Your workout regimen...



  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    I was doing a P90x/One on One/Insanity Hybrid, just on the recovery week but last three weeks were:

    Thursday: PM: Max Interval Plyo
    Friday: AM: Legs and Back from Vol 3 PM: Medicine Ball Cardio
    Saturday: AM: Yoga PM: Max Cardio Conditioning
    Sunday: AM: Chest Back Balls PM: Max Interval Circuit
    Monday: AM: Yoga PM: Max Interval Sports Training
    Tuesday: PM: Shoulders and Arms MC2

    On top of that I would ride my bike for an hour a day over the weekend.

    Total burn for last week is:
    Minutes: 1217 Calories Burnt: 11165

    I burn plenty of calories because I'm a big lad, the more you weigh the more you burn assuming equal effort and heart rate.

    Next week sees me switching to Insanity Asylum. It'll only be singles so less overall calories burnt but each workout should be slightly higher than previously.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    Sunday: AM: Chest Back Balls

  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member

    Here you go: work safe I promise, footage of the workout kicks in about 1 minute 20.

    One of my favourite workouts from Beachbody.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Monday: Upper Body Split (Barbell)- 7 min cardio warmup
    Tuesday: Lower Body Split - 7 min cardio warmup
    Wednesday: 30 min cardio only
    Thursday: Upper Body Split (Dumbell) - 7 min cardio warmup
    Friday: Lower Body Split - 7 min cardio warmup
    Saturday: 30 min cardio only
    Sunday: Off
  • Mine is:-

    Mon- Swim
    Tues - Swim
    Wed - Swim....

    Infact... I'll cut to the chase

    I just swim...

    Plus the dog gets a walk every day too.
    Not at the same time as the swim though ---obviously. ;-)