

  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    I have to supplement with protein shakes to meet my protein requirements....I have not gained weight! There are some out there that are really high in calories. I opt for low carb and as little sugar as possible! I use a premixed one for EAS for when I am on the go or at work. When at home I have a powder from Vitality that mixes with water, and is sugar free!!!
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    The ONLY thing that makes you gain weight is exceeding your daily calorie needs. It does not matter if those calories come from 75 heads of lettuce or 15 protein shakes. What makes you lose weight is consuming less calories than you burn. So have a protein shake if you like.
  • princesswarrior1
    princesswarrior1 Posts: 12 Member
    I make my own shakes
    4tbsp of Bob's Red Mill hemp protein powder
    3tbsp Pb2 chocolate peanut butter
    2tbsp coco power

    1 cup of water, milk, or whatever you prefer

    I use a blender to mix everything up, so the peanut butter doesn't become peanut butter.

    It's pretty tasty. You have to drink it right away so the hemp powder doesn't settle at the bottom. Oh and, it's better cold.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Man I know this thread is really old so I should cut myself some slack, but I kinda want to B!T@H slap page 1 me for the comment I made 3+ years ago.

    For anyone lurking and reading this thread still, I was super mis-informed on that statement. Protein shakes are meal supplements to help you meet a protein goal. No protein shake NOT ONE will make you gain weight on it's own without a calorie surplus.

    That means you would have to eat all of your calories for maintenance (not weight loss) and then a protein shake OR ANYTHING on top of that amount.

  • srjames98
    srjames98 Posts: 2
    If you are watching your carboydrate intake then Slimfast has way too many sugars. Try Wonderslim as a wonderful and very filling meal replacement.
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member

    This is what I have for breakfast every morning and I've been losing weight, not gaining.

    Vega One French Vanilla smoothie powder (Vegan - I'm no a big fan of dairy so I don't use whey powder)
    Coconut Water

    Some blend of whatever fruits and vegetables I have on hand

    Turmeric, Amla, Cinnamon

    It usually adds up to about 350 calories, 20g protein, 50-60 carbs (mostly from fruit)

    I have a 50 mile commute so I blend it up and take it with me. Easy Peasy.