IBS Suggestions?



  • Have you ever tried "All-Bran bran buds"? I usually mix them with yogurt in the morning for breakfast. They work well for me!

    Good luck,
    I have IBS and those are absolutely explosive for me!

  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    For me, I found that if I eat 1/2 size meals, it doesn't go through so quickly. The other day I ate some beets and 1 hour later they were out already! It was because I didn't have them with a slower digested thing, like a carb. As far as fiber, I was told I should stay away from it because my problem was diarrhea, but I found out on my own that fiber actually helps me to digest more slowly. Ground flax seed seem to be the gentle one, I put them everywhere...eggs, spaghetti sauce, salad. I also love salad, but it goes through too...if I add a protein to it, it seems better. Eat your food slowly and chew it thoroughly ....SMALL PORTIONS. Avoid spicy food when you are having a flare-up.
    Yoga is excellent for IBS. Not only does it help with digestion, it also helps reduce stress and anxiety which are definite triggers. Stay away from deep fried foods and try to notice how you react to dairy products. I had to cut out most dairy, exept yogurt which seems to help me. Aloe vera supplement is supposed to be good too, I just got a bottle but haven't had a true test of it yet.
  • shellybsn
    shellybsn Posts: 57 Member
    Everyone's IBS is different. You'll have to figure out what triggers your symptoms by being a detective. Track your food and your symptoms. Also keep track of your periods.....certain times of month make my IBS worse. Since salads set me off, I just don't eat them as much. It's a little harder to diet when you can't tolerate as much of fruits/veggies, but not impossible. I find some diet sodas set me off. Probably should give them up entirely, but I haven't tackled that hurdle yet. Try and leave out certain foods and see if that helps. I actually found out that when I started taking Metformin for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), my IBS got better. Go figure..I think a lot of mine is hormonal. Just have to be diligent about seeing how your body reacts to different situations and foods.
  • misssmiles
    misssmiles Posts: 207 Member
    i am also an IBS sufferer... it makes life hard!! i have found that the more weight i lose the easier it is to deal with symptoms. i completly cut out dairy for awhile... and have started adding it back in. i also try to avoid red meat and foods cooked in grease. this has worked for me... i still have days i can't go to far from a bathroom... but i feel better. add me as a friend... i have a few people on my friends list that also suffer from IBS... we should start a group.
  • misssmiles
    misssmiles Posts: 207 Member
    also wanted to add: diet soda and sugar free anything always get my tummy going... bad news!!