Ice Cream Craving!!



  • Low fat graham crackers, fat free Cool Whip. Spread Cool Whip on one graham cracker, top with second graham cracker, wrap in plastic wrap and freeze. Like an ice cream sandwich.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Greek yogurt with fruit (sliced strawberries) is OFF THE CHAIN!!!! ("Off the Chain" means very good or in this case, incredibly delicious)

    This, big time. Having a Vanilla Chobani tonight with a diced up white nectarine :smokin:
  • Judas_Queen
    Judas_Queen Posts: 251 Member
    Low fat/fat free (preferably) yogurt in single pots.. 110g usually...

    take off lid.. pop a lollipop stick in the yogurt... put in the freezer!

    Tasty and easy frozen yogurt.. pretty much icecream too! YUM!!!!!
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member

    I don't know where you are but in the UK there isa product called worthenshaws freedom (from dragons den). It is a frozen dessert not allowed to call it ice cream as it has no dairy. There is strawberry (yummy) vanilla (ok) and chocolate (never tried). It has 79 cals for 100mls.

    Use it like ice-cream.

  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    I get a 1 ltr tub of ice cream and with a knife divide it into portions (just score the top) - I then know I can have 1 portion... So 1/8th of the tubs I like is 135cal... :)