Sooooo tired of drinking water



  • I haven't had a soda since Feburary, but it is still hard sometimes not to reach for one. My husband drinks Mt. Dews like they are water. When I first wanted to quit drinking sodas I found a drink called Fuze. They have some that only have a total of 10 calories in each one. They are really good and come in different flavors. I haven't had any of that in a while either. I just drink water and 1% milk now. I really like the walmart brand cherry drink mix. Hope that helps. You can do it!!
  • I personaly dont like the taste.. or lack of taste from water,
    but when I stick a bottle of water in the freezer for a few minutes It tends to not be as bad, and drinking cold water burns more carbs because your body has to work to maintain a normal temperature