to school recently. mine still has 3 years. :)
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