3500+ Calorie Burn Challenge 7/11-7/17



  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3,500

    Mon: 864calories burned (46 minutes of weight training, 35 minutes of elliptical and 27 minutes of JM30DS)
    Tues: 804 calories burned (20 minutes of weight training, 40 minutes of HIIT/treadmill and 29 minutes of JM30DS)
    Wed: 712 calories burned (27 minutes of running, 40 minutes of weight training and 29 minutes of JM30DS)
    Thur: 766 calories burned (20 minutes of elliptical, 66 minutes of weight training and 27 minutes of JM30DS)

    Total: 3,146
    Left to go: 354
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member

    Alright, going for 7000 this week, which might be a bit more than I can handle. But let's just see!

    Weekly Goal: 7000
    Mon: calories burned 1200 with 5.25 miles of running/speedwork and 45 minutes of cycling
    Tues: calories burned 1200 for approximately the same
    Wed: calories burned 400 for 45 minutes of cycling
    Thur:calories burned big mixer day, 45 minutes of multiple bag/style boxing, 45 minutes of calisthenics and weight training, around 1000 kcal
    Fri: calories burned 10k time trial, 6.25 miles in 54 minutes, 1000kcal
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 4800
    Left to go: 1200

    Barely move my arms today, have to knock out the rest with my long run tomorrow.
  • bcbman
    bcbman Posts: 96 Member
    1397 today a mix of 100 minutes walking so inclined and 90 minutes at golf range. Made goal for week will be kicking it to 6500 next week.

    Weekly Goal: 5400 7/11-7/17

    Mon: 810 (inclined treadmill and weight training 115 mins)
    Tues: 1221 (bike ride 60 mins golf course 90 mins)
    Wed: 1377 (100 mins of walking, 25 mins weight and 60 min of golf)
    Thur: 1221 (bike ride 60 mins golf course 90 mins)
    Fri: 1397 (100 mins of walking, 90 mins of golf)

    So Far: 6026
    Left to Go 0
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Late joiner this week, but keeping my goal at 4,200

    Weekly Goal: 4,200
    Mon: 820 (Zumba)
    Tues: 0
    Wed: 527 (30 min treadmill intervals)
    Thur: 0
    Fri: 2,226 (60 min treadmill intervals, 30 min push-mowing, 60 min Kenpo X)

    Total: 3,573
    Left to go: 627
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I can't believe I didn't see this thread before now. I was looking for something like this to keep me motivated and on track. I hope it isn't too late for me to join in :smile:

    Weekly Goal: 4000
    Mon: 914 cals (25 min L1 30DS, 40 min Fire30/Stretch10 Turbofire)
    Tues: 281cals (25 min L1 30DS)
    Wed: 743 cals (25 min L1 30DS, 30 min Fire45EZ (TurboFire)
    Thur: 584 cals (25 min L1 30DS, 30 min Sculpt30 (TurboFire)
    Fri: 960 cals (25 min L1 30DS, 40 min Fire 30/Stretch10)

    Total: 3482
    Left to go: 518
  • gec1266
    gec1266 Posts: 201 Member
    Mon: 1189 calories burned (84 minutes of Plyometrics on the beach with my trainer-w/ 1/4 mile jog to finish)
    Tues: 625 calories burned (9.5 miles of vigorous bicycling...14-16 mph)
    Wed: 318 calories burned (walking/60 minutes 3.5 brisk pace)
    Thur: 1125 calories burned (80 minutes of Plyometrics and kettle bells on the beach with my trainer-w/7 30 yard sprints to finish)
    Fri: off day to rest strained hamstring
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Left to go:1743
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4000
    Mon: 154 calories burned: walking
    Tues: 1024 calories burned: 30ds, 3.1 mile dog walk, 3.1 mile run, 100 push ups
    Wed: 287 calories burned: walking, crunches and jumping jacks
    Thur: 633 calories burned: 30ds, 100 push ups, cleaning
    Fri: 787 calories burned: 30ds, 9 mile bike ride
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2885/4000
    Left to go: 1115
  • kseltzer
    kseltzer Posts: 214 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 1251 calories burned (run, ripped in 30, elliptical)
    Tues: 899 calories burned (run & walk)
    Wed: 688 calories burned (run & walk)
    Thur: 750 calories burned (elliptical & ripped in 30l)
    Fri: 1129 calories burned (walk & run 8 miles)
    Sat: 250 calories burned (elliptical )
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 4967
    Left to go: 0!! Looks like my goal should've been higher! :bigsmile:
  • crobinson53
    crobinson53 Posts: 164
    Weekly Goal: 6000
    Mon: 1283 Insanity Week 6 Day 1, two miles walk/jog/run zone two
    Tues: 1313 Insanity Week 6 Day 2, 3 miles walk/jog/run zone two
    Wed: Slacked off.
    Thur: 673 3 miles walk/jog/run zone two
    Fri: Off
    Sat: 924 - 4.12 miles walk/jog/run
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 4193
    Left to go: 1807

