30 Day Shred Group- August



  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    MORNIN'!!! Are we all awake now?!!! :happy:

    OK, Day 14 L2D4 is DONE!!! I actually wore shoes during this workout. Made those dang planks ten times easier because I wasn't slipping on the carpet the whole time. Debating adding a second Shred workout one some days. I wouldn't count them as "days" just as additional workouts. Life is good, no complaints!

    ROCK ON! :tongue:
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    I did my 30D Shred this AM...what a difference on L1D8 at this point. I can actually do the entire video without having to stop. :love: Hope everyone else is having some success.
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    Oooh... 6:30 workout tomorrow morning due to not being able to do it at the normal after work time. I don't look forward to those early morning ones :(

    Jay, quit your bellyachin'! :laugh:

    I get up at 4:34 6 days a week to get my workout in! 6:30 would be like sleeping in!

    Maybe we should have a 4:30 club! That's what time I have to do mine as well. :yawn:

    We are now the unofficial 4:30 Club!!!

    That will be me starting Thursday this week...reality sets in since school begins for teachers. I actually work harder earlier in AM than later in the day on my workouts. Not as tire. :bigsmile:
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    Hey Im soooo new to this, I dont know what this entails but Im eager to get involved, if anyone can shed some light on how this works Id be so grateful :smile:

    All you need it the 30Day Shred video by JM...and get going. Post your workout once you are finished. Very easy, very friendly. Good luck and welcome aboard.:happy:
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Hey Im soooo new to this, I dont know what this entails but Im eager to get involved, if anyone can shed some light on how this works Id be so grateful :smile:

    All you need it the 30Day Shred video by JM...and get going. Post your workout once you are finished. Very easy, very friendly. Good luck and welcome aboard.:happy:

    AND Dumbbells! I saw Natalie, on the video, is holding 3's. so are Anita and Jillian, but I started with 5#, need to get 8's. I bench 100# so the flies are WAY TOO light for me, but on the shoulder moves (where I'm weak) the 5's KILL!

    ROCK ON!!! :tongue:
  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    Howdy Team August! I had to postpone my morning 30ds and hopefully will be able to do it this evening. NOT excited about that since getting back on track means day 9 and day 10 will be squished together and then I'm supposed to switch to level 2 Thursday? EEK! Postponing is a terrible affliction. I would like to do it as little as possible. It seems like it throws off the whole rhythm of my day. :tongue:
  • kiwilan
    kiwilan Posts: 90 Member
    Did day 2 level 1 today, my abs are killing me!! And my tailbone is really sore :s
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    Did day 7 this morning (level 1). Felt quite sick and really bad headache but battled through! Very sore legs on the second set of star jumps and skipping - always kills me but varies in how much. Also still not very good at the push ups or lunges with weights but I can do the whole thing without breaks. I'm using 5kg weights for some parts like the chest presses and the first set of the one for your back (can't keep it up for the second lot). I'm not sure what weight my smaller ones are - maybe 3. I use those for the harder bits.

    Keep at it everyone!!
  • I completed Level 2 Day 1 yesterday, and getting ready to do day 2 after work. This workout kills me. I was feeling good when I completed Level one because it was getting easier than before, and then Jillian had to take her title to heart and be the toughest trainer. I know that most people can't stand her voice, but I don't mind it because it keeps me in line. Looking forward to day 2.
  • i finished L1D2 last night and i was surprised after how awful i felt on sunday, that it wasn't as bad yesterday.
    i ate a bit more beforehand and plan to do the same tonight.

    i couldn't help but agree with someone else on here, while jillian's voice is annoying, i like her kind of crazy.
    then again, i've only completed two days.

    anyway, i think it's going to be really good for me...i can't wait to see the results!
  • darina23
    darina23 Posts: 114 Member
    I just did my L1D1 and OMG!!!! I can not believe I can make it the next 29 days. I can barely walk now and I don't know how it will be tomorrow. I hope I have the strength to continue!
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    im still on level one. i think im on day 5. but i really enjoy it.

    hope level 2 doesnt put me off!!
  • has anyone else NOT had any results yet.. i know its only day 9 but there are a lot of people who have been having good results already.. is it really my eating or i am just not getting the most out of this? (today was day 9 level 1)
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    has anyone else NOT had any results yet.. i know its only day 9 but there are a lot of people who have been having good results already.. is it really my eating or i am just not getting the most out of this? (today was day 9 level 1)

    Do you mean re body shape or weight? I think it would make sense to not lose much weight or to gain in the first little while with this as you'll be building muscle. I lost 1lb the first week and lost 2 inches off my body - I think the inches are more likely with this DVD. Good luck and keep at it!
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    Did day 7 this morning (level 1). Felt quite sick and really bad headache but battled through! Very sore legs on the second set of star jumps and skipping - always kills me but varies in how much. Also still not very good at the push ups or lunges with weights but I can do the whole thing without breaks. I'm using 5kg weights for some parts like the chest presses and the first set of the one for your back (can't keep it up for the second lot). I'm not sure what weight my smaller ones are - maybe 3. I use those for the harder bits.

    Keep at it everyone!!

    OOPS I meant 5lbs not 5kg!!
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    day 9 complete! the only things i still cannot do are the push ups and bicycle crunches but i don't expect to be able to anytime soon with how out of shape i am.
  • onawhymm
    onawhymm Posts: 469 Member
    I missed the past two days due to God knows what!!! But today finished Level one day six and I am feeling stronger for sure!
  • MrsGaff
    MrsGaff Posts: 42
    Hiya guys...
    was hoping I may be able to join you? I am completed L2D1 today (fell all over my carpet because I wasnt wearing shoes for the jumpy bits, lesson well learned). I lost my post pregnancy weight from my 3rd child, born in September 2010, but sadly regained it because of bad eating and too much beer over the summer: all the consequences of living with a fiance who has the metabolism of a teenage boy. Really making a concerted effort to shed it this time for good thoug,h as Im sick of being so jiggly around the edges.

    Id like to keep up with you guys to log progress etc, if thats ok?
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    has anyone else NOT had any results yet.. i know its only day 9 but there are a lot of people who have been having good results already.. is it really my eating or i am just not getting the most out of this? (today was day 9 level 1)

    I have somehow gained a bit in my waist?! IDK if this is the workout for me honestly. My knee is starting to kill me and my weight has gone up. I like the workout but not my results. This lack of results coupled with a really rough period in life is just not working for me, really considering stopping.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    just completed L1D9 and I think I am also going to take a day before starting L2. I struggled today. My body is tired and I have no interest in walking (or could be that it has been raining non stop for DAYS)

    As for results I have not taken any measurements since the first day. I wanted to complete each level first. I dont feel much of a difference. I have lost almost 2 lbs but I changed some of my eating habbits as well. :yawn: