Under Calories? No Weightloss!? Here's why!



  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    And the whole blog post ends in an ad for the book the member wrote! Not impressed.

    HOLD THE HORSES! I didn't see that!

    Warning alarms go off in my head when someone gives unsubstantiated claims and then advertises something you pay for...


    First and foremost. I did not write the article. I simply found it incitful and wanted to share with other members.
    As with everything, It does not apply to everyone. To quote Johnnie Cochran, "If it doesn't apply, let it fly".

    FYI, I never take anyone advice for face value, I always believe it was my responsiblity to research the infomation. I would definitely cross reference the information that's important for you as oppose to looking for a plugger on a book. If it helps you, WHO CARES! RIGHT.

    These blogs and community post are here for us to help each other out. If you don't agree with something that you know to be wrong, then post your findings. Stop looking for confrontation. (This is for no one in particular, I'm just saying)
  • naisey
    naisey Posts: 6 Member
    My highest weight was 308. I lost 100 pounds by eating a HIGH carb diet. I eat bread, pasta, rice..all of it. I just stay under my calories and exercise. I tried a low carb diet and I felt like I was going to faint all the time and my breath stank. In the end you have to do what works for you. I gained about 30 pounds when I had my baby so I'm back to losing again. I have lost 15 pounds in 32 days eating plenty of carbs.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    These blogs and community post are here for us to help each other out. If you don't agree with something that you know to be wrong, then post your findings. Stop looking for confrontation. (This is for no one in particular, I'm just saying)

    I'm assuming this is for me. =)

    I have posted findings. I have posted studies. I've posted them so much that I've become sick of posting them over and over. The entire article that the guy wrote is pure broscience and it's not backed up by research.

    I have two links in my sig, and one of them is myths that have been debunked. Others have posted myths debunked as well.

    Just saying.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    let me clarify that i in no way eat a low carb diet. i keep my ratio to about 45 to 50% carbs. I love carbs, i just don't eat refined carbs. I tried a low carb diet once, lost 60 lbs and gained back more when i couldnt eat that way anymore. Secondly, everyone is different. Some people have body types that can tolerate lots of sugar and refined carbs and some don't. One size definitely does not fit when it comes to eating. What I am saying is if one way doesn't work for you, then try another way. Also, as just a side note, i never slave over my stove. i cook enough rice adn chicken to last me 3 to 4 days so i cook once a week. Granted, it's easy for me, i have no kids nor a husband ( just a boyfriend who is very understanding when i bring my own food to his house. lol)

    this is in no way low carb
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    Where do I begin? Should I even start in this discussion or just let it go?

    Mcrow we need the "Not this #@$! again" pic please. Ty. =)

    I'm not sure what you mean by this exactly but I think I know how you feel. I read one post then read another then went back to the first one and overall I guess I just need to/want to say. This is a journey, a lifestyle process for us all and what works for you may not for me and vice versa so as with other things in my life. Thank you for the topic...I take the good from this discussion and toss the bickering that doesn't help any one of us :)

    The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. - Unknown (taken from Positively Positive facebook page)

    I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day :)