Going over protien & sodium allowance daily!!

Is it so bad that I keep going over my protien and sodium allowance EVERYDAY, but still manage to stay under my Calorie allowance??

I keep going about 20-30 g over for protien, and about 200-400g sodium daily.


  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    going over your protein might not be so bad but going over sodium definitely isn't good, it will cause you to retain water.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Going over protein is okay. The goal on MFP is too low. Too much sodium will cause you to retain water, so try to stay under that.
  • sparetirebegone
    sparetirebegone Posts: 92 Member
    Going over protein is a good thing! Too many of us do not get enough and that is why are energy is lacking! I shoot for 100 grams/day. Sodium on the other hand, not so much! I struggle with the sodium too. It's hard to eat well and have it taste good!
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Going over protein is okay. The goal on MFP is too low. Too much sodium will cause you to retain water, so try to stay under that.

    This here is the right answer. It's pretty hard to get too much protein and yes, sodium will make you puff up with water.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Going over protein is okay. The goal on MFP is too low. Too much sodium will cause you to retain water, so try to stay under that.

    This here is the right answer. It's pretty hard to get too much protein and yes, sodium will make you puff up with water.

    Agreed, this is right. I also aim for 100 grams a day, bodybuilders will aim for even more than that!

    Best of Luck!
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Going over protein is okay. The goal on MFP is too low. Too much sodium will cause you to retain water, so try to stay under that.

    This here is the right answer. It's pretty hard to get too much protein and yes, sodium will make you puff up with water.

    Agreed, this is right. I also aim for 100 grams a day, bodybuilders will aim for even more than that!

    Best of Luck!

    Well a smaller woman eating 100g of protein could be eating as much as a bodybuilder would pound for pound.
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    Less processed foods = less sodium. Protein, I go way over...everydya I almost hit 144...but I also take trapeze and aerial silk classes and do a lot of weight training.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Going over protein is okay. The goal on MFP is too low. Too much sodium will cause you to retain water, so try to stay under that.

    This here is the right answer. It's pretty hard to get too much protein and yes, sodium will make you puff up with water.

    In addition to water retention, high sodium intake also has other negative health impacts and has been linked to heart disease, etc. If you focus on lowering your daily sodium, you will find yourself eating less processed foods, which is a good thing all around.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    i regularly keep my sodium under 1500mg per day.. often alot under *L* (1500 is actually the recommended level of sodium now, it was revised last year and mfp has not actually changed that default setting for it here since that change)
    The key to keeping it low is to eliminate processed foods (canned soups, frozen meals from stores, restaurant foods etc etc) and cooking more from scratch.
    Makes a world of difference *S*
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    Protein should be a minimum not a limit, sodium is only bad if your worried about "bloating" which is hardly noticeable except on very lean people or if you have high blood pressure. It is not bad to store more water though...