"You're really gonna eat that?"



  • Everytime I eat cottage cheese..I get that reaction...but I love cottage sheese with sea salt and black pepper rice cakes!! It's my substitute for chips and dip!
  • lanamilo
    lanamilo Posts: 15
    I love the little grape tomatoes. I buy the big box at Costco every week and eat them all week long. I eat them plain most of the time. No salt, no nuthin'. I have a garden, but it has been such a dry year that I haven't gotten too much that has ripened. We just got rain yesterday for the first time in 4 months, so I'm hoping that will change.

    I also eat raw cucumbers with nothing. Peel some of the skin, slice and eat. One of my summer faves. I just ate my first one from the garden today at lunch. Today I put on a tiny bit of dressing for a change- so good.

    I love the sugar snap peas raw too. They are hard for me to find.

    I don't think most of these foods are weird, but I think that a large percentage of people eat crappy. So it makes us look like the weird ones.
  • lanamilo
    lanamilo Posts: 15
    I have to say I've never been more surprised by a thread of posts before. Raw sugar snap peas, apples with peanut butter, raw tomatoes with salt, water with lemon (really?? doesn't everyone drink that in restaurants?). These are things everyone I know eats. I mean it's things that kids grow up on where I live. So odd to see these listed as as "weird".

    I don't really see them as weird either, but it always surprises me. A lot of people find peanut butter on pancakes weird, and I was 25 before I realized this wasn't the only way to eat them! But I do think I'm going to go eat a tomato now...

    Peanut butter on pancakes IS the only way to eat them. I can barely gag them down without it. I worked at a hospital for a few years and I had a pancake- fresh made every day. I always asked for a little container of PB- everyday. The pancake lady made sure she kept some around for me.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I don't even have to eat anything weird to get comments at work. Any time I'm making, say, a turkey sandwich, or a tuna sandwich, I get the weirdest comments like "you're always making these elaborate lunches". Really? Put 2 slices of bread in the toaster, drop on some turkey and mustard, maybe some romaine, and that counts as elaborate these days? One time I happened to have a can of tuna from whole foods and I got some comment like, "looks like somebody's making the big bucks". The person who said it drives a flashy Mercedes and probably goes out to lunch every day. Even the cheapest fast food costs more than a can of tuna.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I must admit, i don't know what whiting is....is that like egg whites? lol

    it's fish

    Durr durr moment for me! Lol. I totally knew that. And I don't see anything weird about eating that either!!! I need to get more fish in my diet.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Where do I start :P

    My oats/whey/natural pb mix that I have every day at work.
    cottage cheese/natural pb/honey mix
    tuna straight from tin
    protein shakes
    tuna/veggies/scrambled eggs mix
    tuna/beans/salsa mix

    People asking me why I only use some yolkes instead of all of them.
  • Scarletblue
    Scarletblue Posts: 255
    I love tuna..... A few weeks ago one of my coworkers noticed my lunch bag and asked " whats in the bag......... besides tuna"?.
    There's a besides.:noway:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have to say I've never been more surprised by a thread of posts before. Raw sugar snap peas, apples with peanut butter, raw tomatoes with salt, water with lemon (really?? doesn't everyone drink that in restaurants?). These are things everyone I know eats. I mean it's things that kids grow up on where I live. So odd to see these listed as as "weird".

    I don't really see them as weird either, but it always surprises me. A lot of people find peanut butter on pancakes weird, and I was 25 before I realized this wasn't the only way to eat them! But I do think I'm going to go eat a tomato now...

    I eat pb on pancakes and waffles too. But I will say that most ppl I know think that's weird, Even if they try it and like it they still think it's weird. Without it, the syrup is just too sweet.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Yesterday at work I had some hummus I'd left in the fridge a couple of days ago. I'd meant to bring some crackers or raw veggies to eat with it but forgot. I really wanted the hummus so I decided to eat it plain and grab an apple from the kitchen (we get free fruit at work as part of a Wellness project :happy:). For some reason I decided to dip the apple in the hummus. I have to admit I thought it was weird but OMG it was delicious. I think this is my new favorite way to eat hummus.
  • NuMe46
    NuMe46 Posts: 128
    Smile and say "Mind your own plate!".
  • NuMe46
    NuMe46 Posts: 128
    Love PB on waffles and pancakes
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    i also hate it that people assume im on a starvation diet when i choose to eat healthy foods and refuse the crap i get offered.

