Pinks Pound droppers (aug challenge) [CLOSED GROUP]



  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    So happy, got back on track this week, managed to lose the 5 lbs. I put on last week plus 1 more. :happy:

    Goal Weight for Aug 31st: 154

    Aug 5th (starting weight): 157
    Aug 12th: don't remember, got down to 155, but then started going up again.
    Aug 19th: 160
    Aug 26th: 154
    Aug 31st (optional):
  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member
    Goal Weight for Aug 31st: 165
    Aug 5th (starting weight): 172
    Aug 12th: 172 ::sigh::
    Aug 19th: 171
    Aug 26th: 172
    Sept 2nd:

    I've lost 2 inches from my body this month but no weight. Hopefully, the number on the scale will follow soon.
  • alexa_image
    alexa_image Posts: 387 Member
    Goal Weight for Aug 31st: 157
    Aug 5th (starting weight): 164
    Aug 12th: 164 :(
    Aug 19th: 164 (no progresss at all, this is frustrating)
    Aug 26th: 164 (no progress again, don't understand)
    Aug 31st (optional):
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    Oh no... gained 2 pounds. Next month will be better!

    Goal Weight for Aug 31st: 123
    Aug 5th (starting weight): 126.8
    Aug 12th: 124.8
    Aug 19th: 124.4
    Aug 26th: 126.4
    Aug 31st:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Starting Weight: 214
    Goal Weight for Aug 31st: 205
    Aug 5th: 215.6
    Aug 12th: 211.8
    Aug 19th: 214.8
    Aug 26th: 210
    Aug 31st (optional):

    Very exicted
  • rjnandjosh
    rjnandjosh Posts: 168
    August 182
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Checking in at 184.5 this week . Lost half a pound !
  • kupcake50
    kupcake50 Posts: 89 Member
    Goal Weight for Aug 31st: 147

    Aug 5th (starting weight): 155
    Aug 12th: 155
    Aug 19th: 153
    Aug 26th: 154
    Aug 31st (optional):
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Goal Weight for Aug 31st: 156
    Aug 5th (starting weight): 160.4 - down 1.8 from the 1st :o)
    Aug 12th: 161.6 - up 1.2 but could have been so much worse.
    Aug 19th: 159.8-1.8 lbs down from last week :o)
    Aug 26th: 158.6 down another 1.2 yay!
    Aug 31st (optional):

    Thanks for the link for the siggy picture. My siggy is full atm, but as soon as the row challenge is over I'll add it x
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    Goal Weight for Aug 31st:175
    Aug 5th (starting weight):173 scale was off
    Aug 12th: 181(knew my scale was off )
    Aug 19th:176
    Aug 26th: 175
    Aug 31st (optional):

    Made my goal. Wish I would lose more. Tho
  • tsumpter
    tsumpter Posts: 491
    Goal Weight for Aug 31st: 175
    Aug 5th: (starting weight): 181.6
    Aug 12th: (gw: 179) (aw) 177.6
    Aug 19th: (gw 177) (aw) 175.8
    Aug 26th: (gw 175) (aw) 175.6
    Aug 31st
  • Goal Weight for Aug 31st: 170
    Aug 5th (starting weight): 176
    Aug 12th: 176
    Aug 19th: 177
    Aug 26th: 176
    Aug 31st (optional):
    'This is insane. I have had a really bad month trying to get motivated regarding exercise. I hope we can start fresh next month.
  • MrsD89
    MrsD89 Posts: 76 Member
    Goal Weight for Aug 31st: 175 lbs
    Aug 5th (starting weight): 179 lbs
    Aug 12th: 179 lbs
    Aug 19th: 180 lbs
    Aug 26th: 180 lbs
    Aug 31st (optional):

    This is definitely not going well :angry:
  • Hey guys,

    here is the most up to date table!!

    Some have you have done soooo well the month. Others have struggled like my self! Do you have any tips for us to help us keep motivated or n e thing else you would like to share? NSV's perhaps?

