Is it normal to want to eat until your full Everytime you ea



  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Welcome aboard, this is a great site for ideas, support and encouragement when it all seems to hard. I agree with the advice to look around for a free support group or counselling in your area, but if you can't, keep coming here!
    You have lots of great advice already, so mine is just a summary:

    1. Keep logging. I found this the best tool to get started with - just knowing how many cals were in something would help me think twice about whether I really wanted to eat it, or whether there was a lower cal option, or a smaller size that would be satisfying.

    2. Make small changes, they do add up. Don't try to change everything at once, just pick one small thing (would 2 x 6 inch subs work instead of 2 x 12?) or change breakfast to have some fruit or oatmeal instead of an extra muffin.

    If you do these two things, you'll be well on your way to getting healthier.
  • fat2fab4life
    fat2fab4life Posts: 253 Member
    Hello! I have been on this site now for 5 days. I can't really say that I am eating any different than I was YET, but what I have been doing is writing down whatever I eat. I generally eat 4-5000 calories a day, and I wanted to keep record of that. I never learned to eat "normal" portions, and so I am really having a hard time trying to get that under control. Generally, if I go to subway, I'll order 2 footlong sub sandwiches. Even though I know I don't even need 1 footlong sandwich, and could probably survive just by eating 1, I feel that if I don't get 2, I will be missing out on something, and be miserable. I do this all of the time. For instance, I've gone to chineese buffets and eat about 3 very full plates of food. I know I don't need all of that chineese food, and my stomach is hurting, but it's like I need to keep on eating even against my better judgment. When I go to Mcdonalds some mornings, I will usually order something like 4 breakfast burritos, and 4 sausage mcmuffins. After I eat all of that food, my stomach will be hurting very badly, and then I'll be so upset at myself because I ate all of that. Then, I just do it again soon. When I was a kid, my parents would lock the refrigerator so that I couldn't take food, and I think I have harbored a lot of resentment because of that. It was very embarrassing for me as a kid, and even to this day. I had a small weight problem as a child but I wasn't obese or anything like that. I don't actually think that I have ever told very many people about that type of thing, but it's time for me to let go so that I can get some help. I have about 300 pounds that I need to loose. I weigh approx 500 lbs. I don't even feel like I am really alive. I feel more like i'm simply existing more than anything. I guess what I want to know is since I'm sharing some things with you kind folks, is there maybe some way you can help me to understand why I do these things? I'm hoping maybe there's something I can do so that I can heal and stop what I'm doing. Last night was a little difficult for me because I was sure that I was going to start my diet rite. Then around 2am I went to steak & shake and ordered 2 large milkshakes. I am truly ashamed at who I am and what I've let myself become. I just need to understand so that I can fix. Thanks you for graciously taking time out of your day to read my post.

    Hi, welcome to the site. i totally understand what you mean. i do the same thing, i may not eat as much as you do but i have to eat all of the food on my plate and when i go to certain places i buy much more than i need, eat it all, then get upset for doing it. i feel that you have taken the first step. that is great. with me i am still struggling i keep over eating. i lose a bit, gain a bit, do good, fall off the wagon. last week i lost five lbs, this week i have eaten so much i have gained seven. just hang in there. i would say we both need to slowly just decrease what we eat. instead of two foot long subs try two six inch subs see if you can trick your mind you know? and i will work on putting less food on my plate to see how it works. good luck
  • Jassper
    Jassper Posts: 25
    I have to second the Watermellon suggestion!! Really makes you feel full and all you gain is water weight, which you loose after peeing a few times ;)

    Last night I ate a half of watermelon - felt absolutly stuffed and didn't want to eat anything else the rest of the night. I weighed my self before going to bed and I was 146, this morning I weighed 142.8! Of course I got up an peed 3 times in the night.

    STAY AWAY FROM THE SALT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Salt makes you retain water and bloats you - not good.
  • MMFP68
    MMFP68 Posts: 39 Member
    I second the recommendations for counselling, but if you find that it is impossible to get that, you might want to seek spiritual direction from a trusted member of the clergy or a religious brother or sister, or even a lay person who has been trained in spiritual direction. This mortal experience is a battlefield of our human weaknesses and the way they are made manifest in the material world. We are all uniquely susceptible to fallen state inclinations, including the disordered desire for food or for certain people or objects, really, for anything at all. Some people are more prone to hate, or to have addictions to substances other than food, or to have disordered obsessions of all kinds. I don't know whether you are a person of faith, but in my tradition as a Catholic, spiritual directors can help us to apply skills like cognitive behavior therapy with the principles of cardinal sins and their opposing virtues to help us better manage our tendencies. Prayer is a powerful weapon.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm going to be quite honest and blunt here, and I hope I don't hurt your feelings, or have it come off rude.

    I think the first step is to seek's awesome that you understand there is a problem and WANT to fix it! And WANT to understand BRAVO!

    But I think it's CRUCIAL that you get your head completely around what you are about to do...there is no going back. A person in your situation, if relapsed, would probably not be able to get back out. So get your head around it, and get yourself ready for a whole new way of doing things and thinking.

    It WILL be hard, VERY hard for the first few months, then it'll become second nature, and you will take less time in preparing your meals etc.

    But get with a professional first...then I would possibly try to get with a nutritionist. They will help you to understand what you are eating and how it effects your body. Also how to come up with meal plans etc

    Good luck on your journey and I wish you the best of luck!!
    THIS! Absolutely seek out counseling. People don't eat that amount of food without there being an emotional reason behind it. Until you figure that out, this will be a failure. You will have to dig deep, and go to places that are hard and hurtful, but on the other end will be light and health. THANK YOU for your honesty. That is a huge first step. We are here to help you along the way. Welcome to MFP!
  • BeefyB
    BeefyB Posts: 3
    Think about it differently. Not so much the less you eat but the less you BUY! When i read this, I just thought about how much money you can save not eatting all this food. That actually how i started lossing weight in the first place. I had a low paying job, and I had to eat less, because I didnt have the money. Save that money your spending on extra stuff, and get yourself something. I wish you luck.
  • ahnpe
    ahnpe Posts: 32 Member
    Everyone here is giving amazing advice! One thing I would like to add is that the transition from fast food to 'eating healthy' is a difficult transformation. Never use the word diet in relation to weight loss, because the most healthy way to go about losing weight is to understand that the way you choose to eat healthy NOW, will be the standard for the long term. I ate fast food 3 times a day 7 days a week for 2 years, and the past few months I've been struggling to get away from it, and it gets easier I promise! You will begin to enjoy fruits and vegetables, and an entire world will open up to you! For a short term goal I recommend eating out only 2 or 3 times a week, and preparing meals at home for the rest. instead of going to McDonalds for lunch, go to the grocery store and pick up items that you can cook with at home, along with something healthy for lunch. Not only will you save on gas money or taxi fees, but you will soon discover a thicker wallet from all the money not spent on fast food.

    But above all, stay motivated! And you've come to a great place for that! Think of all the positive outcomes with a healthy lifestyle as opposed to the negative!