    We do BBQ at work once a month in the summer and every monday our boss gets lunch for the whole office, some people just tell me to order for them now bc they've noticed I eat so 'clean' BUT my favorite was when we did a BBQ and I didn't partake and had my salad instead, someone asked if I was eating enough, she was sincere and is doing C25k because of me (*puffs out chest* I'm inspirational!) but just doesn't really get calories. My salad was spinach (2 cups), tomatoes, onion, chicken, egg, and corn. In a deep tupperware. I told her my salad was 4-500 calories and it only took one of it to fill me up while each of the BURGERS they (the office) ate (not including bun/cheese/condiments/chips) was over 300. She sort of gaped. I'm trying to get her on MFP but she claims to be computer unsavy. My office also gets a kick out of my constant snacking (and what I choose to snack on - eggs, cucumbers, carrots, tuna) a few people now stop by the front desk to snatch up carrots) I'm pretty proud of this.
  • I don't even have to eat anything weird to get comments at work. Any time I'm making, say, a turkey sandwich, or a tuna sandwich, I get the weirdest comments like "you're always making these elaborate lunches". Really? Put 2 slices of bread in the toaster, drop on some turkey and mustard, maybe some romaine, and that counts as elaborate these days? One time I happened to have a can of tuna from whole foods and I got some comment like, "looks like somebody's making the big bucks". The person who said it drives a flashy Mercedes and probably goes out to lunch every day. Even the cheapest fast food costs more than a can of tuna.

    It really sad when making your lunch is "elaborate" for people who usually hit the nearest McD's! No wonder we have an obesity epidemic! LOL When I was a kid, my parents never ate out and Mom always had our lunches "elaborately" made....LOL
  • akaChuck
    akaChuck Posts: 233 Member
    I like to eat plain celery! I get odd looks but who cares, if it tastes good to the person eating it...what's the problem?
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I get a lot of crap because I don't eat beef or pork. I hate it because every one knows I don't, yet they still feel the need to comment. It's been 15 years people I'll never eat a hamburger or steak, get over it :)

    Oooh! I'm the same way. I'm going camping with my boyfriend this weekend, and I offered to buy him a steak. When I said I'd have eggs for dinner he was like "can't you eat a steak just once? instead of eggs? that's not dinner". I said no... I eat eggs for dinner rather frequently and I will NOT be consuming steak, end of story.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    tinned herring
    tuna made with tzatziki sauce
    coleslaw made with tahini sauce ... or really coleslaw made with ANYTHING different than a creamy (crappy) mayo dressing
    raw cabbage hearts (seriously, take a bite out of one of these bad guys, they're awesome)
    watercress in my salad
    cooking with coconut oil and ghee
    spaghetti squash
    Cooked beef dipped in applesauce (don't knock it til you try it)

    Ah yes and eating the content of sandwiches with a fork without a bun present. Yes, this one always gets weird looks.
  • tiffwhit16
    tiffwhit16 Posts: 76
    I have to say I've never been more surprised by a thread of posts before. Raw sugar snap peas, apples with peanut butter, raw tomatoes with salt, water with lemon (really?? doesn't everyone drink that in restaurants?). These are things everyone I know eats. I mean it's things that kids grow up on where I live. So odd to see these listed as as "weird".

    I know what you mean. I eat apples with peanut butter all the time. And a lot of these weren't really weird to me. Although my husband would beg to differ! He wouldn't eat most of it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    raw cabbage hearts (seriously, take a bite out of one of these bad guys, they're awesome)

    My husband does this. I think it's weird. :laugh: I did try it but it's a little bitter for my tastes. But since I love the outside leaves that a lot of people peel off to get to the head and he likes the core, we have no waste when we eat cabbage.
  • kezell83
    kezell83 Posts: 112 Member
    I will sometimes eat a lean cuizine (i know not the best option) lik the spaghetti or something like that for breakfast. My co workers will gag at the smell of it first thing in the morning.
    But my all time favorite thing is roasted broccoli with a little evoo, garlic powder, salt, pepper and lemon zest. roast at 425 for about 25 minutes until the edges are brown. I could eat that 3 times a day.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    tuna made with tzatziki sauce

    This is genius!