    Our biggest loser this month so far is lk149504! Well done!! an awesome 6.6 pounds!! :) xxxx

    Lets rick Septemeber!!! :)

    J xxxx

    _____ SW _____ 12-Aug _____ 19-Aug _____ 26-Aug _____ GW
    ak248902 _____ 126.8 _____ 124.8 _____ 124.4 _____ 126.4 _____ 123
    alexa_image _____ 164 _____ 164 _____ 164 _____ 164 _____ 157
    authson _____ 233.8 _____ 233 _____ 234.4 _____ 233 _____ 228
    CharlieJuliette _____ 132.5 _____ 131 _____ 130 _____ 130 _____ 128
    DebRives _____ 172 _____ 172 _____ 171 _____ 172 _____ 165
    djthom _____ 157 _____ 155 _____ 160 _____ 154 _____ 154
    glypta _____ 114.5 _____ 115 _____ 116 _____ 112 _____ 115
    ifiwasurvampire _____ 173 _____ 181 _____ 176 _____ 175 _____ 175
    Kate_UK _____ 160.4 _____ 161.6 _____ 159.8 _____ 158.6 _____ 156
    kris1085 _____ 188 _____ 186.5 _____ 185 _____ 184.5 _____ 183.5
    kupcake50 _____ 155 _____ 155 _____ 153 _____ 154 _____ 147
    Lauriek70 _____ 215.6 _____ 211.8 _____ 214.8 _____ 210 _____ 205
    leilaphoenix _____ 175.8 _____ 173 _____ 173.2 _____ ? _____ 169.9
    lina20 _____ 123.2 _____ 123.2 _____ 123.2 _____ ? _____ 114.4
    linsben _____ 156.5 _____ 155 _____ 153.5 _____ 151.6 _____ 145
    lk149504 _____ 187.3 _____ 186.2 _____ 183 _____ 180.7 _____ 180.8
    MissC05 _____ 179 _____ 179 _____ 180 _____ 180 _____ 179
    penny5 _____ 230 _____ 228.6 _____ 229.2 _____ ? _____ 220
    rachel871 _____ 154 _____ 155 _____ 154 _____ ? _____ 147
    rjnandjosh _____ 187 _____ 187 _____ 183 _____ 182 _____ 185
    sherrymo6 _____ 176 _____ 176 _____ 177 _____ 176 _____ 170
    sjodrum _____ 274.5 _____ 276 _____ 275.5 _____ ? _____ 269
    tbever _____ 188.5 _____ 188 _____ 188 _____ ? _____ 180
    tsumpter _____ 181.6 _____ 177.6 _____ 175.8 _____ 175.6 _____ 175
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx _____ 184.4 _____ 182.2 _____ 181.8 _____ 181.8 _____ 179.5
  • penny5
    penny5 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm sorry for the late update. I have been struggling with personal things and I haven't been focusing on MFP. I need to find my way back on here. My last weight was 231.8lbs. I'm up- to be expected since I haven't been logging my food and have barely exercised :frown:
  • tbever
    tbever Posts: 173 Member
    Mon 08/08/11 09:00 AMGoal Weight for Aug 31st: 180
    Aug 1st: 187.5
    Aug 5th: 188.5
    Aug 12th: 188
    Aug 19th: 188
    Aug 26th: 188 AGAIN!! I guess I should be glad I haven't gained??
    Aug 31st (optional):
  • tsumpter
    tsumpter Posts: 491
    I started out really good but the last 2 weeks it's like pulling teeth to get any loss.
  • sjodrum
    sjodrum Posts: 127 Member
    Yes, I am late too. It's probably because I don't really want to report my progress - sorry for not posting.

    Goal Weight for Aug 31st: 269
    Aug 1st: 277.0
    Aug 5th: 274.5
    Aug 12th: 276.0
    Aug 19th: 275.5
    Aug 26th: 278.0
    Aug 31st (optional):

    Total weight lost so far in August is -15 pound.
  • lina20
    lina20 Posts: 130 Member
    sorry,i've been away for few days.
    weigh in
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Goal Weight for Aug 31st: 169.9lb (I want to get into the 160s!!)
    Aug 1st (starting weight): 174.8lb
    Aug 5th:175.8lb
    Aug 12th: 173lb
    Aug 19th: 173.2lb
    Aug 26th: 173lb
    Aug 31st: