Gaining weight after marriage



  • cupcakecutie1985
    cupcakecutie1985 Posts: 110 Member
    I have been so down in the dumps lately, and reading this post has made me feel so much better!!!

    I have struggled with weight all my life... 4 years ago when I moved back home from school, I surprised everyone with some weight loss! I was at about 190 when I moved home, down from about 250! Met my husband at work and got really comfortable really fast! Between living with gross roommates, and Ray living about 1.5 hours away, we spent a lot of time eating at restaurants and just huddling up in my part of the house! Then we moved in together and the happiness manifested itself in beer, bbqs and other assorted deliciousness! Before I knew it, I had gone right back to 245! What a bummer!
    Then came the proposal! I had a year and a half to get some results! I dropped down to 185 with great muscle definition and was feeling good...still not at goal, but looking much less plump! Here we are...6 months post wedding and I am teetering on the edge of 200 again at 198...a promise I had made to myself that I would never again be in the 200's is about to be broken!
    I have been trying to get back into the groove but i always seem to find an excuse! This past week I have gotten serious again! I am pushing aside all my complaining and just excluding no from my vocabulary for a bit! I struggle with weekends, so I feel like all my good work during the week is compromised, but that will be my next goal! if I can lose weight, I need to at least slow the gain!!!! ;)
    I try and get some Jillian Micheal's dvd goin in the AM before work (which has proven to be more difficult this time around) and rock some cardio with my new pup after work! My first weigh in on Thursday so I am really hoping to see some results! Thankfully my weigh in is before my Vday dinner out with Ray!

    So, all in all, I with ya, and everyone else that commented! Here's hopin that habits change, motivation stays high and enthusiasm strong!!!!
  • ryblueeyes
    ryblueeyes Posts: 257 Member
    Yep, same thing happened to me. I lost about 30 lbs. for the wedding, but gained it all back and then some. Did I mention we've only been married a little over a year and a half? Yikes.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I did the same and have been off and on between losing and gaining weight.

    PS - When you have kids it gets even worse!

    But everything comes around and you can certainly not follow the general rule of thumb.
  • kdz526
    kdz526 Posts: 210 Member
    I think once we moved in togther and got married, i gained a total of 40lbs, and I was not a light weight to start with. However, after each of the kids i settled lower then my top weight pre kids. I think I totally got comfy and had the side thought of no one else will find me attractive if im this big kinda thing (which is silly but i do think that was one of my subconcious reasons to hold onto the weight). I'm down to the weight I was when I first met DH pre-dating, but am only halfway to where I want to be. He's pleased with my progress and compliments me often and is very supportive. Now hes complaining about his winter time weight gain (which happens every year but soon as it gets nice out hes all doing stuff and loses it). I find it amusing in that every time in the past i put on weight or was pregnant, up i would balloon and he would lose weight. Now that I am losing weight, he seems to be finding it.
  • jenfoxjercha
    jenfoxjercha Posts: 51 Member
    Yep this is totally my life. My husband is 6' and weights 165lbs. He eats anything he wants to eat and doesn't gain a pound. I think I could just eat whatever he was eating. He didn't seem to care or say anything. I know I am smaller than when we got married but not yet to the size when we met. I am alot more fit than I was then though.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Our deal, IMO, is that we both come up with GREAT ideas.

    Me: Want some cheesecake?
    Her: duh!

    ~ Next night ~

    Her: Want some cheesecake?
    Me: duh!

    If it weren't for each other - we'd only have half the GREAT ideas we have together.
    When you have kids it gets even worse!

    Not for me. My kids expect to share in the goodies - so there are now less of them to go around. It was ok when they were younger - now that the youngest is 8 - you kind of have to scramble or you miss out. :)
  • I've been with my partner for 15 years and in that time I packed on 35kg. 2 kids before I was 18, bad eating habits and no exercise and that weight really crept on at first. Then I sort of didn't care and more weight piled on. Then depressed about the weight which led to comfort eating and even more weight.

    Now I'm serious about losing this weight and changing my eating habits.
  • fitgirl4x48
    fitgirl4x48 Posts: 30 Member
    After I moved in with my now fiance, I started eating crap that I would never have before. He had hotdogs, I had one. He had a milkshake, sure! Pass one over! It was a way to hang out together. Yep...found myself feeling super un-sexy, flabby and miserable. I used to be pretty fit before him or at least under control while not living together. But now ~~I'm kickin *kitten* and working out 5 x week. He's starting to see a difference and he's thinking about joining me....but until then, I am going to keep my goals as my own.

    He started with a fit, sexy girl, I'm going to get back to that!!