    This should be easy. Have an afternoon run scheduled today and a Sunday morning cross country fun run. Congratulations to everyone that has reached their goals already!!
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500

    Mon: 369 (C25K, 44 min.)
    Tues: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Wed: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 369
    Left to go: 3131

    Weekly Goal: 3500

    Mon: 369 (C25K, 44 min.)
    Tues: 359 (Prevention Chutes & Ladders, modified run & walk, 42 min.)
    Wed: 380 (C25K, 45 min)
    Thur: 377 (Walking, 57 min.)
    Fri: 0 (rest day)
    Sat: 351 (C25K, 42 min.)
    Sun:calories burned (Singles Tennis, )

    Total: 1736
    Left to go: 1764
  • lisa2710
    lisa2710 Posts: 8 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 550 Jogging 45 minutes
    Tues: 550 Jogging 45 minutes
    Wed: Rest Day
    Thur: 550 Jogging 45 minutes
    Fri: 550 Jogging 45 minutes
    Sat: 450 Elliptical 50 minutes; 150 Sprints 10 minutes
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2800
    Left to go: 700
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Weekly Goal:4000
    Mon: 1200 (elliptical- 40 min.; treadmill- 20 min.; walk-120 min.)
    Tues: 1150 (elliptical- 65 min.; walk- 55 min.)
    Wed: 600 (elliptical - 30 min.; stationary bike- 30 min.)
    Thur:1200 (elliptical- 75 min.; walk- 20 min.)
    Fri: 675 (walk- 75 min.; stationary bike- 30 min.)
    Sat:550 (elliptical- 30 min.; walk- 15 min.)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Left to go: 0
  • bcbman
    bcbman Posts: 96 Member
    Another great day.

    Weekly Goal: 5400 7/11-7/17

    Mon: 810 (inclined treadmill and weight training 115 mins)
    Tues: 1221 (bike ride 60 mins golf course 90 mins)
    Wed: 1377 (100 mins of walking, 25 mins weight and 60 min of golf)
    Thur: 1221 (bike ride 60 mins golf course 90 mins)
    Fri: 1397 (100 mins of walking, 90 mins of golf)
    Sat: 1532 (bike ride 70 mins, 35 mins strength and 60 on golf range)

    So Far: 7550
    Left to Go 0
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member

    Alright, going for 7000 this week, which might be a bit more than I can handle. But let's just see!

    Weekly Goal: 7000
    Mon: calories burned 1200 with 5.25 miles of running/speedwork and 45 minutes of cycling
    Tues: calories burned 1200 for approximately the same
    Wed: calories burned 400 for 45 minutes of cycling
    Thur:calories burned big mixer day, 45 minutes of multiple bag/style boxing, 45 minutes of calisthenics and weight training, around 1000 kcal
    Fri: calories burned 10k time trial, 6.25 miles in 54 minutes, 1000kcal
    Sat:calories burned around 1700 with my 11 mile run today, 9:30 average pace
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 6500
    Left to go: 500

    Not sure if I will knock the change out lifting tonight, or biking tomorrow, but I will get it!
  • Weekly Goal: 5000
    Mon: None Counted
    Tues: 1750 in 2 hours (GYM - stretch, core exercises, treadmill - 22mins jogging, 23mins walking, weights, stretch - then going up and down stairs about 12 times to get time to 2 hours and up the cals and fat burn on HRM)
    Wed: 580 (1hr 40mins doing 2 full body massages - including lugging about and setting up couch)
    Thur: None Counted
    Fri: 360 (1hr 15min doing leg and arm wax - incl lugging couch n setting up)
    Sat: 370 (30mins doing spray tan - incl setting up n packing up equipment)
    Sun: 350 (30mins doing spray tan)
    1200 (GYM - 1hr 25mins stretch, core exercises, treadmill - 20mins jogging, 18mins walking, weights, stretch)

    ACHIEVED - 4610 cals but I'm working on garden this afternoon inbetween showers so will burn of the shortfall of 390 in that time.


    DONE: 1750 another 3250 to go.
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    I'm in for 4500 again!

    Weekly Goal: 4500

    Mon: 567 (legs, treadmill, stair stepper)
    Tues: 804 (jog intervals, arms circuit)
    Wed: 542 (run intervals)
    Thur: 540 (yoga, bike ride)
    Fri: 695 (jog, arms)
    Sat: 520 (jump/ body weight training)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 3668
    Left to go: 832
  • lisa2710
    lisa2710 Posts: 8 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 550 Jogging 45 minutes
    Tues: 550 Jogging 45 minutes
    Wed: Rest Day
    Thur: 550 Jogging 45 minutes
    Fri: 550 Jogging 45 minutes
    Sat: 450 Elliptical 50 minutes; 150 Sprints 10 minutes
    Sun: 550 Elliptical 1hr; minutes; 175 Sprints 15 minutes

    Total: 3525
    Left to go: 0

    Oh yes! Made my goal working 12hour mid shifts 6 days a week! I am pooped but proud of myself!
  • lisa2710
    lisa2710 Posts: 8 Member
    Weekly Goal: 5000
    Mon: None Counted
    Tues: 1750 in 2 hours (GYM - stretch, core exercises, treadmill - 22mins jogging, 23mins walking, weights, stretch - then going up and down stairs about 12 times to get time to 2 hours and up the cals and fat burn on HRM)
    Wed: 580 (1hr 40mins doing 2 full body massages - including lugging about and setting up couch)
    Thur: None Counted
    Fri: 360 (1hr 15min doing leg and arm wax - incl lugging couch n setting up)
    Sat: 370 (30mins doing spray tan - incl setting up n packing up equipment)
    Sun: 350 (30mins doing spray tan)
    1200 (GYM - 1hr 25mins stretch, core exercises, treadmill - 20mins jogging, 18mins walking, weights, stretch)

    ACHIEVED - 4610 cals but I'm working on garden this afternoon inbetween showers so will burn of the shortfall of 390 in that time.


    DONE: 1750 another 3250 to go.

    I had no idea you could burn so many calories making other people beautiful! Thats awesome!:happy:
  • jagfan
    jagfan Posts: 255 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4000
    Mon: 276 - strength training
    Tues: 476 - Sh'Bam
    Wed: 839 - strength training/run/walk
    Thur: 1039 - 5 mile run
    Fri: rest day
    Sat: 630 - Les Mills Body Jam/Body Step
    Sun: didn't go for my run this morning...maybe this afternoon!

    Total Calories Burned: 3260
    Calories Remaining: 740
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Weekly Goal:4000
    Mon: 1200 (elliptical- 40 min.; treadmill- 20 min.; walk-120 min.)
    Tues: 1150 (elliptical- 65 min.; walk- 55 min.)
    Wed: 600 (elliptical - 30 min.; stationary bike- 30 min.)
    Thur:1200 (elliptical- 75 min.; walk- 20 min.)
    Fri: 675 (walk- 75 min.; stationary bike- 30 min.)
    Sat:550 (elliptical- 30 min.; walk- 15 min.)
    Sun:260 (elliptical- 20 min.)

    Left to go: 0