

  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I've been on this for quite some time and it's a last ditch effort to avoid major surgery. Yeah, there are some side effects and for each person, it's different. I think I'd rather go through what I do than major surgery and the cost of that surgery.

    My sister has been on this and the first thing the doc told her, "most women gain weight." She did...about 50+ lbs. Then, I talked to her and told her it's more like mind over matter. I think that doc telling her that kind of gave her free reign to eat, gain and have something other than herself to blame. Sure, meds can cause weight gain. It's up to the person to know that info and deal with it before it happens.

    The other side effects, you have to ask yourself how much you're willing to deal with. God knows, I deal with a Hell of a lot. I'm not in a grave, so I deal with it. :)
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    Ive been on it for years, it keeps me sane.

    Me too! I think everyone's different. Before I went on it I turned into a raging lunatic with the sorest breasts known to mankind every month. I still get a tiny bit of spotting and bloating, but the change in my mood has been an absolute miracle....
  • I was on it for about a year 10 years ago after I had my daughter. I gained 100 pounds in 5 months and had awful mood swings and post-partum depression that I think was worse because of the shot. It took over 2 years for my body to go back to normal after I went off it. I recommend to everyone I know to avoid it like the plague.