Get ready, get set, GO! P90X Week 1 [closed group]



  • DAY 4, Yoga DONE .... but only just! I hated this dvd, urgh! Did anyone else get on with it? I can tell that Yoga days will be the one makes me wanna stop!
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    I totally got my days mixed up and didn't realise I was jogging tonight - I am just back and am yet to start yoga - will do that once I have cooled down a bit !! I hear it is boring??? I can't be dealing with boring, I bore easily !!!!!!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    I hope it's not boring! I'll be doing it in a couple hours.
  • CakepopPirate
    CakepopPirate Posts: 51 Member
    hahaha... Glad you guys agree lean is the look to go for ;)

    90 minutes of yoga is a lot. When I did this video before I stopped at one hour and it wasn't really because I was exhausted but more just that I didn't want to do it anymore! If we can get in a groove then hopefully it will have positive mental effects too and that will keep us wanting to finish. I think this will be one to put my own music with once I get the routine... But I'll let you know how it goes after I am finished.

    So how are you going to count today's yoga for calories burned? As Vinyasa Yoga or what? For me, when I log it as regular yoga it is only like 86 calories an hour... and when I do Vinyasa (which is flow yoga, I think) it is a whopping 574 an hour. Thoughts?

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    10:20pm and literally just finished Yoga, I'm in two minds - I started it thinking this is gunna be boring, it's not my cup of tea and 20mins later I was still thinking the same thing - repeat, repeat, repeat.

    HOWEVER, I actually think I quite enjoyed it !!! I do think 1hour would be better than 1.5hours but I can't believe how much I sweated during the first section !!! Really opened my eyes to it and I would love to be able to extend / stretch further each time - again, I would enjoy it more if I get to see progress.

    Not one I'll ever be able to get to do during the day though because of how long it takes !!!

    I logged it as yoga - I think it was 187 calories burnt, or thereabouts and I even saw Tony(sp) in a different light !!!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Hmmmm, I like it too! The first part was HARD, but I love love love yoga. Especially the stretching at the end, but I really don't like how he sneaked in ab work at the end! :grumble: I suppose it's all for the best.

    We also did it at night, it was after midnight when we finished lol. (I had to pause it for a few minutes to nurse the baby back to sleep.) Anyway! It's a bit too long, but I think I'll enjoy doing it each week. :-)

    Today is Legs & Back / Ab Ripper X. Goooood luck! :flowerforyou:

    Edit: Oh and I logged it as Yoga (in the MFP database) and it said 302 calories burnt; that seems about right. I can't wait to get a HRM to see how many calories I actually burn during the strength days, because I don't know if I actually burn 500ish.
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    Legs and Back + Ab Ripper X = DONE

    I got jelly legs now lol - keep up the good work over the weekend ladies xx
  • Whooop woo Day 5 Legs & Back Tony would say, BRING IT!!

    Felt much happier with todays workout (after yoga nightmare yesterday) and sweated loads.

    Unfortunatley (ahem!) I'm going for chinese and beer tonight so I'll have to squeeze in an extra gym workout over the weekend.

    Happy day 5 to you all :)
  • CakepopPirate
    CakepopPirate Posts: 51 Member
    Can you guys believe we have done 5 in a row!? I am very impressed, with myself and all of you.

    I thought legs/back & abs was rather satisfactory today. I realize part of this is because I run, and so I think my legs are my strong suit, but I also liked that things kept moving instead of repeating the sets. Perhaps, that makes me a wimp, but, regardless, I will look forward to leg days! Also, I didn't use ANY weights. I have a goal of 24 miles this week and I was afraid that since today is my "rest" day for running that I might over exert the muscles I am trying to let heal. It was plenty hard without weights though, so, I don't really feel like I cheated :) But again, maybe that's why I liked it!

    I sincerely hope you enjoy every morsel of Chinese food and every sip of beer - that sounds so good right now I almost want to take the cauliflower crust pizza out of the oven and follow your lead! Temptress!

    Hope everyone has a happy start to their weekend. I am excited for Kenpo!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    I also like how it didn't repeat! LOL! I think I did pretty well with this one; however, I don't think I did as well at the abs than I did on Wednesday. Still better than Monday though. ;-)

    Kenpo today! I'm excited too!

    Who's going to do X Stretch on Sunday? Personally, I can't wait! I looooooove stretches!
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    Well done ladies, I have to admit, my legs are HURTING today and as I'm also doing C25K, I felt that my jog this morning was a little weaker than usual because of yesterday's work-out !! I won't be doing Kenpo until later this evening as I'm all showered and soon off out for the day.

    I also like the fact it didn't repeat - again, I used the band and tins of spaghetti lol.

    I'm not sure if I will do the stretch day or not - we won't have the boys Sun as my fella's Mum is looking after them for the day and so I intend to spend the day in a pub, supping pint after pint of beer !!!!

    P.S. Do we never do the Cardio DVD whilst doing "classic"?
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    Kempo - DONE deffo the most enjoyable today, although it shows how I have no coordination whatsoever !!!!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Kenpo was super fun!! I was a bit slower than them, though. :-) Great job on Week 1, gals! <3

    Oh and Leigh, I don't think we do... I think it's only used in the Doubles and Lean schedules.
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Week One DONE! The stretches felt soooo good. It's so long though, I can't see myself doing it every week.... hmm. We'll see.

    Starting over tomorrow! Week 2 already! <3

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Flowers for all of you!
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    I didn't do the stretch - what was it like?
    I am so thankful for my rest day (wasn't due a jog either) as I was in quite a lot of main in my buttocks / backs of my legs !!! It's eased off slightly now though.

    Again, I drank yesterday and am not feeling 100% but will still do the DVD tonight (after my jog) !! AGGHHHH.

  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Soooooo did everyone do Monday's repeat? I just finished! I get better at the abs every time! :D

    The stretch felt good... most of them have been in warm ups/cool downs and it was soooo long.

    Leigh, don't push yourself too hard!!! :flowerforyou: Flower for your hard work!

    EDIT: NEW THREAD FOR WEEK TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!