How much water is enough?

Please respond with:

A. How much do you drink daily?
B. How much do you feel is enough to fuel your weight loss?
C. Do you feel a difference if you don't drink enough?

I'm interested in everyone's opinions and experiences...and will use the answers on an upcoming blog post.


  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    A) Varies depending on activity, level of sodium intake, anything else I'm drinking.
    B) I drink enough to keep myself feeling hydrated.
    C) If I don't drink enough, I feel dehydrated, under perform whilst running and generally feel bad.

    I ignore the "8 cups" rule as it's a ridiculous generalisation.
  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    A. I drink 114 oz at a minimum each day
    B. Drinking the amount above has helped fuel my weight loss bc when I started and didn't drink as much the weight loss was slower.
    C. If I don't drink enough I definitely feel "blah" especially if I had more sodium than usual for that day. It flushes a lot out so it makes me feel better!
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member

    How much you drink daily - 8 - 12 vending size cups, depending on how much I exercise
    B. How much do you feel is enough to fuel your weight loss. - at least 8, to counter any 'accidental' salt and therefore water retention
    C. Do you feel a difference if you don't drink enough? - sluggish, tired, and unable to exercise well

    (I do find it difficult, it is duller than diet drinks - but much better for you) - good luck!
  • A. I drink around 120 oz. or more per day. Depends on my activity level.
    B. My rule of thumb has always been 1/2 my body weight in ounces.
    C. I feel a difference depending on my activity level and the type of food or other drinks I put in my system. If there is more sodium intake, I'll definitely feel it and have to flush it out.
  • editara13
    editara13 Posts: 384 Member
    I drink a gallon per day and it keeps me wanna workout 24/7 ..............

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  • fb1960
    fb1960 Posts: 23
    I sooo agree on the generalization of 8 cups!
  • jodieh06
    jodieh06 Posts: 49
    Drink around 3 cups of water, plus about 2 cups for every 30 minutes of exercise i do.
    Drinking water after exercise makes me recover faster, plus generally stops me feeling hungry and constantly snacking.
    I used to drink relatively nothing, and totally feel the difference.
  • kseltzer
    kseltzer Posts: 214 Member
    Tue 08/09/11 05:28 PM
    A. I drink roughly 128 oz each day
    B. I feel that I am on a plateau at the moment, so hard to answer, but definitely h2o fueled a jump start to the weight loss.
    C. Drinking that amount helps me to feel hydrated, my skin feels nourished, and allows me to workout and train for a half marathon...if I don't drink enough I wake up in the middle of the night with cotton mouth!! Then I have to get up and have a small glass of water...I try not to let that happen!!
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    A. How much do you drink daily? 6-10 cups a day (sometimes more, depends what i'm doing)
    B. How much do you feel is enough to fuel your weight loss? I honestly have no idea!
    C. Do you feel a difference if you don't drink enough? Yes, I suffer from IBS - so water is very important. If I don't have water I start to get headaches and feel sick in the tummy!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    A. 100 - 140 ounces. Otherwise, I feel thirsty when I go to bed, and then I drink a ton before I go to sleep, and then I wake up to pee like 123098120938120938 times during the night.
    B. I noticed that the less I drank, the more I retained. When I was shooting for 8-10 glasses a day, I was still putting on weight, even though I was eating substantially (felt satisfied, full of energy) at 1500+ calories per day. When I upped it to 12-14 glasses per day, the weight has been melting off since.
    C. Like I said in A, if I don't drink enough, I am thirsty at bedtime, and I can't sleep because of it. I also get incredibly thirsty throughout the day. Nothing quenches it but water, so I drink it.
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    A. How much do you drink daily? Approx 6 vending cups pure water + water in 3 cups of tea + 1 coffee per day so 10 in total.
    B. How much do you feel is enough to fuel your weight loss? no idea but I always drink more water when losing weight purely because often people think they're hungry when they are actually just dehydrated so I always drink a cup before any meal and if I feel hungry.
    C. Do you feel a difference if you don't drink enough? yes, if don't drink enough fluids I will feel more tired and dehydrated and it can affect my concentration. If I ever have a headache, I always drink a few glasses of water and eat something before reaching for the aspirin as so often headaches are just due to being dehydrated.