30 Day Shred Group- August (Part 2)



  • michaelachallis
    michaelachallis Posts: 137 Member
    i'm 10 days in so i guess i qualify for the group haha, starting level2 tomorrow! I am pretty sick of level 1 at this point but i know level 2 will kick my *kitten*.
  • michaelachallis
    michaelachallis Posts: 137 Member
    Just took before and during pics. Don't see much of a change myself :( bf says he sees it, but even he couldn't convincingly point it out to me.

    I keep on downing myself and saying stuff like "probably my clothes diff and the way I'm standing". Sigh.

    I think I'll do ripped in 30 and 30DS together in Sept.

    keen to do ripped in 30 alongside 30DS in sept also!
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    I'm done, I'm done, woot! woot! I'm done!! :happy:

    That's right, 30 days complete! I went straight through, no skipped days and generally I followed Natalie throughout the full 30 days.

    I'm going to play for the next 6 days before starting again on the first. I lost 5 inches, not as much weight as I would have liked, but that was my own issue, I didn't eat as well as I should have... :blushing:

    ROCK ON!!! :tongue:

    Way to go!!! That is such an accomplishment. Are you following Jillian's eating plan too? I can't follow Natalie all the time,but haven't missed a day yet. 5 days to go.... I think I will do 30DS again and then move on to something else.

    I haven't lost any weight since starting. I am trying to stay motivated by how much better I feel and the muscle I can feel under the fat. I'm waiting to do measurements until the last day. There have been a few days off on eating, but nothing terrible. So I'm not sure what the problem is there. I may need to do some kind of reboot for my system to get the weight to start coming off.

    I haven't followed her diet plan, but I think I'm going to in the month of September. Are you following it? and if so, what do you think, give me a little food preview. Although I would have liked a weight loss, I feel so energized and ADL's are so much easier to do!

    I'm not following her plan, so I can't help you there. I went on the website last night to check it out - but I'm not interested in paying per week right now. I've even considered weight watchers to try a different approach. Not sure what to do yet....

    So far (these past 5 weeks) I've cut sugar to 25gm/day and gave up diet pop and kept my calories between 1200 and 1400 - with my average calorie burn per day being 600. Despite feeling stronger, I can't drop the pounds.

    Let me know what you think of her food plan if you go that route!
  • bump
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    L3D4 done today with 8 pound weights. except for the cardio part with weights in which i use 5 pounders. this is still my fave level, although today seemed a little tougher for me....just one of those days. i was able to do the advance version on everything yay!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member

    I'm not following her plan, so I can't help you there. I went on the website last night to check it out - but I'm not interested in paying per week right now. I've even considered weight watchers to try a different approach. Not sure what to do yet....

    So far (these past 5 weeks) I've cut sugar to 25gm/day and gave up diet pop and kept my calories between 1200 and 1400 - with my average calorie burn per day being 600. Despite feeling stronger, I can't drop the pounds.

    Let me know what you think of her food plan if you go that route!

    Didn't your DVD come with a slip for a 30 day free trial? I brought the slip upstairs to the computer so I remember to check it out this weekend. I did WW, and I'm kind of doing that while doing this. What got me to actually lose weight was the 17 Day Diet, but I'm having trouble getting motivated to do it again. Last time I was motivated because I was going on a cruise, right now, I have nothing big to push me...
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Because I have a few days until I start all over again, I'm just randomly drawing numbers as to what level to do. Today - Level 1, but with a heavier weight. To be honest, I was pretty surprised how easy it was, despite the heavier load. And because it wasn't a challenge that was hard, how actually FUN it was to do. :laugh:

    ROCK ON!!! :tongue:
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43

    Didn't your DVD come with a slip for a 30 day free trial? I brought the slip upstairs to the computer so I remember to check it out this weekend. I did WW, and I'm kind of doing that while doing this. What got me to actually lose weight was the 17 Day Diet, but I'm having trouble getting motivated to do it again. Last time I was motivated because I was going on a cruise, right now, I have nothing big to push me...

