How to become a morning exerciser?!?



  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    I LOVE 5am workouts! No one but serious people in the gym. It's dark outside, everything is quiet. No traffic! The family is asleep anyway and doesn't need me so 5-7am is ME time.

    It takes about 2 weeks of conscious effort to get up at 4-5am and hit it. You just have to be disciplined about it. Go to bed earlier as well (will make it easier to wake up). After that your body's internal clock will reset to the new schedule. You will also find yourself hitting bed early as well. My internal clock won't let me sleep past 6am unless I went to bed really late.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Oh and put your alarm clock on the other side of the room so you have to get up to turn it off. I've also set up a second alarm clock in my home office to annoy me enough to get up and turn it off when I've hit the snooze button.
  • cheesyrunner
    cheesyrunner Posts: 84 Member
    Sometimes! I wake up at a certain time anyway. I had to go to sleep at 8:30 and wake up at 6:30, when I was little. Nowadays, I do the same if I fall asleep around 9. It's all about the amount of sleep u get. Go to bed early and when you wake up, you'll be so alert that you can't fall back asleep.

    Also, if you live in a cold temp region, you could just wear sports stuff to bed, so, in the morning you just have put shoes on, to go for a run (or whatever is your workout of choice). This what I do because I’m a wimp/it’s fraking cold.

  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Set your alarm. Get up. Exercise. Stop telling yourself it's okay to stay in bed.