Anyone have young kids?



  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    My daughter is short for her age so she was in a toddler bed from about 2 yrs old until right before she turned 5! LOL She really loved her toddler bed and was sad when we replaced it with a twin (daybed). But she fell in love with her new bed right away. :)

    Now my son is average for his height and he did NOT get a toddler bed, he went straight from a crib to a twin bed (with rails), so it all depends on what you can afford (IMO).

    That age is so darn adorable...exhausting at times, but fun nonetheless!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    you may want to try putting a mattress on the floor at this age. My older girl converted the crib to a toddler bed around 18 months, then moved into a full bed around age 3.5.

    Do you mean put the full mattress on the floor, without the boxspring?
    Yes, or you could use it with the boxspring. It would make the fall a little shorter :) Personally, I would not use a boxspring next time, because my older girl's full size bed is about 4 feet off the floor with the boxspring!

    I was thinking of that too. I'm not sure that "posts" are called that go under the boxspring, but I already wasn't going to use that. But no boxspring is a good idea for now too!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    My daughter is short for her age so she was in a toddler bed from about 2 yrs old until right before she turned 5! LOL She really loved her toddler bed and was sad when we replaced it with a twin (daybed). But she fell in love with her new bed right away. :)

    Now my son is average for his height and he did NOT get a toddler bed, he went straight from a crib to a twin bed (with rails), so it all depends on what you can afford (IMO).

    That age is so darn adorable...exhausting at times, but fun nonetheless!

    I LOVE this age too. I'm not into the newborn age (at all). Right now I love the cuddling when he's tired, are the "grin" when he knows he was naught, that you don't have to hold him ALL the TIME! I think I just love that now he's getting a personality! Even though about 20% of the time it's not my favorite personality LOL
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    you may want to try putting a mattress on the floor at this age. My older girl converted the crib to a toddler bed around 18 months, then moved into a full bed around age 3.5.

    Do you mean put the full mattress on the floor, without the boxspring?
    Yes, or you could use it with the boxspring. It would make the fall a little shorter :) Personally, I would not use a boxspring next time, because my older girl's full size bed is about 4 feet off the floor with the boxspring!

    I was thinking of that too. I'm not sure that "posts" are called that go under the boxspring, but I already wasn't going to use that. But no boxspring is a good idea for now too!

    I agree with this - my oldest went straight from a crib to a twin mattress on the floor. By the time I got him a bed, he was used to sleeping in that space that was his mattress and never fell out of bed.

    That, and when the mattress is on the floor, toys don't disappear under the bed - easier to clean. :smile:
  • LMorrison1009
    LMorrison1009 Posts: 114 Member
    My oldest (9yrs old now) went straight into a twin bed, with a side rail at about 19 months. My youngest is a completely different story! He is 3 years and 3 months, and still in a crib. He has never tried to get out, and refuses to sleep anywhere else. Won't nap at all unless he is home and put into his crib. I need to get this boy into a big boy bed ASAP and he doesn't want anything to do with it. We are in the process of redoing the walls and redecorating his room, and once it is done, I think we will get a twin bed and tell him the crib is broken. All kids are different, but I don't really see the point in a toddler bed.
  • meldaniel
    meldaniel Posts: 111
    I have a 6 and 3 year old. I have never bought a toddler bed! Seemed like a total waste of money and they look ridiculous IMO. I moved both of mine out of the crib when they learned how to climb out of it themselves and started them on their "big boy/girl" bed with first the mattress on the floor, then then boxspring was added when they quit rolling off the mattress, then finally the frame when they were not falling off and had learned how to climb into and out of bed without drama. Worked out great and I did not have to redecorate a third time. Putting the mattress on the floor eliminates the need for rails, too, which I also see no use for.
  • tiffwhit16
    tiffwhit16 Posts: 76
    Both of my boys used their toddler beds from about age 2 till about 41/2 or 5. It's just safer when they're little cuz it's lower. After that they went into twin beds. If you don't want to spend the money on a toddler bed, you could always just put the mattress on the floor for now without the frame so that it's lower.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Thank you for all of the great ideas. We've decided to pull the full mattress into the house today! He'll be in it by bedtime tomorrow =)
    And the mattress will be on the floor (great idea for all of those who gave that one!) =) Thank you all!