Things You Didn't Know Before MFP



  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    I didn't know that I could be 2 pants sizes, 1 cup size and a shirt size smaller...and still weigh the same
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    what is nsv or hrm?

    NSV: Non-scale victory (pants too big, seeing your feet when you look down, weight loss achievements not associated with a number on a scale)

    HRM: Heart Rate Monitor

    TOM: Satan, Ruiner of Progress, Subject of too many threads about the same issues that every woman post-puberty/pre-menopause is experiencing.
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    There's not much I didn't know about nutrition and exercise which makes this site so much more valuable to me.
    Knowledge is power but without a little love you will only get so far.
    MFP has been the X-factor
    Before joining I knew that
    3500 calories = 1 lbs
    water is key for body functioning and weight loss
    never, never, never took on a fad diet before
    1-2 lbs loss a week is sustainable no more than that
    I knew about antioxidants. I knew what kind of vitamin does what to the body and how to get them naturally, etc, etc.
    and yet I found myself yo-yoing though the years.

    The support of friends on this site gave me enough support and love to finally execute the plan and to continue to move forward toward the goal.

    A lot of people already know what to do but they haven't figured out how to sustain the effort.
    "Advice is what people ask for when they already know the answer and don't like it."
  • chromatique
    chromatique Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for telling me!
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    I have learned about NET calories on MFP and to eat back exercise calories.

    I have learned NOT to eat only 1200 calories and burn 38204802 calories every day. THANKS TUMBLR!!