addicted to soda trying to stop drinking it



  • Sagelit
    Sagelit Posts: 78
    Diet Dr. Pepper is pretty awesome too, if you have to drink a pop type drink. I replaced mine with peppermint tea.
  • jess213tx
    jess213tx Posts: 85 Member
    It took me a couple of weeks to wean myself off of soda. Cut yourself down to one a day, then half a can a day, until you don't need it anymore!

    In the past, I've given it up but as soon as I allowed myself a soda with dinner or lunch I'd be back on the wagon for another few months. What keeps me from weakening again is, I know I'll never lose my belly fat if I keep drinking sugary drinks (even fake sugar drinks, like diet soda).

    I forget which supermodel said this but, this qoute has always stuck in my head,"Nothing tastes as good as being skinny". So when I want a Dr. Pepper I remind myself that it's not going to taste as good as reaching my goal. Good luck!
  • Research what soda does to your body, the effects that it has. Diet soda is even worse for you then regular soda, if just the fact that your kind of putting poor fuel into your body isn't enough then try rewarding yourself or try using mixes with water so that you can get the sweet w/o all the artificial sugar or calories.