    Yes, it did. But I am always nervous when you have to put in your credit card info and then it will charge automatically after 30 days. Not sure yet if I want to do this. I know how events can motivate you - I've got a few things on the calendar for this fall. Maybe you need to plan a trip. :wink:
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member

    Didn't your DVD come with a slip for a 30 day free trial? I brought the slip upstairs to the computer so I remember to check it out this weekend. I did WW, and I'm kind of doing that while doing this. What got me to actually lose weight was the 17 Day Diet, but I'm having trouble getting motivated to do it again. Last time I was motivated because I was going on a cruise, right now, I have nothing big to push me...

    Yes, it did. But I am always nervous when you have to put in your credit card info and then it will charge automatically after 30 days. Not sure yet if I want to do this. I know how events can motivate you - I've got a few things on the calendar for this fall. Maybe you need to plan a trip. :wink:

    Figures there would be "a catch". The majority of people forget that it's their responsibility to cancel after the "free" trial period... Since that's the case, I better decide to get serious about 17DD or SOME other program!
  • Ceceamanda
    Ceceamanda Posts: 91 Member
    I'm transitioning to doing Ripped fully now and 30ds only as extra on days I find time right now. But thought I'd share that even though I didn't shred as many pounds as hoped with 30ds this time I did shred away about 7 inches total from my body so I cannot complain...as much as I had been before. It actually could be more than that because I didn't take my first measurements until August 8th but I had started the Shred on the 1st.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    L3D6 complete: now I need motivation to clean.... and eat dinner...lol
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    I will be doing the last day of Level 1 today. I am doing 6 week to a 6 pack as well. I have noticed a change in my stomach and it gives me more motivation to keep going
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    L3D7 complete..... Wishing this was over.... I am not a fan of level 3. I have gained some weight and still my waist is not smaller. I will take measurements in 3 days...:grumble:
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    L3D7 complete..... Wishing this was over.... I am not a fan of level 3. I have gained some weight and still my waist is not smaller. I will take measurements in 3 days...:grumble:

    Exact same problem....I HATE level 3. I do not burn as much and the strength parts are really hard. Just finished day 7. Scale is up these last few days, too. But I did have this same problem with level 1 and it eventually sorted itself out.
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    I did Level 2 today. Went heavier on the weights for all the moves but the military presses (I have problems balancing on one leg!)

    Stick with it everyone, the end is almost in sight!

    ROCK ON!!!! :tongue:
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    L3D5 done yesterday (friday) I was so close to skipping it, cause a friend came over with a bottle...but i went in the other room and worked out while he got a head start on drinking lol...soooooo glad i didnt sip it...cause today...well thats a different story..

    L3D6 sipped today
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    L3D5 done yesterday (friday) I was so close to skipping it, cause a friend came over with a bottle...but i went in the other room and worked out while he got a head start on drinking lol...soooooo glad i didnt sip it...cause today...well thats a different story..

    L3D6 sipped today
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    D7 L1
    I am amazed, but I am finding it slightly easier. Yesterday I only stopped once or twice (and when I mean stop it's usually during the jumping jacks or skipping and I'll do the arms but just walk for a second or two). Well, yesterday was the best I manged so far, so I'm pleased about that. In the beginning, I honestly never thought I would get to the point of finding it ok-ish. I thought it would always be hellish, but I think I'm getting there! :smile:
  • AiJahya
    AiJahya Posts: 84 Member
    L2D5 but decided to do L3 because I was bored with L2. Kicked my butt, but it felt good to be able to make it through it! I had to do some of the modifications, but considering I would've thrown up half way through it a year ago, I feel like I'm doing pretty good.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    L3D8 complete: Did we lose some people on this thread?

    I actually feel like I got a good workout in today..... I can now get through the workout without stopping except for the sumo jumps (they really hurt my knees) but I work through them. I hope I have build up some of my stamina because I want to do the C25K. I will also work on some of the strength from the video a few days a week. Then after C25K I am going to do the 30 DS again and try not to do any of the modified ways...... So far this is my plan.:wink: