C25K Quitter



  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I am so glad you completed this!!!!
  • Goalinsight
    Goalinsight Posts: 32 Member
    It was about this time that I moved over to c210k. The runs are shorter, the walks/recovery are longer but you're working out for 2x as long. Once I switched, I actually started to LOVE it. (I couldn't handle the increases of c25k, but I ROCKED c210k!)

    Hi - do you have a link to C210k? Sounds really interesting. Thanks!
  • lindsyrox
    lindsyrox Posts: 257 Member
    Its hard, but just don't give yourself the option. Get out there and try. I was doing C25k (not sure what week it was) but it was something like a 10 or 20 minute STRAIGHT THROUGH run and i told my husband there was no way, no way i could do it, i should just go back and do the previous week again because i CANT run that long, and he said just do it, quit thinking and just do it. so i did, and you know what, after i started i kept going and even though it was hard i DID IT! and i was SO proud afterwards since i just KNEW there was no way i was going to be able to.

    SO, like nike says, JUST DO IT! you might surprise yourself :)

    and if time is an issue, that's just an excuse, I'm sure you can fit 30 minutes into your afternoon, figure its dish washing time and you'll just wash the dishes tomorrow, or laundry or whatever menial chore you're using as and excuse, get out there and DO IT!
  • duqtape
    duqtape Posts: 121 Member
    On those days, I start by putting on my favorite running clothes and my shoes. It usually seems to help. Then I tell myself, if I do my warm-up, I can go home. Usually by then, I'm into it. But sometimes, I have to say, 2 intervals, then I can go home. And so on. Sometimes, I go home. Usually, I don't. The think about running is it's a journey, and some days you just don't feel like it. Sometimes, you go home halfway through. Usually, by the next run all is better. Don't beat yourself up for missing, just focus on the next day and think about the feeling you get from running and how proud of yourself you are at the end of a workout, no matter the length.